Log: Weyrling Lesson with R'lashi, T'aren, S'kris

Feb 12, 2006 14:44

IC log: Lesson 02: Visualizing (Hide and Seek)-

Weyrling Barracks(#1961RAJ$)
Row after row of stone couches line this gigantic cavern; weyrlings of all ages tend their dragons, hurry in and out, and perform various chores. Next to each couch is a small cot and press, so that riders can sleep by their dragons.
A small area is set aside near the north wall. It seems to be a classroom: the wall near it is covered in diagrams, as well as signs reading “Oil Daily” and the like. A large bin full of oil is strategically placed nearby, ceramic pots and long paddles lining the shelves behind it, ready to fill for an itchy dragon’s oiling. Far in the back wall is a curtained partition that leads to the bathing cavern. Near the entrance is a dark, cool room with hanging slabs of meat and a gigantic bin filled with chunks for the young dragons to eat. Against a wall not far away are a few long tables where the Weyrlings take their meals.
+view is available.
A wide opening to the east opens out into the Bowl.
Griseth’s Couch(#8688Ve)
Weyrling Board
Example Straps
Obvious exits:
Bowl Office Door Weyrlingmaster’s Quarters

Leeana has arrived.

Leeana walks into the barracks with a wicked smirk on her lips as she heads towards the entrance of the barracks. Turning to look over her shoulder, she shouts out, “All of you weyrlings need to follow me into the bowl, please! Make sure your lifemates come along…we can’t have a lesson without them, now can we?”

Leeana steps out through the cavern’s arch into the open space of the bowl.

Leeana has left.

R’lashi steps out through the cavern’s arch into the open space of the bowl.

R’lashi has left.

Enryth steps out through the cavern’s arch into the open space of the bowl.

Enryth has left.

You step out through the cavern’s arch into the open space of the bowl.

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the weyrling barracks
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, nearly featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from the southwest to the northeast; you are standing near the wall northwest of its center. To the west is a cavern, carved into the cliffside, where newly-Impressed dragonriders live with their young dragons before they have been fully trained. When they join a regular fighting Wing, the young riders are ready to inhabit weyrs of their own.
To the south is the fenced off area where the Weyr’s herds are kept. Along the north rim of the bowl, to the east of here, are the junior queens and weyrleaders weyrs, and the entrance to the Hatching ground. The center of the bowl, off which is the entrance to the large living caverns, stretches out to the southeast.
Obvious exits:
Weyrlingmaster’s Weyr East Feeding Ground Weyrling Barracks Center of Bowl

Wrencath steps out of the Weyrling barracks.

Wrencath has arrived.

Teusath steps out of the Weyrling barracks.

Teusath has arrived.

T’aren steps out of the Weyrling barracks.

T’aren has arrived.

P’draig walks over from the center of the bowl.

P’draig has arrived.

Above the southwest area, Jekzith spreads his wings and launches off his ledge.

Above the southwest area, Jekzith spirals down and comes to a landing on the lake shore.

Jekzith walks over from the center of the bowl.

Jekzith has arrived.

R’lashi walks through the opening into the bowl, a happy brown trotting behind him. Both of them make their way over toward where Leeana is standing. Reminded of prior lessons, R’lashi takes the time to salute cleanly both Leeana and P’draig.

S’kris follows Leeana and R’lashi out, Wrencath looming over his shoulder and ambling along just fast enough to keep up. The former Bitran murmurs a few things under his breath and shakes his head, which seems to draw a low rumble from the portly bronze. The pair finally stop a short distance away, Soka snapping off a pair of crisp salutes to Leeana and P’draig as well.

T’aren isn’t far behind the lot of others that make thier way out of the barracks. Teusath’s movements are fluid as he plods towards the group a fair distance in front of his rider who’s fussing with trying to get a spot of oil on his uniform’s shirt to be less noticible. This is far from an easy task normally - and it gets harder when one is trying to jog to keep up. Eventually the pair make it, though there’s little luck with the splotch of oil, so a duo of cleanly delivered salutes will have to try to make up for it.

P’draig waits with Leeana, having a quiet word, then nods and steps forward. “All right, Weyrlings, we’re going to do a couple of things today - we’re going to continue practicing projection and mental orientation and …” he pauses for effect, “you’ll be climbing aboard the dragons for the first time.” Paddy waits for that to sink in then nods to the group. “Partner up please for the first part of the lesson.”

