I had a thought

May 20, 2008 11:39

I was thinking about trying to post my goals for the day in the morning, but I don't think I'm up for that.  At least not this week:P

Today I was greeted by "freezing child" aka DD1.  She has what her sister had a few days ago.  Even though she had a rising temp, she insisted we go somewhere.  I told her earlier today that we were not going swimming because it was too cold.  She  said we needed to go to TJs, so we went.  As soon as we walked into the store, she complained that her head felt like it was freezing off:(  I hurried up and got my few items and we departed.  As soon as we got home, she climbed into our reading chair and has been snoozing there ever since.  Poor kid:(  I know she'll be better soon though.  Hopefully in time for her auntie's arrival tomorrow!

So, I sort of get the morning off because DD2 is at school and is staying an extra hour for lunch:).  I just dealt with two loads of laundry and talked with my mom and I have plans to do more laundry too.  Go me.  I need to get to the library too.  I am wondering if DD1 will be up for that before we have to pick up DD2.

I slept horribly last night (or well, I had a hard time getting to sleep and then DD2 came in and got in bed with us and ten minutes later was asleep, so I put her back in her bed and then it took me another half hour to fall back asleep ... grrrr).  It's raining and gloomy out.  I'm ready for a Coca-cola and some lunch!

I have to say, I was bit excited at the thought of spending the morning at home with a sick child.  She's not *that* sick; she just has a fever which means I still get the morning to myself because she'll nap and it's less running around for me.  Of course, she's sad which makes me sad too.  I'd much rather have the girls be happy and have to run them around, but today, I'm grateful for a slow day.


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