Log: Imali's Got Hopes and Dreams

Jan 18, 2006 13:53

Who: Imali, P'draig, Jekzith, Wynith
When: 19:36 on day 16, month 4, Turn 6, of the Tenth Interval.
Where: Lake Shore, Fort Weyr
What: P'draig has a chat with Imali whose been fish-spattered by Wynith. After she leaves, there's a three-way conversation between rider, Wynith and Jekzith while Paddy skips stones in the lake.

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding grounds. At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to where a lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and both riders and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the northwest. To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground pens serves as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and the rest of the bowl lies to the northeast.

Imali waves shivering, to P'draig. "Hey P'draig, what brings you out here?" She chatters, stammering the last word, shaking a minnow out of her wet hair, with her flushed red face and her wet, bedraggled clothing.

Nearing the area where Imali shivers and shakes, P'draig looks up from the ground, brows lifting a little. "Heya ... Imali. What the shells did you just do to yourself?'

Imali waves a hand at Wynith. "I was giving her some snacks." She says, pointing to the 3 trouts on the sand. "She sprayed minnows over me and I had to go w ww wading to get the fish."

P'draig looks rather ... skeptical about this scenario. "Wynith sprayed -fish- on you?" He eyes the gold dragon with much surprise on his face. "Well then, I think a good bath and a warm towel might be a good idea, don't you?"

Imali giggles. "Yes. But after we've visited for a while longer." She replies smartly, to turn back to grin a Wynith.

A shrug is Paddy's immediate response. "Suit yourself - just don't catch a cold eh? You wouldn't want to miss it when the eggs crack, if you're too sick to get out of bed, wouldja?"

Wynith huffs out another warming breath towards Imali in aid of keeping the chill from her feeding pink thing.

Imali chuckles, and gives the gold a quick hug. "Your breath is very warm." She says affectionatly. "But you are, I would think, a mite to big to come into th ehot springs with me."
Imali has reconnected.

P'draig masks laughter with a cough, sent into his hand which also serves to hide his amused grin. "So ... d'you like swimming?" he nods towards the lake. "It'll be warm enough to swim comfortably soon."

Imali nods entusicastically as she shakes the rest of th eminnows off her body. "Istan, born and bred, I was brought up in the water practically."

"That's one of my favorite things to do here, come summer," notes the brownrider. "That, and sailing when I get the chance."

Imali shakes her head. "Father rated a dragon escort, so we didn't do sailing very often." She informs the brownrider crisply. "However, swimming on a warm day in a cold lake wit hmy own dragon-" Her face goes into a beautiful smiles, "That's what I want."

"That's a shame," muses Paddy mildly, "not much more relaxing than a good sail, I think." The young rider stuffs his hands deep in his pockets and looks out over the near-dark surface of the lake. "Swimming with Jekzith can be good too though. So long as he doesn't decide to drown me with his tail." Deadpan is that last, a twinkle of humor in P'draig's eyes.

Imali chuckles. "It's rare for a girl to impress a brown. A gren, I ithnk, won't drown me. A gold, yes. I want a gold." She says. "I'm jsut mildly afraid what'l lhappen if I do."

"Depends more on the dragon, I'd think," says P'draig with another grin. "ANy dragon with a sense of humor, might try ..."

Imali chuckles. "I'd wager." She mutters. "Well, I'm going to go." She says, her nose turning blue. Shivering, th epoor girl flees to th ehot springs

Wynith glances towards Jekzith's an inquiring warble accumpanying the lifting of many eyelids.

P'draig seems lost in thought after Imali's departure, watching the last of the light fade off the surface of the lake. He looks over at the gold questioningly after a moment, and from a not too-far distance, Jekzith's thoughts wind out the question, politely to Wynith herself. << Yes ? >>

Dragon> Wynith bespoke Jekzith with << ;'s mindvoice touches with the caress of a bubbling summer's brook, tinged in soft hues of crystal blue. << *Your* looked lost in thought. I had wished to offer him listening form. >> >>

Wynith rumbles with curiosity as her thoughts reach out to the Rider's dragon, though she continues to watch him for a moment.

Jekzith> I bespoke Wynith with << Mine conveys his thanks. He has much on his mind. Does this happen sometimes with Her? (image of Draila walking across the Bowl) >> >>

P'draig tilts his head back and chuckles softly. "It's all right," he waves a hand as if to dismiss concern and then squats down to dig a flattish rock out of the shoreline. He sends this skipping out over the water, plink, plink, plink, plonk. And it sinks beneath the waves.

Dragon> Wynith bespoke Jekzith with << : 's thoughts caress again, though hesetant at first then with the same gentleness as before. << Yes. *Mine* has kept her thoughts from me at times. She tells me later that it was not because she stopped caring for me but that her thoughts needed to be worked out in the way of the pink things. Oh shall I fetch *Yours* plink plonk. It is now lost in the water. >> >>

Wynith's head follows the rock as it skips across the water then disappears then quickly gets to her feet and moves closer towards the shoreline.