Enryth sits up straight, eyes whirling an excited blue green. R’lashi is a little surprised himself, and walks up to his brown. Leading him over to S’kris, which he had been paired with in the first lesson, a smile comes over him. “You ready S’kris, and you Wrencath?” Enryth warbles happily to Wrencath.

Piper steps out of the Weyrling barracks.

Piper has arrived.

S’kris blinks a few times with open incredulosity at P’draig, then slants a look upward at Wrencath. The bronze is bouncing a little in place, jiggling with what can only be described as abject draconic glee. He warbles back to Enryth, gape-mouthed dragon-grinning at the brown. Soka’s grinning rather goofily himself and doesn’t do a good job of hiding it. He nods to R’lashi, reaching back to place a hand on one of Wrencath’s forelegs. “I suspect we’re as ready as can be, R’lashi. Are /y’all/ ready?”

R’lashi grins right back at S’kris. “Course we’re ready!” Enryth sits down on his haunches, warbling excitedly some more.

Piper takes a circuitous path around the bowl, her path bringing her nearby to the lesson-ing weyrlings, so she decides to settle in for a bit of a watch to see how Fort’s newest riders are progressing. She pulls up short enough to not be easily seen so as not to disturb the lesson.

R’us steps out of the Weyrling barracks.

R’us has arrived.

Lindith has arrived.

R’us smiles as Lindith returns to his side.

P’draig waits for the pairs to settle out then explains the lesson. “All right. One pair will actually be doing the exercise, while the other ’spots’ for that pair, then we’ll up the ante maybe, depending on how things go and throw an extra loop into this one. Decide who’ll go first, and the Weyrling in that pair should close his or her eyes. Your dragon will then go hide somewhere off in the Bowl and will guide you to him or her using only the thoughts he or she sends to you. No peeking.”

S’kris shakes his head, looking up at Wrencath for a moment before drawling, “Ah, well, I suspect I could go first, R’lashi. He really wants to give this ‘hiding’ thing a try. I hope you don’t mind terribly.” That said, he closes his eyes and turns away, his lifemate lumbering off in search of a good place to hide his bulk.

Teusath receives a long cautious eying from his lifemate and a murmur of, “Remember what Weyrwoman Piper said about me needing to survive weyrlinghood too.” There’s a snort from the bronze and with a bit of a swallow, Tru glances towards R’us, “You two want to go first or ought we?” In the mean time, Teusath warbles to Lindith, stretching a bit as he gets up from his relaxed pose - probably taking his time just so he’ll get noticed more as he does so.

“But she’s so small,” R’us objects quietly from the back of the group, while Lindith lifts her wings in a dainty pinnacle over her back and sucks in air to bellows her ribcage, trying to appear larger than she is with minimal success. The pair move around to search out one of the more familiar weyrlings - the greenrider shuffling churlishly, Lindith pawing gracefully away at a slow trot - and are addressed by T’aren, so the match is made. “Uh,” R’us replies while his lady lifts her head to consider Teusath with arch thoughtfulness. “You go on ahead.” The weyrling chuffs a sigh and casts a glance off at P’draig, then back at T’aren. “Less you’re worried.”

“I don’t mind at all,” replies R’lashi, preparing to spot S’kris to ensure he didn’t run into anything. “Just make sure that Wrencath’s mind doesn’t wander too much.” A small smile creeps it’s way across his face.

Jekzith sticks his nose forward, curious as the Weyrlings pair off. He ambles around the group happily, apparently eager to ‘play’ this game again himself. This is how he happens on Piper and whuffs fondly in her direction, before continuing his long slow prowl around the group, keeping an eye on everything for P’draig.

“All right then, Weyrlings who are doing the exercise, eyes closed! Dragons, sneak off!” he commands and steps back a little to see how this will go. “Don’t go too far - no further than the lake. When I give the word, you’ll go looking for your dragons, based only on their mental guidance. Spotters, make sure your partners don’t fall into any holes or trip over any rocks while they’re seeking.”

Piper giggles softly at her greeting from the prowling brown, her smile warm with affection though she utters, “I’m hiding too, move along,” even as Jekzith does. She glances over the aligned pairs, brows upraising as Anouke finds herself paired up with F’lsum.”

