By the hours

Mar 03, 2008 18:08

  • 7:30ish, roused self out of bed
  • 7:45-8: fought with DD1 and changed DD2's diaper
  • 8: took shower
  • 8:30 fixed breakfast, cleaned up in kitchen
  • 9: fixed snacks; packed up DD1 for school; packed up needed items for morning
  • 9:40 left house and dropped off bike
  • 9:50: dropped off car for oil change
  • 10: went to meeting
  • 10:40, walked DD1 to school next door
  • 11:40: changed poopy diaper
  • 12 walked back to gas station to retrieve car (it's conveniently located across the street from the library:))
  • 12:10 arrived at preschool to make an exchange of money for gift cards to grocery store (it's fundraising and my job for this year:P)
  • 12:15 dashed home to pee and get DD2 in stroller to walk to school
  • 12:35: walked to school
  • 12:45: greeted daughter who asked if she could drink her vanilla milk and eat cupcake she'd gotten at school.  I let her (she ate almost none of the cupcake though).  Then she dashed off twice to the playground, against my wishes.  We have not really done any punishing, but I  am tired to death of her doing this so I've taken away the priveledge of staying at the playground after school for the rest of the week (as well as riding her bike).  We'll see if this has any effect.
  • 1:30: finally arrived home and was able to eat lunch (thank god for leftovers)
  • 2:10: took DD1 to standing playdate
  • 2:30: arrived at Home Depot to purchase vent cover for dryer
  • 2:45: went to thrift store to look for sandals for DD1; got myself a skirt instead:)
  • 3:30 arrived home; put on Barney for DD2 and cleaned up in kitchen
  • 4:30: DD1 arrived home and had conniptions about various things
  • 5: went next door to tell girls they had to come home and eat dinner and asked neighbor if they were being a bother
  • 5:30: ate dinner
  • 6: fled to computer for a break
As you can see, it's been a rather busy day.  Some of the times are estimates, but it gives you a rough idea of my day.  There was not enough chocolate in my day (although I did eat some).  I'm wondering if I can sneak a bowl of yogurt with some chocolate chips in it now:)  The girls are playing with their father now.  I'm trying to stay away for the moment.

I have not done any kegels yet, but the day is young.  I did pretty well with being present today, especially at dinner (but dh was falling asleep at dinner:().  I'm going to go have my yogurt and not count that as cheating as I am going to count it as dessert and not eating after dinner:)  So, yay for today.

ETA: Happy Birthday

hourly breakdown, minutae, ta da list

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