In which I whine about being too busy, by the hour

Jun 02, 2008 20:04

  • 7 am: woke up to two snugglers
  • 7:30: got out of bed
  • 8: ate breakfast and puttered around a bit
  • 9:10: left house
  • 9:11: applied bandaid and cream to boo-boo'd knee (DD2)
  • 9:30: arrived at friend's house and dropped off DD1
  • 9:45: got to library and hung out a bit
  • 10: went into library and discovered there was a power outage
  • 10:15: started meeting
  • 11:15: left meeting and went to pediatrician's office
  • 12:30: ran home and grabbed a spoonful of peanut butter
  • 12:40: arrived at school and waited for DD1 and her friend
  • 12:55: got girls in car and drove home the long way so DD2 could fall asleep
  • 1:05: arrived home and discovered a package waiting for me:)
  • 1:10: fed DD1 and puttered around a bit more
  • 1:45: woke up DD2
  • 2:20: dashed out door with girls to other friend's house
  • 2:37: came back home and puttered some more; sat in dazed stupor
  • 3:50: went out the door to get DD2
  • 4:15: arrived home and did more nothing
  • 4:45: went to get DD1 from dance
  • 5:15: arrived home and thought about heating up some dinner; failed to do so
  • 5:30: ate dinner after dh put an enchilada on my plate
  • 6: sat around and did not very much
  • 7:30: friend arrived to help dh with bike

I did get two loads of laundry started and one in the dryer and I did get the dishwasher started and emptied.  But it feels like I did nothing except run kids around today.  And I'm pmsing.  Good thing I have some frozen yogurt in the freezer and chocolate chips in the cupboard:)

monday monday, very busy monday

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