Been busy

Feb 13, 2011 22:36

Yesterday started off bright and early and we went to the Farmer's market for apples.  Just before we left, I got an email asking if we could babysit a friend's kids at 11.  So, we went and got apples and came home and I called said friend to let her know we were home.  DH actually watched all five kids while I went out for a religious experience.  Came home five minutes before kids got picked up and then I helped dh replace a window.  This is much easier than actually installing a new window.  Then I laid around a bunch and felt sorry for myself because I was having awful cramps.  I actually dozed off.

Slept horribly.  Got up around 7:30 this morning and was drinking a Coke before 9.  The three Advil I took at 8 didn't seem to be kicking in, so I thought adding caffeine and corn syrup might help too.  It did.  Eventually.  Which was good because I went to the grocery store at 9.  At 10, I took the kids to Sunday school.  Came home and cooked a chicken dish (which I didn't eat, but needed to cook for later).  Ran out the door to an Italian meetup, which was lots of fun.  I got served lunch at the time I had been planning to leave (oops), so I was running late to get home and get to the family dance on time, but we were still in good time for DD1 and DH to dance.  I was too pooped to dance and DD2 never dances.  We came home and they finished playing some game while I sat around and dealt with some email and other computery stuff I had to do.  Then I fixed up a salad dressing and got pepperoni out for DD2 to eat for dinner.  Ate the last quarter of my sandwich from lunch and salad.  Then I actually cleaned up in the kitchen a bit and got DD2 to bed.  Folded laundry and watched a bit of Bread and Tulips, which is a kind of offbeat funny Italian movie.  I got too tired watching it and switched to Merlin for a bit.  Now I'm switching to a book for a few minutes and hope to be asleep soon.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is enjoying warm weather.
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