(Not terribly) thinky thoughts

Nov 08, 2008 21:24

We went to services this morning and I found it incredibly interesting.  The theme for today was broken parts and healing; to me, there is an auxillary part which is resistance.  I don't quite know how it all fits together, but it does all seem related.  I was talking with someone earlier in the week about how my mornings suck with DD1 because she just fights me the whole way and it was pointed out that she learned resistance from somewhere (which would be me (and her father)).

It got me to thinking about why I resist things (actually, I've been thinking about this since I saw that French Professor last week).  I don't know that I could stand up to a country/army/whathaveyou, but dh and I do stand up to mainstream culture.  Does it make my life easier?  No.  But I do believe I live a richer, more fulfilling, more satisfying life.  And a healthier one too.  DD1 has been complaining lately about being the shortest kid in her class.  My complaint about myself right now would be, why do I have to be so weird:P  LOL.

I had brought the lobster quilt to the services today and was showing it to someone who was talking about how quilting is a perfect example of how broken pieces come together in a healing way.  Some day I will make a true scrap quilt and it will be a mending.  But I would like to figure out what part resistance has in healing.  Any ideas?

In more mundane matters, my day started with DD1 saying that her legs were shaky and she couldn't walk.  Um, yes, I freaked out a little (but kept that inside).  I don't know what the deal was, but she was over it and she did just fine the rest of the day.  I think maybe she hasn't been eating nutritiously and that didn't help.

I can't remember if I talked about how she was buying stuff in the cafeteria that she wasn't authorized to buy, but I have since discovered that I can send her with money and she can have a balance of zero on her card.  I think that's what we'll do.  She has no idea that the stuff costs money if she doesn't see money.

I have decided it is time to get my butt in gear and I'm exercising a little bit now.  My plan is to do yoga once a week (at home) and walk twice a week plus dance.  I walked and danced, but haven't done yoga yet.  I might try to squeak some in tomorrow, otherwise it will have to wait until Wed -- or Friday.  Oops.  Maybe I can do it one evening after DD2 goes to bed.

Oh, and I've been watching movies. It's funny to have Genghis Blues swirling around with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (which is like a more palatable Memento, if you ask me.).  I had no idea that Elija Wood was in that movie.  Or  Kate Winslet who was in something else I just saw and so totally different.  You all can pass on Anna and the King.

dd1, movies, thinking thoughts, exercise, lunches

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