Dec 20, 2008 20:54
We took the girls to the beach and they were exhausted. DD2 fell asleep on the way there, so that was good because she only slept about 20 minutes and was energetic for the rest of the day but still had no problem falling asleep.
DD1 was whining as we were walking around looking at an elegantly decorated house that she was just so sleepy and she just wanted to go to bed. By the time we got her home and jammied, she was a little perkier and demanded that my mom finish reading the story she had started earlier. I offered to finish it and she said that was ok. I read to both of them, tucked them, and walked away. I think they were asleep in minutes. They are so cute, tucked into my parents' bed with a pile full of stuffed animals between them:) DD1 said she liked sleeping with DD2 last night because DD2 was warm (when she put her feet on her little sister, LOL!).
Last night they were in the same room with me and DD2 had a coughing fit that kept waking me up right after I had fallen asleep. I was a little annoyed:P
DD2 seems to have mastered the potty during the day. She's definitely got the peeing down. We'll see about the pooping. I am confident that will be figured out by the end of the year. It's just awesome not to be changing diapers any more! What a nice Christmas gift:)
I am not reading every entry right now, so if I miss something big, let me know on one of my entries.
~~Sending warm healthy sun kissed vibes to everyone~~
potty training