Favorite toys

Jul 31, 2008 17:34

What toys do your kids prefer to play with?

Mine love the pink legos DD1 just got for her birthday and they also like blankets, silk scarves, etc.  Blocks are good.  DD2 loves stuffed animals (much to my amusement).  And they enjoy being read to.  They also like watching dvds, but interestingly, they don't seem to want to watch more than an hour and they like slow shows (Barney, Max and Ruby).  They used to play with cars, but it seems like those have gone by the wayside to some extent.  And coloring is always a good activity:)

DD1 is just really getting to the age where she's enjoying games.  Some favorites are Set, Blokus, 10 Days Across the US, There's a Moose in The House, and Catch That Match.

kids, parenting

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