Quick update

Nov 08, 2009 21:56

I'm alive.  Life is good.

We had the in-laws here from M-Friday last week and we made a doll, went ice skating, and went to a movie and out to dinner, among other things.  Those were the biggies.  In-laws left Friday afternoon.  DH and I went dancing Friday night.  Yesterday was dh's birthday.  It was pretty low key day.  I went to the grocery store for some things and dh made himself a chocolate layer cake with the girls.  I folded laundry and watched Bones.  I made lamb chops and squash and dh made carrots and we had salad too.  It was a lovely dinner.

Today I went to a different grocery store and got non-foods:)  I cooked some Italian sausages and we all went to the family dance.  I think everyone had a good time.  On the way home I picked up my roll of 18 inch wide butcher paper from a friend.  We ate dinner, the kids played, I zoned out, and then we put the kids to bed.  I cleaned up in the kitchen and now I'm going to go climb into my womb warm bed.

mellow weekend

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