Vacation highlights

Aug 09, 2008 20:48

We went to the county fair today and it was quite fun.  It was actually a 4H fair, so quite reasonable to bring the kids to.  They had a good time seeing all the animals.  There was even a raptor rehab place there that had brought five or six raptors with them.  Gorgeous birds.  DD2 got to play in the toddler area while DD1 went on a ride.  Then we came home and the girls did some yard work with people from MIL's church.  DD1 came in and complained that her tooth hurt while eating an apple and I felt it and it wiggled!  DD1 has a loose tooth.  It was a real aha moment for me that she's really no longer a baby and is turning into a "big kid":)  Very cool.  I caught up with my mom a bit and then we ate dinner and put the girls to bed.

Tomorrow we are praying for clear skies so we can pick raspberries early and then we are off to celebrate with friends for the rest of the day.  MIL will have to put the girls to bed at the end of the day, but I think she can handle it:)  It will be nice to have an all adult day. 

travel, dd1, loose tooth, seattle, trip

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