Busy day

Aug 13, 2011 18:54

Got up before 8 (yay.  Go me.)
Mowed the lawn.
Ate home made ice cream.
Packaged up a shirt to return, mailed it, and went to library.
Ate lunch.
Put away some clean bedding.
Started two loads of laundry.
Cleaned the tub.
Cooked lamb sausages, okra, green beans with lemon cream sauce, and noodles.
Now I will put away the two loads of laundry.
And I still have to pick up my friends at the airport in a couple hours.

Productive day!

ETA: anyone want to talk about 3.11, The Sorcerer's Shadow?  Harry Melling makes Colin Morgan look like an old man.  I was really impressed with Melling's acting in this ep.  Ugh.  The story is heartbreaking on so many levels.

merlin3.11, rewatch, merlin, a day, productive day

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