Log: Faldaverth and Sarevith's - R'lashi, S'kris, Wrencath, Enryth

Aug 26, 2006 14:48

The imagination of two little dragons (mini log)

S’kris and I were having a little chat about the hatching when our dragons started having imaginitive ideas relating to it.
Wrencath wiggles around to plunk his chubby muzzle onto Soka’s leg, eyes going partially lidded. S’kris grins a little, rubbing along one of the bronze’s honeysuckle-tinted ‘ridges, “Ah, I’ve told him that story almost a dozen times, now. He doesn’t seem to want to believe that it was that simple.” < < It *couldn't* have been. I know you were mine because you were right there, fighting off all those other candidates that were trying to hurt me. You saved me! Didn't you see that, Enryth? >>, Wrencath sends a particularly vivid image in lemon yellow to his clutchmate, along with hyper-exaggerated images, to boot. “It wasn’t like that at all, Wrencath!” Soka sputters. << Okay, okay. So only a few of them, but it was *just* like that. >>

R'lashi laughs rather unexpectly, surprised by the image sent to him by Enryth.< < How could anyone have missed it? Mine was very heroic too, beating the hordes of candidates with hurtful intentions off. R'lashi and S'kris, heros of the day!>> An image of S’kris and R’lashi in a super heroic pose is sent to Wrencath, standing amongst the other dragons and candidates, champions of all of them. R’lashi continues to chuckle, “What an imagination you’ve got Enryth.”

Wrencath further expands on the image, adding dangerous-looking white-robed ‘things’ behind them. << Just like that! See, I *told* him that's how it happened, too. >> Cue a pointed look at his human half and a surprised laugh from S’kris. “Imagination? Shells! I suspect they would’ve made fine harpers if they weren’t dragons.” < < We can be like dragon-harpers, Enryth! The best ones /ever/. >> Pause. << Wait, what are harpers again? That's not a bad thing, is it? >>

<< hang on a second, lemme see if mine knows>> Enryth looks happily toward R’lashi, his eyes whirling a blueish green < < seems like it's sort of a story teller or song writer or somthing, so it sounds good to me! R'lashi and S'kris - Heroes of their time and Enryth and Wrencath - The best Harper Dragons ever!>> The image is returned, now including Enryth and Wrencath, posing in mid-bugle. “Guess they would have, wouldn’t they? Where are they getting all this from?” R’lashi grins down at Enryth, impressed with his imagination.

And, just as quickly as it was created, Wrencath ends up ruining it with a sudden ‘rainfall’ of meaty chunks. The images dissolve with a pleading, < < Ohh ... now I'm all hungry. >> followed by an audible rumble of his stomach. “I /knew/ you were going to say that. You mind yourself, now; meat’s right there.” Trusting the bronze to feed himself, S’kris’ attention goes to R’lashi. “I wish I knew, R’lashi. I wish I knew. I just hope it doesn’t get them in trouble some day.”

weyrlinghood, r'lashi, wrencath, enryth, s'kris

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