I wasn't going to post

Aug 10, 2009 21:35

I wasn't going to post, but then I realized it's been a while and I should post because otherwise what, really, is the point?

We went on a family trip up to NY from July 30-Aug 6.  I did all the driving.  I'm still kind of wiped from driving 10 hours on Thursday, but it was a good trip and worth it.  We got to see friends and revisit old happy places and the girls got in lots of quality time with my parents and I had some nice visiting time with SIL and my brother and niece.

Since we've been home, dh and I went dancing on Friday night and that was great fun.  Good band; acceptable caller.  On Saturday I mowed while everyone else went to the Farmer's market.  I was afraid it was going to rain and the lawn was in serious need of mowing.  Sat afternoon I took the girls to an ice cream social for DD2's preschool.  I was going to take both girls to the library, but DD2 wanted to go home instead, so I just took DD1.  That is always nice, to have time with her alone.

Sunday I must have done something, but I really don't remember what.  We took it easy.

I've done some cooking, mostly easy stuff but I did make thai grilled chicken today.  Yum.

Today we had windows installed, so I attempted to be gone a good portion of the day.  I took the girls to the paint store so we could pick out paint chips to bring home.  DH has suggested that we could paint our sunroom a different color.  I'm getting excited about that.  I was thinking a green would be nice to tie the room to the green backyard:)

We attempted to find a furniture store I drove by a while back, but couldn't locate it.  We went out for pizza with a coupon and then I took the girls to the grocery store.  I ate some lunch and attempted to clean up and then it turned out the window guys were done (inside) for the day, so we just stayed home the rest of  the day.

My period started today and I am still tired from the trip and lack of sleep since I've gotten home.  And I think the fumes might be making me woozy.

So, that's about it from me.  We are home until Sunday when we head off to the woods for a week of singing and dancing!
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