I recently had two different people use the phrase "perfect storm" in completely different situations but to mean essentially the same thing. I didn't realize it had become so commonplace. (I have yet to read the book. I had to go to wikipedia to make sure it meant what I thought it did.)
And last week I heard about
John Mayer. I think he sounds ok, but his lyrics made me cringe.
It's not that we don't care,
We just know that the fight ain't fair
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
He goes on to say how his generation doesn't like to be told to do anything; they want the options and then they will decide. So, he doesn't want to sing words like "Go out and change the world, change the world..." (or something like that). You can
go listen to the NPR interview where it will give you his exact phrasing. Now personally, I found it a lot more inspirational to hear "go change the world" than "sit on the couch and hope that your neighbors will change". Where's the personal responsibilty?
Speaking of which,
Medley pointed me to this
story about young people and their relationship to the internet and privacy. Basically, the younger generation doesn't seem to care if everything is out there for all eternity. On the one hand, if everyone is putting all their information out there, I guess there is so much to wade through it might give one some modicum of privacy. On the other hand? 1984 by George Orwell anyone?
And completely unrelated to that: this morning I hear DD2 saying, as she's eating applesauce, "doo-deee, dooo-deee". Ee hee. She cracks me up. She can now tell me that she's getting dirty as she eats. Super:)