P'draig hunkers down, looking for another rock, then pauses as Wynith moves towards the water. He bursts out laughing after a vague moment of 'absence' as Jekzith conveys Wynith's intent to him. "Oh no - you don't need to go get that Wynith, the point is actually to just enjoy throwing them and see how many times you can make it jump before it sinks," explains the rider.

Jekzith> Wynith senses that Jekzith's thoughts are vibrant with excitable energy. << Yes. He is often quiet and thinking, working things out. I was curious about others. Do you think they all do it sometimes? >>

With a quick inquizitive look back to Jekzith's, Wynith warbles again then lowers her head to nose push a large rock towards the water. When it begins to roll on its own, her head lifts to watch it with antisipateion but noe skips appear as it simply rolls into the light surf.
Dragon> Wynith bespoke Jekzith with << *Mine* tells me they all do from time to time. *Mine* also says its just their way, as it's our way to flame thread. >>

Drawing his arm back, P'draig sends his rock flying, and it skips on the water once more, denting its surface five times in rapid succession before sinking. "You kinda ... need hands," he says almost apologetically to Wynith. "To get the right angle ..."

Jekzith> I bespoke Wynith with << I wonder if they all think of the same things, or different things. What do you think?>> >>

Dragon> Jekzith senses that Wynith's thoughs unfocus for a moment as she ponders the question then become clear when she replies. << I think not, as I'm often told *Mine* was thinking to herself. When I ask if she was thinking about the same thing, *Mine* answers no. >>

Wynith's head bobs as she watches each skip of the stone then looks back towards the brown rider to see if he'll toss another. She only missed one bob of her head as she continued to comunicate with another of her kind.

Jekzith> I bespoke Wynith with << I want to ask everyone what they're thinking when they get this way. I am curious about all the different thoughts. >>

P'draig grins and hunts for another stone. "Maybe if you turn your head to the side when you throw it, it might work," he suggests. 'But that'd be awfully hard for big dragon head I think."

Dragon> Jekzith senses that Wynith is ever so happy to satisfy Jekzith's curiousity and begins sending rapid images of the lake and skipping stones, then a larger rock and how it rolls then hides under the lapping water. << These are my thoughts. >>

Wynith seems overly eager tonight, be it the suggestion from the rider or something else is unclear but she picks up another large rock and turns her head then drops it. When it doesn't even move close to the water her disapointed warble is heard.

"Keep trying ... but uh ... I'm gonna move well out of the way," says P'draig as that large rock lands with a thud. "And uh ... try a flatter rock ..."

Jekzith> Wynith senses that Jekzith 'watches' the procession of thoughts, radiating a sense of focused interest. << You are doing what he does when he thinks.>>

Dragon> Wynith bespoke Jekzith with << He said its a form of enjoyment. He seems rather pleased to be doing this. Have you tried doing it with him? I often will join *mine* when she is keeping her thoughts from me. I don't feel left out when I do.

Wynith looks about to try again, even searching the beach for a flatter rock and finding one. But instead of picking it up she lifts her wedged head upwards seeming to search the sky for a moment.

Jekzith> I bespoke Wynith with << I never feel left out. I can always hear him. He can't shut me all the way out. I am watching from our ledge. >>

Jekzith> Wynith senses that Jekzith casts an image, from a different angle of a long golden body and the much smaller form of his rider as seen from slightly above, and the tiny path of the next rock as it curves out onto the lake's surface.

"Having a good chat with Jekzith?" remarks P'draig, and lifts his arm, curling it backwards, and sending the rock out to the water again, dancing off of slight wave caps lifted by the spring breeze.

Dragon> Wynith bespoke Jekzith with << You always hear him? I.. *mine*... *sigh* >>

Wynith warbles towards the rider with a lift then a dip of her lean wedged head before lowering her maw to the rock and lifting it. Carefully she carries it back to a good tossing spot near the lake's edge and swings her head to the side. The rock slips from her maw and lands in the water with a solid plonk which gives Wynith delight as she has finally managed one of the sounds she'd been trying for.

Jekzith> Wynith senses that Jekzith sounds vaguely surprised. << Yes. Not always as -loudly- but ... I can always sense him. When he sleeps it is very interesting. >>

Dragon> Wynith bespoke Jekzith with << Yes I can always Sense *mine* as well but not always hear her thoughts. Some she keeps from me but I always know if she's feeling well or scared. >>

Jekzith> I bespoke Wynith with << When they sleep they make such interesting pictures. >>

P'draig stands back and scratches at his head a little. "Well, that's one way to do it," he says and then toes the shadow of another rock, before looking up at the water once more. It's only a shimmer now in the twilight. "Too dark for more I think." He nods Wynith's way, then sinks his hands into his pockets and turns to trudge away across the Bowl.

p'draig, imali, wynith, jekzith

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