A much better day

Aug 24, 2008 13:33

It's only 1:30 and already today I've:

  • gone to the grocery store
  • made yogurt (well, it's incubating, but basically done)
  • rinsed whole kamut (we're attempting sprouted kamut bread today)
  • loaded dishwasher
  • cooked cheesy noodles
  • put a load of laundry away
  • chatted on the phone a bunch
  • tidied up a little bit
Still to do:

  • make the bread
  • unload dishwasher
  • cook dinner (chicken tikka masala and some vegetable -- I'm trying to talk dh into making maple pecan green beans:))
  • mow?
  • clean challah cover
I got up at 7:30 today too.  Go me!

to do, ta da list

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