(no subject)

Feb 28, 2007 19:04

Who: P'draig, Leeana
When: 17:58 on day 21, month 2, Turn 11, of the Tenth Interval. It is a winter afternoon.
Where: Fort Weyr Bowl, NE
What: P'draig and Leeana catch up.

Fort Weyr Bowl, northeastern area
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from southwest to northeast; you're standing near the wall at its northern end.
Off to the northwest is the long path leading up to the Junior Queens' Weyrs, while steps to the north lead to the Weyrleader Complex. From here you can see in to the Hatching Grounds to the east, and the steps leading up to the gallery stands in the Grounds to the southeast. Stretching off to the southwest is the center of the bowl, where the Lower Caverns, Weyrling Barracks, lake and Feeding Grounds can be seen.
Obvious exits:
Jr. Queen Weyrs Center of the Bowl Weyrling Barracks Weyrleader Complex Gallery SAnds

Early evening sees P'draig ambling around the Bowl, dressed against winter's chill in scarf and jacket, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He has a thoughtful expression on his face as he scuffs through the snow that still litters the Bowl floor, much of it dirtied and browned by a couple of months of being trod through and landed on by dragons. The Weyrlingmaster moves away from the queen ledges towards the Weyrling Barracks even though there are currently no Weyrlings in training, the last few from the most recent clutch having been tapped into the wings many months ago.

Leeana is walking across the bowl, dressed in warm flying leathers complete with scarf and gloves, with a couple of packages tucked under her left arm. Her nose is frostbitten as well as her cheeks as she slowly makes her way towards the general direction of the centre of the bowl. From the corner of her eye she catches movement, and the greenrider waves her hands with a big smile. "Hullo, P'draig! How are you today?"

P'draig pauses in his tracks and looks up. "Heya Lee," he calls over to the greenrider. "Where ya going with all that?" he nods at the packages, and stamps one foot a little into the snow, making another print in the trail he's left behind him.

Leeana glances down at the packages and slightly shrugs a shoulder. "Oh they're just something I brought over from the Healer Hall today. I'm supposed to drop them off at the infirmary." She meanders over to where the Brownrider is standing, and reaches to give him a clap on the back. "How have you been? What are you doing out here in the cold?"

"Healer stuff huh? Did you see Reighley over there?" He gives the packages another curious look. "Hmm? Oh ... just going over to the Barracks. There's something I wanted to look up in my office," says the brownrider casually.

Leeana takes a minute to think, and then shakes her head. "No, I don't think I did. I was pretty busy, I might not have noticed." Then she nods and ahs. "Hey, how's Pip? Haven't spoken to her in a while, either."

"Yeah, it's a big place, Healer Hall," agrees the Weyrlingmaster hiking one shoulder upward. "Piper's fine," he adds rather uninformatively and shoots a look back over his shoulder at the queen ledges. "It's been a pretty interesting winter what with the comet and everything. Have you gotten a good look at it?"

Leeana raises brow at his uninformative answer, but just brushes it off with another shrug of her shoulders. "I've seen it, yes. It's pretty impressive, isn't it?" she asks as she shifts her weight, and switches the packages to the other arm. "Anything terribly interesting happening with you lately? Unfortunately I missed the weyrling graduation some months ago. How was that for you?"

"Yeah, pretty even," notes the brownrider, turning a little towards the spot where the comet is usually most visible. "I've been flying drills mostly and getting the barracks a deep clean like it hasn't had for a while since clutches are starting to space out and be smaller."

Leeana just nods her head. "I'm actually glad that they're getting smaller and there are fewer of them. It was starting to get too crowded around here! And please tell me you're not cleaning the barracks on your own." She gives him a sympathetic look and shakes her head.

"Yeah, it's good to have the downtime in between. There's more time for lots of other things." He flashes the greenrider a grin and then laughs outright. "Uh no. I'm too lazy to do that by myself. I've got lower caverns-folk helping out. Some other riders too who are gluttons for punishment."

Leeana nods. "I bet." Then, "Well that's good. I don't want you to work yourself to death, what use would you be dead? And...I'm...curious as to how you thought about making the gluttons clean the barracks. And what exactly did they eat that made them get punished?" She sounds amused and dreadfully curious.

"Don't worry. I'm the last person in the world who'd do that, Lee," P'draig assures the greenrider, with another smile. "Heh. They volunteered s'all, even though the job involves a lot of scrub brushes, strong cleaning stuff and climbing up on ladders to get spinners down off the ceiling." He leans over and gives her shoulder a light pseudo-punch. "So, when we do have eggs next, do you think you'll help out with the Weyrlings again?"

Leeana chuckles. "Well that's not so bad, I guess. Except for the spinners part. Those things creep me out." At the mention of possibly helping with the next batch of weyrlings, she lets out a sigh and winces a bit. "Oh, I suppose I probably will. It'll give me something interesting to do, and I like doing it just fine when I'm not the Weyrlingmaster." She lightly punches P'draig's arm a few times with a puny "grr."

"Yeah, spinners are pretty nasty," P'draig makes a face. "That part's not too bad actually, I guess there's something about having a lot of nearly-grown dragons around that keeps the worst of that at bay. Maybe their heads brushing the ceiling ... I dunno." The Weyrlingmaster feigns being wounded. "Oh... man, you got me ..." he mock-stumbles back a few paces. "Sounds good," he says, laying off the kidding around. "Who knows when we'll next get a clutch though, it's weird a little, some things were so predictable before and now, they're not as much."

Leeana laughs at the spinner comment, and wrinkles her nose a bit. "That's...gross. Be sure to tell them to scrub behind their headknobs for spinners." Then, "I know, things around here are getting kind of weird. I don't know." At the end of that she lets out a sigh and then holds the packages in front of her. "Well, I'm going to drop these off and sneak off to my weyr for a nap," she says, exhausted. "I'll talk to you later!"

p'draig, leeana

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