Wrencath finds a few rocks and, after giving them a nudge with his nose, settles on lurking behind them. Okay, so it’s not the best hiding spot, but it’s not as if S’kris can /see/ him, either. So, he does his best impression of a rock, head down and tailtip flipping back and forth with excitement.

R’lashi laughs gently at the sight of Wrencath attempting to hide, then signals for S’kris to close his eyes. “All right, Wrencath’s ready, I think. Go ahead and see if you can find your way.” He leans up against his dragon, having a little conversation of his own while keeping his eye on S’kris.

“N-no, I ain-er, I’m not scared.” Tru is quick to reply to R’dus and then he turns about, closing his eyes while Teusath gives a wuffle of draconic laughter before moving off away from the green pair and his own rider. He opts to move carefully behind Wrencath, and curl himself as tight as he can get into a large bronze ball of hide.

R’us smirks. “Sure you ain’t.” Lest there be excessive efforts at high-spoken language here. “Eyes shut,” the greenling demands of his fellow weyrling as Teusath slips away - though Lindith watches keenly and chuckles a high, lilting warble at the bronze’s effort. “And, uh, I guess you can take my hand,” which R’us awkwardly sticks out as if it were a broom and his arm the broomstick. “So I can stop you falling into anything. Yeah.” The other hand scrubs back his unruly bangs.

“What?” T’aren sounds both surprised and disgusted by the offer, “Hold your hand? Ew, no!” Well, how else can you really expect a sixteen turn old boy to respond to that. An eye has been opened - not both mind, but just one and its been fixed on R’us as though he was crazy. Fortunately, Tru is too distracted to notice the bronze behind bronze.

P’draig covers his mouth with his hand as Teusath chooses his hiding place and observes as several other dragons scatter across the Bowl, adopting various ‘hiding’ places. “Go ahead and find ‘em - dragons you need to project where you are to your riders -” he breaks off at the fuss up going on with T’aren and R’us. “Hey, you two, what’s going on over there? Focus please! T’aren! Eyes closed!”

S’kris keeps his eyes shut, his face screwed up in an expression of intense concentration. So, of course, he doesn’t see Wrencath curl his head around to give Teusath the best approximation of a ‘dirty look’ that a dragon can give. He wiggles his rump aside, breaking a bit of the other bronze’s cover while he tries to ‘re-hide’ himself about a foot aside. Soka turns and starts off at a slow pace, muttering, “R’lashi, there /aren’t/ any boulders or mountains or the like in the bowl, are there?”

“Fine, fall into a hole. See if I care.” R’us withdraws his arm, only too glad to do so. “You’ll grab my hand quick enough if it’s a big, deep hole and you need me to haul your sorry backside out,” he adds, but as P’draig butts in with instruction, the greenrider takes turns going through scowl and smirk (hey, T’aren got the callout by name, so he must be in a greater trouble) and steps forward to make contact with his paired partner - by giving him a light shove in the shoulder. “Better start looking,” says he, sweetly.

Jekzith warbles encouragingly to those with their eyes closed and pokes his muzzle in mentally at least, with more than one pair, suggesting to the young dragons how best to guide their riders: < < Sharpen that image, remember to try to make things -their- size, not ours. >>

R’lashi grins, “Not that I can see, well, in front of you anyways. You’re fine, keep going.” Enryth peers around, trying to find a good hiding spot for himself once he gets to go.” R’lashi follows S’kris around as quiet as possible, to allow for better concentration.

There’s a mutter under the ‘Reachian’s breath as his eye is winked closed again and the shove is felt on his shoulder. He stumbles forward before halting himself and straightening up - squaring his shoulders. “You just wait and watch, R’us, Teusath’ll lead me right to him.” And with a resolute look (as much as someone with their eyes closed and brows furrowed can look resolute), T’aren begins to move, cautiously - arms extended out in front of himself to act as a buffer for anything or anyone he might run into.

R’us would clearly most like to just stand there and smirk while his ‘partner’ wanders off into solid objects unguided, but Lindith’s higher ethical standards are expressed with a gentle sweep of her persuasive headknobs against her lad’s shoulder, and a split-second later R’us seems to have the idea that oh! T’aren might be better off with a little help. So the greenling sets out after him, trailing him by barely a pace, stopping and starting as the bronze’s weyrling does, echoing every step. It is a strange little dance, but keeps the onetime harper-student close enough to be able to vocalize - or just plain grab the guy - if T’aren seems likely to fall into a pit. Or something.

