Log: Promise of a Late Night Stroll

Sep 12, 2004 01:39

Who: Padraig, Piper
When: day 1, month 6, Turn 50 of the 10th Pass.
Where: Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
What: Conversation in the LC between Paddy and Piper.

Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)
Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the tunnel. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room. The far wall is lined with tables that always hold something edible to feed the throngs of people who come into this immense room in search of a meal, a snack, or something to drink. As with most Weyrs, the Living Cavern is the busiest place with the most activity. It is here that Fortians and visitors alike migrate in an effort to find information, share gossip, and just plain socialize.

Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. An almost constant stream of activity centers around this staircase: people coming and going with loads of goods for the stores, fresh food, dirty or clean dishes and utensils, and plenty of folks just going in to do their duty for the day or night. The aromas wafting down the stairs are indicators of which meal is being prepared or served at the moment. The view into the kitchens is clear from the Living Cavern, everything gleaming and clean, and the muffled but bustling noises coming from within just add to the air of comfort, family, and hard work done at Fort Weyr.

To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.

Piper sits at a table far away from the kitchens entrance. Despite it being a day of rest, she's not chancing things. Before her is a hide on which she scribbles something, then frowns, looking a little put out.

Padraig comes in, leisurely-like, hands stuck in pockets and whistling. The rest day seems to have suited him just fine yep. He spots Piper and steers a course for his fellow-candidate, he hovers, just over her shoulder, attempting to peek at that hide. "Hiya" he says brightly.

About all her fellow candidate gets to see is that Piper's concocted a list of some sort, and that most of the list is crossed off, before it is hastily flipped over, nosiness thwarted. Nevertheless, Piper looks pleased to see Padraig, smile forming, "Let me guess," she offers, "You were able to get out and wander a bit?"

Padraig snaps his fingers as the list is flipped over. "Drat," he says, but it's said with humor as if he's not fussed at all about missing out on its contents. Then he nods. "Mmm ... had me a bit of a walkabout, napped under a tree ... perfect," he says and then nods at the chair beside Piper. "D'you mind?"

Piper nudges the chair out with her foot, "Not in the slightest," but the list is staying flipped over, despite apparent lack of interest. "Isn't it funny how we were both saying we needed a rest day, and voila! We get it! If we'd had a little more notice, we could have planned Leeana's shindig."

Padraig flips the chair around and straddles it, leaning his arms on the seatback and resting his chin on his hands. "Yeah - it came just in the nick of time! I wish we'd had the notice, sure ... not enough time to do any cooking or planning, nope, though I still had me a good bite to eat and a walk. What'd you do all day? I feel like I've barely seen you."

Piper grins, "Does that mean you were looking?" she teases, before explaining, "I got M'ert to get word to my mom that I had a free day, and she came up, so I spent the first half of the day with her, which was fantastic, even if the saying goodbye bit wasn't particular fun." She laughs ruefully, "And then the second half of my day was spent repaying the favor. M'ert had me oiling and checking two sets of his straps for him. I had no idea it was such detail work."

Padraig's eyes twinkle silvery-blue and he nods. "Mmhm. Thought you might like to take that walk with me," he says casually then his smile widens. "I'm glad you got time to spend with your mother though - that's really nice of M'ert -- oh!" He laughs as she describes the duty she had to do in exchange for the ride. "Well ... yeah, it's pretty close work to do - you have to make sure there's -no- weaknesses. I've helped my folks with there's a bunch." Then his grin waxes mischeivous. "Just think, if we Impress ... we'll have to do that all the time!"

"Yeah, you're a pretty alright walking companion, if I may say so, m'lord," Piper's smile twitches a bit wider as her eyes seem to sparkle with liveliness, "I would've like it, you're right. But if we would have bumped into you, you would have had to meet my mom, and then I'm quite sure it'd be her you'd be taking on strolls," laughs the candidate, "People're always saying we look more like sisters than mother and daughter." At Padraig's comments on Impressing, Piper's gaze flickers momentarily to the hide she's placed faced down, but only for the merest fraction of a second, "It does seem like an awful lot of work..." she ponders, "Contemplating running away?" she queries.

Padraig looks quite pleased by Piper's assessment of him then laughs for the 'm'lord'."I'm happy to say the same of -you- m'lady," he rejoinders but then he's blinking in astonishment at her statements regarding her mother. "Uhhhh ..." he temporizes, unsure what to say and then he's back on safer ground with talk of Impression. His eyes track along with hers to that tantalizing hide and then he shakes his head. "Nope ... I accepted Search, I'll see it through. You?"
Piper shakes her head in reply, stating, "Tempting though it may be, because I'm fairly sure I could talk you into making me getaway sandwiches," she smiles, agreeing, "I said I would see it through, and I will. And anyway, it's true, what you said when were walking."

The corner of Padraig's mouth quirks up and he nods. "That I would," he says solemnly. "And even ferret up marks for passage South if you desired," he adds with a wink. He nods then, more solemn still. "Mmm ... either way ... things will be changing for us all soon enough eh?"
From afar, Charlie wonders if they said they would be having a gold at the Seminar?
You paged Charlie with 'If they did, I missed it.'.

Piper frowns briefly, but not in distress so much as looking a bit out of sorts, "You make it terribly hard to keep things from you, did you know that?" she huffs, and without waiting for a response, flips over the hide she'd been writing upon. It is indeed a list. And on it are most of the crafts and other professions available on all of Pern, nearly half of which are crossed off. "See," explains Piper, momentary pique having left the building as she now is merely expository, "I was trying to figure out what I'd be good at if I don't Impress. I mean, you have a plan."

