Next project finished

Jan 03, 2010 14:34

The name of the game was "leathermasks", though not the kinky kind, the ornamental kind...

We (firefly_sunny and nelladarren ) had seen some masks at the fair last year and missed the presentation of how they were made but I thought I might just be able to find out for myself.

So, it was neither an epic fail nor a complete success, which was to be expected. I made the first try with the thinnest leather I've got in order to see how usable the result is and to have an estimate to guess which leather would give what kind of results. I got most of the thinnest stuff so it would not have hurt if it had not worked out at all...

Things I am not happy with:
I had to glue a bit of leather in the back to add stability, as even all the paint applied did not stabilize the things enough to hang properly.
It is not a fitting thing for a workshop at a convention as it takes about a week to get one (or two) done, most of the time spent waiting for the stuff to dry.

Things I am happy about:
It takes longer than I thought but is easier than I thought as well.
I took pics after every step by way of documentation (except the boiling part) and all that looked garish in the beginning worked out.

You do not see too much on the pics but I did not want to post too many... they are hanging from the knob of a box in case you wondered.

arts n crafts

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