S’kris keeps trudging forward, placing his feet carefully; at the very least, Wrencath seems to be giving him accurate directions, since he’s heading in the right direction. He pauses after a few more steps, frowning rather suddenly, the act coinciding with Wrencath’s peering over at Teusath again. But, when he reaches out, there’s a stretch of familiar bronze hide and he cracks an eye open. “Ah, /there/ you are. I thought you’d kept moving, Wrencath and … really, I didn’t know /what/ to make of the mountains you said you were hiding behind.” A pointed look is given to the rocks in front of the young dragon.

P’draig continues to monitor the exercise, occasionally trying to refrain from laughing again. At one point he has to step in and rescue one of the smaller Weyrlings who bumps up against someone else’s dragon and gets stuck and her spotter is laughing so hard she’s no use. “C’mon spotters, stay on it!” he calls out.

R’lashi can’t help but laugh at the ‘mountains’ that Wrencath was hiding behind, and waits for the switch to be called.

Imali walks over from the center of the bowl.

Imali has arrived.

There are a few stumbles, but T’aren more or less ends up going towards the pair of hiding bronzes. Howsomeever, it does take T’aren a bit longer than S’kris to get to them on account of some zig-zagging to the pace that seems to only frustrate the bronzelet and amuse his lifemate. “Sharditall Teu! Just direct me to where you are straight and proper!” And then the line seems to straighten out. But instead of it leading Tru towards Teu directly, it leads him to find his hands on Wrencath’s side, a peculiar perplexed look on the young man’s face. “This doesn’t feel like you. Are you /sure/ I’ve found you, Teusath?” The weyrling slides his hands along the hide until he steps away and trips right over the end of his lifemate’s tail - placed strategially to let him know he’s been found in the typical ‘a little farther, a little farther, a -’ and then over a cliff routine.

“All right, not bad not bad for the first time,” P’draig calls out. “Now swap turns! We’ll be talking about how to handle this better after everyone’s had a go. Everyone come back towards me, to do the swap.”

R’lashi walks back toward P’draig, an excited brown right behind. Enryth has the perfect place spotted, and can’t wait to test it out.

S’kris thumps Wrencath’s shoulder and turns to head back toward P’draig. Though he misses seeing T’aren’s tumble, his lifemate doesn’t and the portly dragon utters a couple of amused chuffs. Wrencath lumbers along and finally plunks his butt down once they’re back to where they started. “Ready, R’lashi?”, Soka asks with a grin.

As P’draig moves to deal one on one with a pair that’s having more difficulty than the rest, he summons Piper in to help out, as Jekzith’s alerted him to her presence. Looking a little startled, Piper steps up in front of the group, calling out, “Okay, now that you’ve had the chance to see your partners do it, this should be a piece of cake for the rest of you, right?” Her smile’s warm, “So let’s try it. Have your ‘mates wait till they see your eyes closed to hide. Cheating here doesn’t help you feel out that bond, and someday, it’ll save your hide.”

R’us is snickering behind T’aren. Open eyes allow the green’s weyrling to observe Teusath’s game, and it’s all the lad can do not to laugh outright when the tail-tripwire happens. “I think you found ‘im,” he jovially informs his search-and-find partner, while Lindith is already trying to sneak into a hiding place of her own - in plain sight, but with her back to the glittering surface of the lake. It’s kind of like camoflauge. Not very like, but a little.

R’lashi nods, “Yeah, I’m ready.” He closes his eyes, and waits for his lifemate to take place. Enryth ambles off toward a hole in the ground he spotted earlier, a little further out than where the others were hiding but still within comfortable distance. He lowers himself into the hole and folds his wings over it to make a sort of platform. R’lashi just grins as he obtains the image, but waits for the signal to go.

With a groan T’aren sits up, rubbing his backside as he gets to his feet. He shoots Teusath a dirty look and then mutters, “Evidently.” In response to R’us. “Let’s hope your lifemate is kinder to you than mine to me. Close your eyes.” He encourages the greenie with a smirk of his own.

