Meme: waste time, but donate rice while doing it:)

Oct 24, 2007 22:29

Go to and play until you've donated 500 grains of rice (that's 50 words right). Then report back here with your level and the last question so we can see how good your vocabulary is. Share the love by posting this at your own journal.

My last question was "eructation" and the corrected answer (which I got) was belch. My vocab level was 44. I don't know where that puts me in terms of percentiles. I went to 1000 grains of rice. I think at 500 I was around 41 or 42.

Got this from telperion1. Thanks! It was a lot of fun!

ETA: after getting 1370 grains of rice, my question was "niveous" which means snowy. I knew that from searching for a name for DD2 because I loved "Neve" which also means "snow" in Italian:) And I'm up to level 47!

vocabulary, meme

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