DST can bite me

Mar 17, 2008 21:09

It is after 9 and my kids are both still awake:P  
aome, this is why I hate DST.  I'm not adjusted either, although I'm doing better at getting up at a reasonable hour.  I am still up too late.

  • got out of bed at 7:18 when DD2 was trying to get in bed with me and realized I was supposed to have left three minutes ago with friend
  • took friend to metro
  • arrived back home in time for dh to race out and catch his bus (buses tend to run early during school vacations)
  • started oatmeal and got girls milk and got showered
  • made self toast and sat down and ate
  • unloaded dishwasher and put a few things in
  • took girls to friend's house for a couple hours so I could work on Witch Quilt
  • picked them up and came home and fixed lunches
  • raced out door and went to thrift store
  • bought DD1 a shirt and a dress and myself some shorts; she got her first allowance of a dollar and spent it on a little teapot
  • came home and staggered around; went to girls' tea party on the floor (water, popcorn, and apple slices:))
  • made beet greens  and sweet potatoes
  • ate dinner
  • got girls ready for bed
  • played some Scrabble today (including "garbanzo" for 92 points!:))
It is now 9:15 and the girls are still awake:P  Of course, it doesn't help that we have this friend staying with us who needed to be picked up and we thought he'd be back at dinnertime and the girls wanted to go with me and I didn't take them.  Now he and dh are listening to some music and I'm vegetating (is that a real word?:)).

60 days: I am doing pretty well, although last night and tonight I ate dinner alone, but I did manage to be at the table while dh was eating and that was good.  I've been doing kegels every day and I think I'm getting better.  I went dancing last night and didn't eat anything after dinner, but I did eat some cookies tonight.  I think it will be ok;)

daily goals, 60 days, ta da list

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