Log: Weyrling Lesson Introduction/Rules of Conduct (Faldaverth and Sarevith's Clutch)

Mar 26, 2007 14:45

Lesson 1: Introduction/Rules of Conduct

Weyrling Barracks(#1961RAJ$)
Row after row of stone couches line this gigantic cavern; weyrlings of all ages tend their dragons, hurry in and out, and perform various chores. Next to each couch is a small cot and press, so that riders can sleep by their dragons.
A small area is set aside near the north wall. It seems to be a classroom: the wall near it is covered in diagrams, as well as signs reading “Oil Daily” and the like. A large bin full of oil is strategically placed nearby, ceramic pots and long paddles lining the shelves behind it, ready to fill for an itchy dragon’s oiling. Far in the back wall is a curtained partition that leads to the bathing cavern. Near the entrance is a dark, cool room with hanging slabs of meat and a gigantic bin filled with chunks for the young dragons to eat. Against a wall not far away are a few long tables where the Weyrlings take their meals.
+view is available.
A wide opening to the east opens out into the Bowl.
Griseth’s Couch(#8688Ve)
Weyrling Board
Example Straps
Obvious exits:
Bowl Office Door Weyrlingmaster’s Quarters

Leeana walks into the barracks, her lifemate lazily wandering behind. The rider pair quickly find places to stand; Yrath by the entrance, and Leeana at the front of the barracks, next to a podium. The Weyrlingmaster waits for her little wherries to finish up whatever it was they were doing before stomping her foot on the ground twice. Her foot stomping sends two loud *booms* through the barracks.

R’lashi jumps out of his daze quickly, frightened by the stomping foot. He looks around quickly to find the culprit of this noise. Noticing that it was weyrling master, he quickly changes his face of discontent to one of greeting. “Oh, um… Good day, Ma’am. How are you and your Yrath today?” Enryth turns up to offer a friendly warble to Yrath.

Wrencath is eagerly wiggling in place, eyes spinning brightly as S’kris puts the finishing touches of oil on his hide. The boot stomping draws attention from both of them, “Ah, hello there, ma’am.”, is S’kris’ greeting and Wrencath utters a stuttering warble toward Yrath. The bronze plunks his butt down on the ground, waiting with Soka standing beside him.

Leeana flashes a grin to the weyrlings, wiggling her fingers as she looks over a checklist placed on the podium. She glances around the room, eyes darting from face to face of those assembled. Straightening herself up and clearing her throat, she tries to look important and authority-like, but the smile on her face ruins it all. “Good morning, everyone. I hope you’ve been having a nice couple of days, despite the chores and whatnot. If you could all gather over here, just in front of me, please?” One of her long, slender hands gestures to rows of chairs with gaps for dragon babes to sit.

Yrath croons to each hatchling, in turn, and sits back on her haunches with a sigh. Her eyes glitter a vibrant green as she settles in place, and keeps watch on Wrencath and Enryth.

R’lashi stands up from his lazed position on Enryth’s couch. He leads Enryth over toward the chairs with him, watching other Weyrlings around him do the same. Swinging around the front of the chair, he takes a seat, waiting for Enryth to take his place beside him. The brown makes his way into his spot, sitting down on his haunches, just as prepared to learn as R’lashi.

Acadia comes through the wide archway to the east which leads to the bowl.
Acadia has arrived.

S’kris elbows Wrencath and heads to the front to take a seat with a prompt, “Yes ma’am.” The young dragon houghs once and, not willing to be left behind, trots along behind the young man close enough to almost push him over. Soka plunks down in a chair and Wrencath plops down again, maw agape in a grin.

