In lieu of content, I give you a menu

Apr 13, 2006 23:26

I have been trying to be madly productive of late, so I can't really tell you what I've done because I've been a mad whilrwind dervishing around the house and out on errands:) So, here's my menu for the week:

salmon with jalapeno cream sauce
chicken huachinango or hens a la diable (chicken with two different sauces, basically)
spicy garlicky buttery shrimp
greek lamb

for veggies we have:

pan roasted asparagus with toasted garlic (if asparagus isn't mindnumbingly priced)
carrot raisin salad
green beans with anchovies
celery salad (this involves cream and fresh asiago; yum:))
creamed spinach

Now I'm hungry:)

If anyone wants recipes for any of these, let me know and I can post or email. It's easy enough; they are already typed into the computer. We are such food geeks:)

Little update. Having two small kids is much more stressful than only having one. DD2 swallowed some teeny six pointed plastic star that was off of some preschool project her sister brought home. Both medical professionals I consulted with thought she'd be just fine. Just send slippery vibes our way if you have any to spare. :P Dratted kids.

menu, dd2 stories

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