“Hey, Piper’s leading us,” R’us belatedly notices, and though his eyes aren’t closed Lindith can go about the rest of her hiding efforts in absolute security against his prying gaze - the greenrider’s a little busy staring at the Weyrwoman, maybe looking for grey hairs or wrinkles her knot may have already earned her. Or just staring; just staring for staring’s sake is also possible. Then he recalls himself at T’aren’s instruction and squishes shut his eyes, unconsciously imitates his partner’s earlier posture with arms outhrust in front, and goes searching. “Stop it,” he mumbles. “You’re s’posed to show me how to get to you, not how pretty you are there.” And having said this out loud instead of internally, the lad’s face flushes.

S’kris settles back on his heels, arms folding over his chest. “Well, I suspect Enryth’s ready, then. Go on and find him, now.” He glances over at Piper, giving her a quick salute - really, better to be safe than sorry - and an equally quick grin. Wrencath plants his muzzle in Soka’s back, pushing him forward, and the young man starts to move, watching R’lashi. “I’m moving, I’m moving. I don’t think Enryth will do like what Teusath did … say, T’aren? You didn’t, ah, hurt yourself too terribly, did you?”

At the ripe old age of 20 turns, Piper has yet to go grey or get wrinkles, however, give the knot time. Perhaps its effects are insiduous. She grins as the pairs ready, “Look like your ‘mates are ready for you, have at it. Partners, do keep them from tripping and falling even over their own lifemate’s tail? Twisted ankles will be more than an annoyance at this stage…don’t want to fall behind.”

Hearing about T’aren getting hurt starts to worry him, but he follows a straight path, arms out in front of him to probe anything that might get in the way. “Enryth, why are you only showing me a hole?” He continues forward, and stumbles on a little pile of rocks, correcting himself after that.

T’aren’s smirk turns easily into an almost malicious grin as he calls out, “Lindith - you look so lovely! Doesn’t she look stunning, Teu?” Who gives an encouraging croon towards the green in response to his rider’s words. “It’d be a shame if your lifemate didn’t know just exactly how beautiful you looked. He can find you if he opens his eyes to see how lovely you are.” Real helpful, no? The lad does, at least, trail R’us faithfully ready to either warn him about something he could trip on - or perhaps push him since he was left to trip over Teu’s tail so kindly by his partner.

R’us halts of a sudden. It could for a second seem that he’s going to roundabout on T’aren and haul off with a smack or a yell, but neither happens. Instead he’s struggling with his eyelids, and eventually he does manage to keep them sealed shut despite the hail of his lady’s delicate wings against the lake behind her. “Yeah. I can smell water on the wind,” he mutters, jerking his blind face toward T’aren - so there! - and sets off again, coming eventually to Lindith - or rather, Lindith’s outstretched wingsail, into which, without warning from his spotter, the green’s weyrling will faceplant.

S’kris strolls along with R’lashi, glancing from the weyrling to the well-hidden brown, and back again. “Well, he /should/ be showing you the way to get to him. Wrencath did that for me, at least, even if he /did/ insist that he was hidden by a mountain. He didn’t mention Teusath being behind him, though.” Then he goes silent again, just watching. Wrencath, however, utters an excited warble when he sees his clutchmate and sends him a brightly coloured, < < G-good spot! >>

For a good bit there, it seems as though T’aren’s not going to offer any word of warning to his partner as he moves in a collision course with his lifemate’s wing - but about one pace from the ’sail, he offers a, “Stop short.” And well, if the greenling doesn’t /listent/ to him, that’s hardly his fault, is it. Teusath, in the mean time, has settled himself in a lazily showing off pose. Every now and again looking from one weyrling dragon to another to another.

R’lashi steps onto something that feels a little different than the normal ground, and turns around in circles. “I’m where you want me to be… Where are you Enryth?” A small movement in the ground gave it all away, “Wait, I’m standing on you, aren’t I.” He chuckles lightly and steps off, opening his eyes. Enryth warbles happily, then pulls himself out of the hole.

Piper smiles approval as several of the pairs find their ‘mates with only minimal difficulty. Her gaze swings around, shaded by her hand, to eye the field of who is left. R’lashi seems to be making steady progress toward Enryth despite his confusion, and R’us is nearly upon Lindith, with the possibility of an uncomfortable meeting taking place. Piper watches intently, her eyes narrowed to see what his partner will do. Her mouth forms a thin line as he waits until the last possible moment to warn R’us, and she watches to see if disaster has been averted, calling over, “Not really the type of leadership skills we generally expect out of our bronzeriders, T’aren.”

