Aug 12, 2011 10:17

So, I went for an MRI/MRA this morning.  For some reason, I woke up at 5 and never really got back to sleep.  Off to a rousing start.  DD2 came in at 5:40 saying she had a nightmare.  We snuggled for a moment in front of the computer, she went to the bathroom, and happily went back to bed.  (Apparently she didn't get up until around 9.)

So, I left the house around 6:45 thinking I had plenty of time to get where I needed to go, but I had misunderstood where the facility was and after two phone calls and almost 40 minutes of driving, I made it there.  Luckily, I had most of the paperwork done ahead of time.  Shew.

Got in to the machine probably at 7:45 and was then tortured for the next hour.  Ugh.  I am not claustrophobic, so that bit didn't bother me at all.  However, being unable to move my head for more than an hour, especially given that it was sitting on a hard metal surface, was awful.  Plus, my earplugs, while good at reducing noise, hurt to wear.  So, there were times when I had a headache from the MRI, my ears were hurting from the earplugs, and the back of my head was hurting.  I felt so whiny.  And I wanted a drink.  The tech was very sympathetic.  She was very sweet and told me at one point when I was whining about having a drink to move my arms and legs.  That did help some.  Unfortunately I could not listen to anything because they were scanning my head.  And it wasn't relaxing.  I couldn't have fallen asleep if I had tried (I did sort of try).

So, um, that's me.  I hope the scans look totally normal and clear and the dizziness just clears up all on its own.  Maybe I'll manage a nap today.  That would be most excellent.

In other news, I want to hear about the Merlin panel at that Empire screening.  I will be looking for reports of it later.

personal, merlin, mri, health

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