Leeana raises a brow at Wrencath’s grinning, and just shakes her head as the rest of the class gets settled. “Well, then, we’re all here? We better be, or heads will roll,” she threatens, trailing off at the last bit as she counts heads of dragon and human alike. “Alright, welcome everyone, to your first class as weyrlings at Fort Weyr. I am Leeana, your Weyrlingmaster, and I am the new bad guy in your life. I’ll be teaching you everything there is to know about being a rider here at Fort. The assistant Weyrlingmasters are Acadia, Lexiana, and P’draig. If you have any questions, and I’m not around to answer them for you, you need to direct them towards any one of the assistant weyrlingmasters.”

R’lashi nods and mentally notes the names of the assistant Weyrlingmasters. Enryth, eager to learn, shifts excitedly, eyes whirling a blueish green.

Acadia raises her hand and waves when she hears her name, in case the lack of sleep has caused any of the weyrlings to forget who she is.

S’kris slides a look at Wrencath, his mouth pulling into a thin line for a brief moment. When his attention returns to Leeana, he nods and leans a little forward; the movement’s echoed by Wrencath, whose tailtip is now flicking around behind him.

Leeana jerks her head to the side a bit, gesturing for Acadia to come stand next to her, up by the podium so she can loom over the weyrlings and feel important. Then the greenie takes a deep breath and shoots a look over at her lifemate, who stretches out in the back with a smug grunt. “Well, then. First thing’s first, and that means that you’re going to be learning all of the rules about being a weyrling. Fun, isn’t it? This is possibly going to be the most boring lesson you ever have, and I love to hear the groans. Alright,” she says, pacing a bit before continuing. “You, as weyrlings, are the bottom of the food chain, here at Fort. You look up to everyone, and no one looks up to you. Get it? No one trusts you. Sure, you impressed a dragon, but that doesn’t mean that you’re the most important person here. You have no idea what you’re supposed to do yet. That’s where /I/ come in. I’m going to teach you what you need to know in order for you to become proper riders at the Weyr.” She pauses, glancing about the room once more.

R’lashi felt himself about to raise his hand, correcting Leeana on the fact that candidates look up to weyrlings, but decided that was a bad idea. Instead, he just continues to nod from before, and lays a hand on Enryth.

Acadia walks over to stand next to and slightly behind Leeana at the podium. Greenriders unite! She watches the Weyrlings’ reaction to the beginning of Leeana’s speech, and has to frown down a young girl who’d impressed a blue. Yep, bottom of the food chain.

S’kris does his best to look interested, listening with rapt attention. Wrencath, on the other hand, is already starting to wane; he peers over at Enryth, then over at another clutchsibling, as if hoping they might have something more interesting to do. This, of course, earns another elbowing from Soka.

Yrath rumbles a warning to Wrencath, angling her head in a way where it looks as if she’s giving him a sort of stink-eye type look.

Leeana says “First of all, you address everyone that you’re speaking to as ’sir’ or ‘ma’am’, accordingly. It doesn’t matter if they tell you not to, you’re not following their rules. You’re not taking orders from the Weyrleader, or the Weyrwoman. You’re taking orders from /me/. Second, you need to salute everyone when you greet them. No questions asked. If you’re not sure as to wether you should salute or not, in a certain situation, salute anyway. In fact,” she adds with a smirk, “let’s practice right now! Everyone, on your feet. Acadia’s going to show you how it’s done.”

Acadia acts automatically, and offers Leeana a crisp salute while standing at attention. It takes her less than a second, proof of how deep weyrling training goes.

Wrencath tries to look innocent, but he fails rather miserably at it, finally offering an apologetic warble to Yrath. Soka murmurs something sidelong to the young bronze, shakes his head, and stands when directed. “Yes ma’am.”, is drawled to both Leeana and Acadia, with a quick inclination of his head. His attention fixates on Acadia now, watching her salute with furrowed brows. His salute is notably slower, but the movements are mimicked with a fair amount of accuracy.

R’lashi stands up to attempt the salute. Having attempted before, his form is not terrible, but definately not as refined as Acadia’s. Sitting back down, he puts his hands back together, and attempts to pay attention. Wanting to try himself, Enryth pulls his left foreleg up, before realizing the fact that his claw won’t bend the correct way and puts it back down. R’lashi just smiles at his lifemate, happy with the attempt.

