Wiped out

Feb 21, 2008 18:18

  • dragged self out of bed around 7
  • showered and had brief look at the internet
  • got everyone fed and lunch packed for DD1 and snacks packed for DD2's class
  • dropped DD1 off at friend's house and raced off to school
  • spent three hours with a pack of 2 year olds
  • drove home the long way to insure DD2 would fall alseep (10 minutes)
  • ate lunch and talked with dh about pizza ingredients
  • groaned when DD2 woke up (I was hoping she'd sleep later:P)
  • cleaned up in kitchen a bit
  • got grocery list ready and packed snacks for DD1
  • picked up DD1 and went to grocery store (where both girls did really well!)
  • stopped by friend's house to get sippy cup that had been left behind
  • drove home a round about way to show DD1 someone's front lawn that had been decorated for V day with a pink pig with wings and hearts stuck in the lawn
  • got home and collapsed into heap of pudding
I've really not done anything of consequence since getting home almost 2 hours ago.  I didn't put the groceries away.  I didn't cook or prepare food.  I did sit and eat dinner.  I feel so sleepy.  I just want to go to bed now:P  Hopefully dinner will revive me soon.

minutae, done did, ta da list

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