Log: Drinks Of A Wet Evening With Josian

Sep 12, 2010 23:54

Who: Josian, P'draig
When: day 28, month 9, turn 23 of the 10th interval
Where: Sandbar, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy and Josian catch up briefly over drinks at the Sandbar while rain pummels the island.

>---< Local Weather for ISW >------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp: 80 F Today's Lo/Hi: 78 F / 87 F
Belior: waning crescent Timor: waxing gibbous
Weather: Storm
The skies are dark all throughout the day, rain falls from above in
torrents coating everything and creating pools of water here and there.
The waves are particularly choppy today. The night isn't much better with
howling winds.
>---------------------------------------< 22:34 D28 M9 T23, summer night >---<

Later evening, nighttime, whichever way you slice it, the Beach House has just closed and in spite of the awful, rainy weather, P'draig has braved the flood and wind to hoof it across the intervening sand and over to the bar. His shirt is speckled with raindrops and an umbrella leans against the bar where he's perched, dripping slowly through the floorboards. The crowd is a little thin at the bar tonight thanks to the weather, but the brownrider's got a full glass and looks comfortable with his elbows perched on the bar.

Josian shakes water out of his hair, rather like a dog, as he steps inside. Despite the fact that he's totally and completely soaked, Josian has a cheerful smile on his face. The bar is a handy place to start, and Josian makes a beeline for it, nodding to P'draig. "Hey! How's business been?"

Looking up at that cheery greeting, Paddy shoots Josian a brief grin. "Pretty good. Not quite so busy today what with the weather. Somehow people aren't terribly inclined to run along an open beach to get dinner when it's howling outside. Buy you a drink?" the brownrider offers next.

"Yeah, I almost turned back myself, but really, I like the rain. Doesn't get you any wetter than a good swim might." Josian states before that offer gets a nod and a grin as he settles on a stool next to P'draig. "Well, I'm not going to turn that down. Glad to hear that the business is doing well."

"Sure, it's a little cold though," Paddy says with a laugh. "I think it's not so much the being wet part as the drying out part that kind of sucks, to be honest. That damp in between stage," he describes further then signals the barkeep. "What'll it be tonight?"

"Not as cold as it is just living at Fort or Lemos. This is a brisk chill." Josian states with a grin. "And that's true. The damp stage isn't great. Maybe you just need to walk outside for a few seconds at that stage." He ponders that for a moment before adding, "A beer would be great tonight."

"True, 'brisk chill' is colder than 'nice summer rain' though," Paddy says with a laugh. "And if T'mic could hear me saying that now, he'd laugh a lot and tell me that Ista's been thinning my blood." He tilts his own glass up for a little sip, nods to Kip. "A beer for my healer friend." The barkeep nods in return, doesn't take long to provide the requested foaming mug. "So. How's things for you? Infirmary slow or busy?"

"And then tease you incessantly about it, probably." Josian states, taking the beer for a sip when it arrives. "Thank you." He offers simply to P'draig before he shrugs. "Busy. But probably more my fault that I've been busy than the actual state of the infirmary. My contrary nature showing through."

"Maybe not incessantly. But it would come up," P'draig says with a little nod and has another sip of his drink. "Oh? Contrary in that you don't have to be busy but you're finding ways to be or something else?"

"Contrary in that I feel the need to prove that I actually am a good healer. And the business feels like part of that. One of the more senior journeyman can't stand me." Josian pauses there for a sip of his beer. "So I feel like everything I do something really right, I'm pissing him off a bit more."

"That's something you feel like you have to prove?" P'draig asks, slanting a curious look over at the healer, that changes into brow-raising. "Really? That doesn't ... sound like very comfortable working conditions."

Josian raises his beer to that. "It's not. But then, I'm pretty well used to it by now. I don't necessarily have the normal temperment for a healer, I guess. And so there will probably always be someone looking at me and thinking that I must totally suck at it, because I'm not all serious and staid."

"Didn't realize that was a requirement for being a healer," P'draig notes with a comical lift to the corner of his mouth. "Though I can see how it'd help with being able to focus and be professional. I think having a good sense of humor is important too though. I mean, there can be a lot of ... death involved with the job."

Long distance to Nenita: P'draig laughs. Passes another muffin. They are /insanely/ good.
"You hadn't heard that they make you demonstrate a good serious face before they'll even let you start apprenticeship?" Josian jokes before he nods. "And I work with children for a large part of my time. Being, um, warm? That helps. Being crazy? Can, too. But really, I can focus, when I need to. And I know what I'm doing. I'm a good healer, or there's no way I'd have gotten my knot, or surved six turns a Journeyman."

"Nope, I hadn't," P'draig answers grinning. "I'll try not to betray the crazy part." He winks over at the healer and sinks more of his drink. "Yeah, you've never struck me as incompetent, which ... kind of makes the idea that someone gets annoyed at you for doing the right things seem kind of crazy itself."

Josian takes a long drink from his beer before he replies, with a grin. "True! Maybe that makes /him/ the crazy one. Anyway, I get a certain satisfaction from the look on his face whenever I make a tough call the right way. Yesterday, he was treating a three turn old when I got there. The kid was hollering, crying. I stepped in, got the kid calmed down and treated. Probably not the most diplomatic, but, well." Josian shrugs and goes back to his beer.
"Ha! Go figure. And here's to you for managing those tough cases," P'draig wishes sincerely, finishes off the last of his drink. "Well, I hope the beer goes down smoothly. I'm going to make a run for home and make sure my porch isn't drowning." He holds a hand out though. "Good talking to you, Josian."

Josian reaches out to take P'draig's hand, smile still intact. "Good luck with the lack of flooding. It was good talking to you. Thanks again for the beer." Josian adds with one last grin to the brownrider before he turns back to it, scanning the room for someone else to bother.
A firm handshake later and Paddy's pushed his glass away, left a tip and reclaimed his umbrella. "Good night, Josian," is the brownrider's final parting as he heads back out into the drink.

p'draig, $restaurant, $t'mic, josian, #riptide, @ista weyr

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