Commentary on Valiant (ep 1.02 of Merlin)

Sep 21, 2011 22:29

In the first two minutes, we have met the evil protagonist of this episode.  Valiant is more vile than noble and he is probably worse than the dodgy man he gets the shield from in the first place.  Between the setting, the snakes, and the grubby look of the man selling the shield, my skin was crawling before the title credits even ran.

Right after credits, we get Colin looking all adorable and getting thrashed by Arthur. But he does get praise from Arthur that he lasted more than one blow.  And he asks about Merlin's mace work:D

Love it when Gaius says Arthur's under a lot of pressure and Merlin says "that makes two of us".

Hilarious scene when Merlin gets a lesson on armor from Gwen.

Still sort of fumbling when putting Arthur's armour on.  Forgot Arthur's sword. Arthur still clearly not keen on having Merlin as his servent.  Arthur seems to be a happy puppy serving Arthur though.

Uther says "I trust you will make me proud" and Arthur looks tense -- letting us know that he is under a lot of pressure to not come out looking like a coward.

We see Merlin cheering Arthur on, clearly delighted that Arthur is doing well.

Andreas Petrides with the two swords cracks me up.

Merlin expresses concern about Valiant.  Valiant congrats Arthur.  Merlin says "creep" and Arthur laughs and then Merlin laughs.  Arthur gets a hold of himself and gives Merlin a list of chores.  Love this moment because it's the first time we really see the beginning of the banter/connection between them.

Merlin encounters the snakes on the shield.  Creepy!  He sees the painting blink and hears the hissing and then a sword is pointing at him.   Still fumbling and tripping.

Next scene, Merlin is in front of Arthur with all the stuff clean.  He impresses Arthur.  Then cheers Arthur in the tournament again, from behind the wall (still).  But very cute.

Finally we see Valiant use the snakes.  Gaius find the snake bite.  Merlin asks how it could be a snake bite.  Merlin makes a connection and gathers himself up for recon.   Bold and brave, he sees Valiant feed the snakes mice.

Wants to tell Arthur, but he has no proof.  Gaius tells Merlin he can't do anything because he's a servant.  Merlin does not like this one bit (and damn if he doesn't look adorable with that look on his face).

More fighting.  Merlin reaches the conclusion that Valiant will kill Arthur in the final.  Gaius says if they can cure Ewan, Ewan can testify and they can expose Valiant.  Merlin runs off to take care of the problem.  Bold and courageous.  In contrast to slimey sleazy Valiant who Uther is completely charmed by and thinks he wants more knights like. Merlin cuts off a snake's head and Merlin goes to tell Arthur the news.  Gaius confirms Merlin's courage and Merlin is chuffed.  Arthur is completely unconvinced about Merlin's news.

Merlin convinces Arthur that he's telling the truth.  Arthur takes his word for it and believes him and Merlin is quite happy.

Gaius cures Ewan and Ewan is talking about snakes.  Arthur talks trash to Uther about Valiant; Merlin presents the serpent's head.  But they have a problem because Ewan dies.  Arthur realizes he's trapped.  He uses Merlin's word and Uther doesn't buy it.  Uther has the guards grab Merlin and Valiant says, "wait".  Uther makes Valiant look noble and Arthur cowardly.  Fine acting on everyone's part here.

Poor Arthur.  He believed and trusted Merlin and he feels humiliated.  Merlin thinks he's still working for Arthur, and Arthur sacks him:(  Both men are upset.

Merlin goes to talk to the dragon (of course).  He wants to tell the dragon he's got the wrong person.  Merlin thinks his destiny is not to work with Arthur.  "If only it were easy to escape one's destiny."  "The half cannot hate that which makes it whole".  Reassurance that this is not the end, but the beginning.  (God do I love the dragon.)

Merlin is desolute on the steps and Gwen looks to him for help.  Merlin wants to know why it's up to him and how he would do it.  Then he sees the dog statue and gets an idea and completely perks up (and how cute is he all perked up?:))

Works on dog statue.  Looks through amazing book that the art department cooked up.

Morgana has a bad dream!  Already in the second ep, she's having bad dreams (I believe she had a sleeping draught in the first ep, but we didn't see it).

Love watching Merlin get completely frustrated after trying over and over.  He goes back to Arthur to tell him to pull out.  Merlin is all logic; Arthur is all duty.  Duty wins.

Half asleep, with frosty breath(?), Merlin is still trying to get the spell to work.

Morgana gets Arthur prepared.  Tells him to be careful.  He says "see you at the feast".

Back to Merlin, who is completely excited that he turned the stone dog into a real animal.  Tells Gaius he'll deal with his room later.

Runs (!) to tournament field.  Tries to figure out when he can say his spell.  Helmets come off.  Finally, after tense fighting, Merlin gets the snakes to come out.  Valiant tells the snakes to kill Arthur, and he turns around and gets a sword from Morgana, chops the heads off the snakes, and then kills Valiant.  Shew.

Merlin happy, Arthur relieved, Morgana happy, Gwen relieved. Uther relieved.  Arthur chucks Merlin on the shoulder.

Morgana and Arthur talk about the ending. Arthur makes a great face when they talk about Valiant not being champion material.   Morgana says "it's not every day a girl gets to save her prince" and Arthur says, "I wouldn't say I needed exactly saving" I'm sure I would have thought of something.  So you're too proud to admit that you were saved by a girl "because I wasn't".  Morgana then wishes Valiant had won.

Then Arthur complains to Merlin (Merlin!) that Morgana saved him, like he needed any help.  He apologizes to Merlin and says it was unfair to sack him.  Merlin suggests he could buy him a drink and Arthur says it's not proper to drink with the servants and then says he's rehiring Merlin and goes on with a list of things that Merlin needs to do.
In other news, I made a pillowcase today.  I cooked some food and ran some errands and did some walking too.  Nice low key day.  I hope to make two pillowcases tomorrow.  Maybe I will post pictures after I finish them.

ETA: if someone can tell me how to get the font right for posting to merlinxarthur, I would appreciate it.  Twice now I've posted from my browser and they've complained about the font.  *sob* I don't have any idea what I'm doing wrong as it looks to me like I'm using the default LJ provides?

ETA2: I think I've got it figured out.  We'll see if they complain again.  Using the raw HTML box seems to be the answer.

commentary, rewatch, merlin, 1.02, comments

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