Is there anybody out there?

Feb 19, 2008 13:18

It feels very quiet on my flist today. What are you all up to today? I went to the playground with DD1 this morning and froze my butt off. It was colder than I was expecting. We came home and futzed around and ate lunch. I took her to school and stopped at the library. Picked up DD2 and fed her a little bit of food and drove home the long way so she would fall asleep (which she did in 10 minutes:)). Now I'm trying to stay awake and avoiding food prep and cleaning. I really need to get the food together because after 3 I'm not really going to be here. :P Thank god for an oven that I can program to turn itself on.

After I get DD1 from school, we will probably play on the playground for a short time and then zip home and get stuff together to take dh to the dentist. While he's at the dentist, we will play with friends who live nearby. Then we will come home and collapse eat dinner and go to bed.

I need to do writeups on goodreads of the last two books I just read.

daily life, minutae, update

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