Random stuff

Sep 13, 2008 20:23

I managed some tidying today.  Cooked creamed corn.  That's about it.  Oh, and did a few tasks on the computer I had been putting off (paid bills, reconciled some statements, updated preschool webpage...).  Plus we went to our monthly religious service this morning.

At dinner, DD1 was sitting in front of her french toast and I hear her say "delicious, nutritious, not moldy or stale".  LOL!  She's quoting from a song, but it was just so perfect, it completely cracked me up.  (The original song is about eyeballs for sale.)

I just noticed on facebook that there is a piece of flair of that says "I'm voting for a hero and a supermom".  It took me a second and then I had the urge to hurl.  It makes me twitch that anyone who is a normal run of the mill mom can look at Sarah Palin and think she has our best interests in mind.  The woman has an entire staff at her beck and call.  She's not a supermom; she's just another politician.  Argh.

Any idea about reaching reluctant or swing voters?  I'm starting to feel panicked.  Anyone reading this think McCain would seriously be good for the country?  Tell me why.

And I have been dragging my feet on menu planning.

And our new HD radio arrived but it doesn't actually get the one station I care about.  *weeps*  We will be returning it and trying to figure out anew what to do about a cd player/radio.

random stuff, politics, dd1 stories

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