Log: Conversation with Sokaris and Rhilashi

Dec 22, 2005 12:20

Who: P'draig, Sokaris, Rhilashi
When: 20:28 on day 21, month 12, Turn 5, of the Tenth Interval
Where: Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
What: P'draig and Sokaris get to know each other a little better. Paddy shares a little about being a weyrling. They also meet Rhilashi.

Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the tunnel. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room. The far wall is lined with tables that always hold something edible to feed the throngs of people who come into this immense room in search of a meal, a snack, or something to drink. As with most Weyrs, the Living Cavern is the busiest place with the most activity. It is here that Fortians and visitors alike migrate in an effort to find information, share gossip, and just plain socialize.

Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. An almost constant stream of activity centers around this staircase: people coming and going with loads of goods for the stores, fresh food, dirty or clean dishes and utensils, and plenty of folks just going in to do their duty for the day or night. The aromas wafting down the stairs are indicators of which meal is being prepared or served at the moment. The view into the kitchens is clear from the Living Cavern, everything gleaming and clean, and the muffled but bustling noises coming from within just add to the air of comfort, family, and hard work done at Fort Weyr.

To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.

P'draig ducks in from the cold outside with an expressive. "Hoo, windy up there!" and unwinds a scarf from about his neck. "Heya Reda, M'zic," he greets one of the kitchen assistants setting out a fresh pot of klah on the hearth and another rider standing there waiting for the brew.

Sokaris wanders out from the kitchens, scrubbing vigorously at his hands with a towel. He looks bedraggled and wet, the perfect picture of a pot-washing candidate. The young man glances around the cavern, then over his shoulder, before heading toward the fresh pot of klah, the towel getting slung over his shoulder. P'draig isn't immediately noticed; the candidate is too occupied with acquiring klah to pay much attention to anything else.

P'draig finishes unwinding his scarf and tosses it over the back of the nearest chair, adding his jacket to the pile of outerwear. "Heya Soka, wasn't it?" he greets the incoming Candidate and joins the forming klah line. Reda chuckles as she steps back from the pot. "Goodness, you'd think we never had klah they way you're all rushing!" she teases.

Sokaris inclines his head to P'draig with a pleased smile. "Indeed! P'draig, right? Or did you prefer 'sir'? I can't rightly recall, with so many riders having their preference." Soka slides into line, glancing to Reda with a chuckle, "When the weather's terrible and everyone's up at all hours, it's a wonder we still /have/ klah."

"Just P'draig'll do," replies the brownrider. "Leastways, unless you Impress, then we'll see what the Weyrlingmaster's got in mind for you," he jokes. Reda winks Sokaris' way. "Tsk. As if we don't stock up. Right P'draig?" "Exactly. Lots in Stores."

Sokaris chuckles softly and drawls, "P'draig, then. And that's good to know; I'd /hate/ to think of what kind of surliness would emerge without there being enough of it." Of course, the idea that he might have to do this mincing about with names bit /again/ elicits a wrinkling of his nose, "Truly? That's a pity. Are Weyrlingmasters different? Or do they all handle things pretty much the same way, every time?"

P'draig shrugs and steps up to claim a warm mug for himself, and snags a second for the Candidate, which he passes to Sokaris. "Seems like there's slightly different customs at different Weyrs, yep, though some sort of formality is usually required," notes the brownrider, who sends another grin Reda's way, as the kitchen worker retreats back into the kitchens themselves. "There's certain things you have to learn, and everyone covers though of course, but -how- you cover it, I guess, varies from group to group."

Sokaris takes the mug with a surprised blink, and a grateful, "Thank you, P'draig." He blows on it to cool it down, takes a sip, and blows on it some more while he listens. His brows furrow and he replies, "Well, Piper and I spoke earlier about candidacy and weyrlinghood a little bit, mostly just her sharing her experiences. What was it like for you, if you don't mind my being curious?"

"Sure thing," says Paddy amicably and gestures towards where he chucked his jacket and scarf. "Wanna have a seat while we chat? he invites the Candidate and then laughs brightly. "A very tired time in my life is what." Both of his brows lift as a new person enters the cavern and the word 'Duties' echoes off the rocky ceiling.

Rhilashi stands 5'4 at the age of thirteen turns, hoping that one day, he will grow taller than his father. His hair is the same color as I'zek's (his father), a dark brown, cut about 2 inches in length. Though he acts older than his age, his appearance betrays his emotions, lending him a childish look. His eyes, also contributing to his childness with their size bear the color of brown and green, of varying intensity based upon the day. Though he is not unfit, he is not considered one of great strength or stamina, and will probably never become as physically strong as his father.