Padraig looks down at the list, momentarily caught off-guard by the pique, then looks back up at Piper. "Ohhhh ..." he says, understanding dawning on him. "Yeah ... that's not a bad idea ... being prepared." He peeks more closely at the list.

Piper sighs, "It wouldn't be a bad idea," she ammends, "Save for the fact that I'm still no closer to having any direction."

Padraig mms softly, still scanning the list, then asks quietly. "Not harper? why not?" Eyes lift to measure the other Candidate's expression, curious.

"Have you ever heard me sing? Or play an instrument?" Piper makes a face, "Trust me, if I'd had any talent in that area, my mom'd have had me apprentice two turns ago. I'm just not musically inclined...although that doesn't mean I don't have rhythm," she adds, "I can keep time if I have the right motivation." A faint smile again tinges her lips, "Oh, and I can't draw either."

Padraig scratches at his chin. "Huh ... so you could drum though, maybe? I dunno, maybe it's just 'cos you talk like a Harper ... feels like you'd be good at Harpering... " He looks at the list again. "Hmm ... can't draw ... so that could make parts of Weavering tough too - d'you like stitching?"

Piper finds herself a fall-back career - drumming, and while she's at it, finds her smile once again to, "I talk like a harper, do I?" She grins at her fellow candidate before shaking her head once again, "Well...actually, I haven't done it enough to know, really. I guess I'll find out when we're tailoring our robes, eh?"

Padraig suddenly gets a look of abject panic on his face. "Oh Shells ... I forgot about that part ... oh =Shells= .... I ... I can't stitch a lick ... my Mum always ... Piper ... who can sew? Who can we bribe to help us out?"

Piper just about laughs herself silly, although to her credit she really tries not to. It's just such a rare sight. She does finally manage to reign in her bout of giggles, and reaches out to try to pat the other candidate's hand, "I'm sure you're not the first candidate to be inept at sewing," she assures, adding, "And I'm very sure I know someone who wouldn't even require bribing to do your robe."

Padraig blinks owlishly at Piper as she laughs and laughs, in fact he might be starting to get a little bit put out by it until she's patting his hand. The hint of tension that had started to bind his shoulders evaporates. "Oh thank Faranth," he breathes out. "Who?" he then questions, suddenly suspicious.

Piper happened to notice the bit of stiffness intruding into the other candidate's stance, and prior to answering the question, she sobers slightly and says, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, it's just that you look so..." she stumbles on the wording, but perseveres, "Cute when you're panicking." She peers over to see if this mends fencing before answering the question put to her, "Why, Xandy, of course. And I know she's good at mending."

Padraig blinkblinks at the use of the word 'cute'. "Cute?" he gets stuck on it. "Cute." He ponders that for a moment, then sits up straight, all cocky grinning. "You think I'm cute?" Then brows lift slightly. "Xandy? Really? Huh ... I guess we could ask her, sure."

"When you're panicking," Piper hastens to do damage control before egos range out of control, "But sure I do...and so do Xandy, and that's why /you/," as opposed to "we", "could ask her."

Padraig sits very still for a moment a distinct look of discomfort on his face. "Umm ... hmmm ..." he mumbles and scratches at the tip of his nose, then blurts out. "Um ... anyone else?" he attempts, eyes hopeful.

Piper watches her fellow candidate's reaction rather closely; one could almost say her attention was riveted. "I'm sure we could find someone else to help," she states blandly, "After all, you never know, I could turn out to have a knack for it, and I'm certainly bribeable," she steers the conversation back toward more comfortable ground if she can.

Padraig looks somewhat relieved. "What can I bribe -you- with then ... if it turns out you're able," mischief creeps back into his question stealthily.

Piper seems to have considered her terms prior to making her statement as she volleys back quickly, "Snowball fight lessons. And cake on my turnday. And at least one last late night stroll if you Impress and I don't, even if I have to wait till you graduate."

Padraig starts to nod, then stops as condition upon condition is laid out. He takes a deep breath, waits 'til she's done. Then holds out his hand solemnly. "Deal ... with one condition on that last?"

Piper extends her hand and holds it a finger's width away from Padraig's, her smile teasing, "Well, since I had so many of my own...what's yours?"

Padraig takes that hand anyway and squeezes it lightly. "That you'll do the same for me, if you Impress, and I don't?"

Piper doesn't resist the squeeze, instead squeezing back as she states, "That's a deal, and even though I'm no harper, I live by my word," and although her smile hasn't entirely evaporated, her words are serious. But as they conclude, as if the moment has a touch too much solemnity for her, Piper extricates her hand and slides out her chair, "I'm going to turn in," she smiles a bit more brightly than necessarily is warranted, "I'm sure tomorrow won't bring another rest day...you coming in?"

Padraig looks rather pleased and stands up, flipping his chair back around and settling it neatly into place under the table, then he offers his fellow Candidate his arm. "Yes m'lady, I do propose to turn in, shall I escort you back to our humble quarters?" His eyes dance gaily as the game picks up again.

Piper relaxes a little, the set of her shoulders not quite so tight as she winds her arm through his, "Oh, yes, let's, m'lord, the hour grows quite late," she gives his arm a little squeeze as they head inward.

padraig, piper

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