
Mar 05, 2008 18:32

I feel like I've been distracted and gotten nothing done today.  I did manage to cook rutabaga and tuna (separately) for dinner.  And I got the girls to clean up their blocks.  And I had them take a bath.  That's pretty much been the extent of my day.

Except that I failed in my duty as a mother.  DD1 is going to be at a friend's house tomorrow morning and I won't be able to take her to school.  I forgot to write a note that she can ride on the bus, so now it's too late.  Argh.  I hope the friend's mother doesn't hate me too much.  She didn't seem that annoyed when I called this afternoon.  I hate this freaking policy.  It's all I can do to manage daily life and make sure my kids are fed and have supervision when I'm not available.  They know she attends the school.  What's the big freaking deal?  Can you tell this hits a sore spot with me?/rant

I've been trying to menu plan all day. That hasn't helped matters.  I am feeling so uninspired.

As for my 60 day goals, I did pretty well at dinner.  I'm doing kegels right now;)  And no plans to eat anything after dinner, although I'm feeling stressed and like I'd like a nice piece of dense chocolate cake.  Maybe I'll just have a small piece of chocolate instead.  And if I eat samples at the grocery store, that doesn't count, right?

Oh, in the category of annoyances late at night, last night we had two.  The power flickered at 11, which was sort of ok, but the UPS beeped to let us know it was being used.  It was merely a slight annoyance.  At 12:30 (midnight), a very loud booming woke me up.  And it did it two more times.  The transformer around the corner blew.  I called the power company today and apparently this is totally normal behavior!  I can't imagine how I would feel about it if I lived directly across the street from it.  I am not aware of other transformers having this problem.  I know this is not the first time it's happened.

It looks like grocery shopping will happen after the kids go to bed.  Not enough time now and I'm not quite ready.

And holy cow, what is going on with Clinton and Obama?  I was shocked that Clinton won in TX and OH.  Happily shocked, but shocked.  I can't believe this contest is so close.  I'm wondering if a bunch of Republicans voted for Clinton?  Also, a Clinton/Obama ticket seems like a bad idea to me, but who am I?  I understand nothing about politics.

daily goals, 60 days, minutae, done did

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