I nevr update any more

Nov 14, 2010 22:04

I'm still here.  I'm fine.  I have just been spending less time on the computer and more time sewing:)  Plus, life is busy.  I have something going on every afternoon this upcoming week and the last two weeks have only had free afternoons on Fridays.  I guess I'm just not finding myself with much to say of late.

Anyone up for a conversation about quilting?:D  I took a machine quilting class yesterday from 10-4 that was very relaxed and I learned a lot.  I was very happy with it.

I feel like the rest of life is just not that interesting at the moment.  I take a kid to school, bring the other one home for three hours, then I actually take her to school, do something for three hours, then pick kids up.

Oh, anyone know of good movies coming up or recently out that I could take my girls to see on Thanksgiving morning?  I did that last year with DD2 and we had a great time.  I'd like to do it again.

life, movies, update

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