Leeana grins, and nods her head at Acadia. “Good job! Alright, please take note of how her feet are…they make a slight v-shape. And, notice how she’s holding her hand,” Lee says, pointing to the assistant weyrlingmaster’s fine display of a salute. “This is how it should be done. Seeing as how you’re going to be saluting everyone you see, this shouldn’t be a problem after a while.” She shakes her head at Enryth, holding back a chuckle, and then takes a long look at the already seated R’lashi. “Weyrling R’lashi! Why do you think we salute?” she asks, as she motions for the rest of the weyrlings to sit down. She also nods her head to the side for Acadia, letting her relax, too. “Thanks, ‘Cadia.”

R’lashi sits up straight in his chair, then thinks for a moment. “To… Show that we are honoring those above us?”

Leeana nods. “Very right. It shows respect for the person who you are saluting to. Are there any questions, so far? If not, we’re going to move on to rules that you are to follow during your weyrlinghood.”

S’kris slides back into his seat after another of those quick, respectful nods. The question asked is given a raise eyebrow and he slants a look over at R’lashi, his expression thoughtful as he listens to the answer given. “Ah, no ma’am.”, is his answer to the Weyrlingmaster’s query, his attention snapping back to her when she speaks.

R’lashi shakes his head, “No questions from me, Ma’am.” Enryth sits up, showing a little more excitement in the dull curriculum that was promised.

Acadia makes a face at the nickname but relaxes into the ‘parade rest’ position. Another one the weyrlings will have to learn.

Leeana nods. “Alright then. As for rules, you don’t have that many to follow, really. There will be no drinking of /any/ alcohol at /all/. The last thing we need is for you to be drunk, and falling off of your dragons. Once you graduate, you can drink to your heart’s content.” She starts pacing again. “You already know about saluting…oh! You’re not allowed to have sex. Sex is evil, don’t do it. You’re only allowed to wander out in the area of the bowl that’s just outside, and the barracks. You can go to the lake, but please be very careful! Your dragons are still very young, and we don’t want them hurt. Please make sure that they’re up for the walk to the lake shore before you go.” She turns to her fellow greenrider. “Anything you’d like to add? I know I’m forgetting something…”

Acadia says, “We also need to remind you that nobody is allowed in the weyrling barracks unless that person has ‘weyr’ in their title or is another weyrling. Period. This is for your good as well as company who might not be able to handle the noise and mess twenty or thirty young dragons can make at a time. But you can visit with people in the area of the bowl just outside if you like.”

R’lashi nods as he finishes taking mental notes. Enryth warbles happily at the gained knowledge, no matter how dull or annoying it might be.

S’kris pats down down his pockets in a futile search for something to write with. He gives up and just nods at Leeana, uttering another, “Yes ma’am.” to indicate that he’s heard her. This is said again to Acadia when she adds to the list of rules, his tone respectful. Wrencath fidgets, jiggling a little in his impatience. Once again, he’s looking around for something interesting to look at … or possibly eat.

Yrath sighs, and walks forward to sit next to Enryth and Wrencath. At an attempt of being nice, she moves her tail forward, trying at tickling the sides of the dragonets.

Leeana grins. “Oh yes. Thank you, Acadia.” Turning back to the weyrlings, she says, “Are there any questions? Any questions at all? Don’t be shy, now.”

“Don’t worry, Ma’am, I’m not being shy. You’ve just covered the topics well.” He attempts to be respectful in his speech. He takes a look at Enryth, who’s apparently being tickled. The brown shifts a little, taking a noisy breath.

Before dismissing class, Leeana remembers to add on another note. “Oh yeah! And if any of you are caught mounting your lifemates without permission, you will be punished severely. Disembowelment is always top choice!” Her voice is dead serious, but a very small smirk is a sign that she’s only joking. Or is she? “You’ll most likely be assigned harder chores, since we’ve got to build up your muscle, and all. With that, you are dismissed!”