“Huh?” But R’us’ feet understand better than his mind, and the green’s weyrling’s steps stutter to a sudden, dusty halt just before his lifemate’s outstretched wing. Unable to contain curiousity any longer, his eyes pop open - and open wide indeed to find that great expanse of glory before him in all its pale beachgrass hues. “Oh,” he breathes, “I found you.” A hand slides up to stroke a ’spar, and Lindith bows her head to stroke her rider’s temple with a ‘knob before trilling an approving note to T’aren. As if it was -him- she was watching. Well, given he’d been entrusted with her first love, maybe so. Anyway, R’us turns about and grins at T’aren, appreciating the joke: “Yeah, yeah. Nice one.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Is all T’aren replies to the Weyrwoman’s reprimand. “Figured, fairs fair. The boy won’t learn his lesson about warning his partner when his dragon’s about to let him trip over his tail unless he experienced something similar.” Then he shrugs looking to R’us, “At least I warned him.” Which is only slightly better than not at all. He doesn’t seem terribly apologetic about the action either really.

R’lashi makes his way back over toward Piper, leading Enryth with him. Giving a salute, he forms back with the group that had already finished.

S’kris watches R’lashi and Enryth, the discovery, and their trek back before following at a casual amble, with Wrencath sticking close by. He glances over at T’aren and R’us, eyebrows lifting a bit before he just shakes his head. “No, I wouldn’t ever do that to you, Wrencath, so don’t you worry any, y’hear?”

“Well, now that you’ve both had a taste of it, you can practice it together. I’ll let Leeana know that you two need work on your teamwork skills, and I’m sure she’ll come up with something. In the meantime, good job everybody, looks like everyone’s getting good at visualizing with their ‘mates, which of course is really important for betweening later on,” Piper notes, “So, class dismissed, keep practicing this exercise with someone else, even if your particular partner isn’t available. My class made it into a sort of blind man’s freeze tag. I’m sure you’ll be able to find ways to make it more interesting for you too…just safety first, okay?” She ducks into the barracks for a bit to chat with the weyrlingmaster.

“Eh, she’s got to say it because you ride bronze. Or you will. You just walk around with bronze at the moment.” R’us steps into stride alongside T’aren, expressing his opinion easily, guy-to-guy like, as if it’s meant to be reassuring. “It’d have been funnier, anyway, if you let me smack into her. I’d just be ‘fraid of hurting her wing,” the weyrling observes further, while Lindith trails behind with an eye on Wrencath - < < Next time you should hide inside something, >> her oh-so-harmless lid-batting suggestion.

T’aren smirks slightly, “Teusath thought so too. I just figured it’d be more interesting to see if you trusted to listen to me or not.” He gives a slight shrug of his shoulders and then he and Teusath head towards the barracks.

S’kris nods to Piper, slowing a bit and finally coming to a stop when Wrencath decides to sit rather heavily on the ground. “Oh, you can’t be /that/ tired, now. We only did a bit of walking.”, Soka murmurs, head tilted as he regards the bronze. Of course, Wrencath’s attempt at replying to both his rider and Lindith are poorly handled, a softly stuttered < < I'm only tired because I had to break that mountain down so you could find me, that's all. Besides, I don't like hiding inside of things. I'm not scared to, I just don't like it. /You/ should go hide in something next time! >>

T’aren goes home.

T’aren has left.

Teusath goes hom.

Teusath has left.

< < I will, >> replies Lindith in her static crackle, lifting her wings in a smooth motion, beachgrass waving in the wind against the backdrop of her lime-twist hide. < < I bet there are many places to hide in the sky. When we can fly, I will hide inside the clouds! >> But the lithe little green’s plans of grandeur are interrupted by her R’us’ pause to collect her: “Hey. Let’s eat. -I- haven’t had anything yet today, remember?” And that pair, too, then makes for the barracks.

Lindith enters the weyrling barracks.

Lindith has left.

R’us enters the weyrling barracks.

R’us has left.

S’kris pats an herb-green speckled patch on Wrencath’s foreleg and leads the way into the barracks, the corpulent bronze lumbering along excitedly at the mention of food. “Yes, yes, we’ll get you fed and oiled, Wrencath.” Soka laughs, then ducks inside.

weyrlinghood, r'us, t'aren, r'lashi, s'kris

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