Sokaris grins widely, tagging along with the brownrider. "Certainly, it'd be good to get off my feet for a few minutes before I've got to go back in there.", his head tilts toward the kitchens. The odd greeting elicits a cheerful enough, "Hello, there!", from Soka, but his attention is soon back on P'draig. "I gather tired is a prerequisite for being a rider, if the lack of sleep we're getting now is any indication."

"You're missing out on sleep already? Huh. How many duties have you traded for?" inquires P'draig with a droll expression on his face. "Candidacy was actually almost like vacation after being an Apprentice, and both were nothing to the first month of Weyrlinghood," he explains and settles down comfortable into a seat. He merely nods in Rhilashi's direction before asking: "Anything we can help you with lad?"

Rhilashi shakes his head, "Not at the moment, just exploring a little, taking a break from duties, plus I heard some talking. Do you mind if I sit down as well, my feet are starting to wear tonight." He puts his arm on the side of the chair, waiting for an invitation to sit down.

Sokaris points to a handy chair, moving a little to make more room. He slants a look to P'draig, one that's quite weary already. "I haven't traded for /too/ many, but I imagine it's just the whole experience of settling in that's got me worn out.", he drawls. "So ... was it worth it? The whole experience? I hear a lot of riders saying it was, but-"

Rhilashi realizes he came into the room in the middle of a conversation, and is a little bit confused by what he is saying, but sits down anyways and listens intently, attempting to gather the context of the questions.

Another squinting of his eyes at Rhilashi has P'draig picking up on his shoulder knot and his face instantly breaks into a grin. "Sure, take a load off," he tosses out, and takes a sip from his mug of klah. "Hmm. The whole experience, yep, definitely worth it, but I'm probably even more biased than most. I Stood twice and was an Apprentice in between."

"How long since you got Searched," P'draig directs this last question Rhilashi's way. "Don't think I've seen you about yet."

Rhilashi shifts his attention from the wall to P'draig, "Not too long, maybe a week, but I've been so busy with duties that I haven't had the time to go around. I try to work my hardest, my dad raised me that way." He nods at the last statement, proud of himself and his father for shaping him the way he did.

Sokaris opens his mouth to say more, but is promptly cut off by a familiar bellow calling him back to his duties. With an apologetic sigh, the young man rises and heads toward the kitchens with a quick, "Pleasure talking to you again, and I hope to catch your name next time.", this latter directed at Rhilashi. And then, he's gone, ducking back into the kitchens.

P'draig waves after Sokaris. "Duty calls," he quips and tosses back some more klah. "There's more and more coming in too of course - no hope of getting to know everyone," says the brownrider apparently unbothered. "What d'you think of the Weyr so far? And ah ... what's your name? I'm P'draig, brown Jekzith's rider."

Rhilashi smiles, "The weyr's great, I actually used to live here, ya know? I had just moved to High reach weyr when my father got assigned there, and they called me back, just like that. He was really proud." Beaming, he continues, "Oh, sorry, name, my name's Rhilashi! It's great to meet you P'draig!" Rhilashi extends a hand to engage in a friendly shake, "You think I might be able to go down and meet your Jekzith sometime?" He looks anxiously at P'draig.

"Did you now? I've lived here for several Turns and I still don't know everyone," notes Paddy with another hefting of his klah mug up to his lips. "I'm from the REaches originally myself," he speaks over the liquid in his cup then reaches forward to take Rhilashi's hand briefly in a firm grip. "Jekzith? Don't see why not. He's usually parked out in the Bowl or on Faldaverth's ledge soaking up all the sun he can these days and watching the goings on in the Bowl. He likes to know what everyone is up to."

"I'd imagine!" Rhilashi yawns gently himself, but pretends as if he hadn't. "Oh, who was that other guy in here earlier? He sure left quickly."

"Another Candidate, his name is Soka," explains P'draig. "So which do you like better, here or the Reaches, or did you not even have the time to get properly acquainted up there?"

Rhilashi shakes his head, "Not enough time at all, I was only there for about 2 weeks before I got searched. I was getting Acadia cookies, and her Inneth just started bellowing at me, it was kind of scary, ya know? It bowled her over to get to me." He chuckles a little bit at the rememberance of Acadia flying through the air comically.

"Huh, Inneth's an enthusiastic Search dragon then, didn't know that about her!" he leans back in his chair comfortably. "Just two weeks, nope, not nearly enough time to get acquainted with High Reaches," agrees P'draig.

Rhilashi let out a yawn so ferocious it could have rivaled Inneth's search call. He couldn't just ignore this one. "Another days hard work... I guess I'm going to bed then." The exhaustion had finally set in as he slouched a little in his chair, then got to his feet slowly. Rhilashi stretches his arms a little bit, then turns toward the hides covering the exit. "Nice meeting you P'draig. I hope to see you again some time soon." He waves lethargically and shuffles out of the room, letting out another yawn.

p'draig, rhilashi, sokaris

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