Wrencath whuffles when Yrath starts trying to tickle him, eyes spinning briefly with alarm. This results in him leaning a bit on S’kris, who has to push back /hard/ to prevent himself from being knocked over. “We /talked/ about this.”, he hisses softly, giving the bronze’s shoulder an affectionate pat. Leeana’s words are, predictably, nodded to, another quick, “Yes ma’am.” given, and then Wrencath’s up and moving to find himself some /food/.

Leeana drops the OOC ball. Alright! Hellooooooooooo, everyone. ^^

S’kris pounces the ball and purrs. Hi! :D

R’lashi wavies, Hello ;3 *nibbles on S’kris*

Leeana says “Arrrrgh, maties. You’re WEYRLINGS!! Yess. ^^ Well, now, I thought I would have a lot to say on the OOC level, but I don’t. As per usual. You’re allowed to be in the barracks (of course), out in the bowl just outside the barracks, and you can go to the lake. Normally the Weyrlingmasters wait until your second or third lesson to tell you that you can go to the lake, but I’m nice enough to let you NOW!”

R’lashi hurrahs for the ever so nice Leeana!

Acadia pulls out the chocolate to share.

S’kris grins. ;)

Leeana steals chocolate from Acadia. “Do you guys have any OOC questions?”

R’lashi shakes his head, Not really :3

S’kris thought he did, but the question fizzled. :/

R’lashi ahhs and gives his chocolate to S’kris.

Acadia thinks of something.

Acadia will be around during the week after each lesson for makeups. The next two Saturdays I’ll be gone, but hope to be here for the rest of the lessons.

Leeana says “Uh oh! The question fizzled? That’s not good. Oh, I should let you know that the AWLMs, like the lovely Acadia here, have agreed to grab you when they see you, and teach you some smaller things, and we’re going to keep having lessons on Saturdays. I know that some people aren’t going to make it, which is okay, because they’ll make up lessons later. You cannot graduate if you haven’t finished /all/ of the lessons! Oh, and I’ve come up with a buddy system. ^^”

S’kris thinks it was something to do with injuries. Bah. *gnaws on chocolate*

Leeana says “From now on, you’ll be working in pairs. The whole purpose of the buddy system is to make the lessons more interesting. You’ll help your partner out, they’ll help you, ladeeda. Also, your partner can help you with OOC stuff, too. R’lashi and S’kris, you’re partnered together!! YAY!! You’ll be bestest best friends for life. ^^ Well, maybe not life, but you’ll be bestest best friends for weyrlinghood! Teehee. The other pairs are Persie with T’aren, and R’us with T’hon.”"

Leeana says “Also!”

R’lashi grins, works for me :3

S’kris gnaws on R’lashi.

R’lashi gnaws back, buddy :P

Leeana says “If you look at the weyrling board that’s sitting in this room, you’ll be able to see what lessons you’ve completed, and which ones you need to make up. The AWLMs know about this little gadget, but it would be nice if you could remind them to mark you off on any lessons they’ve given you, /if/ the lessons are on the board. I told P’draig (and I’m pretty sure he told the othres) that they could teach you other stuff that you need to know. Stuff like building a fire and cooking something over it for when your rider’s weyrmate kicks him off the ledge, without any food.”

Leeana says “Your next lesson will be mental orientation, next Saturday! It should be fun…MWAHA…MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!”

R’lashi wheees :3

S’kris basks in the evil.

Leeana says “If there aren’t any more questions, then we’re done here. ^^”

Acadia has to admit she’s not skilled with code. I’m happy to answer other OOC questions, but you’d be better talking to the others with code questions.

weyrlinghood, r'lashi, wrencath, faldaverth and sarevith's, enryth, leeana, s'kris

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