An accounting of my day, by the hours

Apr 27, 2009 18:04

6:45: wake up and race out of bed to tear off DD2's diaper and plop her on potty
7: plop her in tub to wash her off since I was a little late tearing diaper off.
7:08: hop in shower
7:50: get girls on skype to talk with my mom
8:15: leave house with both girls walking
8:45: arrive home, attempt to skype but don't have time, attempt to read to DD2, but her ride arrives
9: call dh
9:20: go to grocery store
10:20: arrive home and put groceries away; start boiling water; fold laundry and watch Firefly
11:25: race out door to DD2's preschool "tea"
12:15: leave preschool, drop neighbor off, race in, read DD2 a book, race out and pick up DD1
1: arrive home and watch the truck pour cement for the new foundation next door
1:45: skype with mom again
2:08: race out door to drop girls off at friend's house
2:15: come home, get sausage ready for dinner and empty dishwasher (and finish watching Firefly)
4:05: race out to get girls
4:25: drive to library
4:38: arrive home and dash around to try to find video; fail and put on Blue's Clues instead, cook dinner (sausages, millet, broccoli, and lentils)
6: sit down and eat dinner

Still to do: go to Home Depot for paint remover for dh and go to dentist and put DD2 to bed. Unfortunately I'm ready for bed already!

And oh, did I mention that it's like 95 degrees and I'm sweltering? I turned the a/c on the other day despite the fact that I usually try to hold out until after Memorial Day.

And my throat is a little sore and I'm paranoid that I have the Swine Flu although that's completely impossible.

busy busy busy

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