In direct contrast to yesterday

Nov 10, 2009 22:05

Today was frantic.

I dropped DD1 off at school, turned around came home only to head back out the door twenty minutes later to work at the preschool.  Worked there three hours.  Came home for 40 minutes and went to library to listen to a woman talk and sing.  It was very interesting and DD2 was actually quite well behaved for a 4 year old.  She was especially good when the woman was singing:)  Came home for 45 minutes and then turned around and picked up DD1.

The girls watched some Max and Ruby and I cleaned up in the kitchen and cooked the rest of the sausage meat from the other day.  I fixed up a salad and dredged up the leftover squash and cauliflower.  That was dinner.  After dinner I cleaned up and ran the dishwasher, put away a load of white laundry while watching the latest episode of Castle, reconciled two months worth of bank statements and the last credit card bill, and watched the latest installment of The Guild.

Now I am going to go collapse.

busy day, (not) wimpy mommy

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