Log: Palia Is A Truant

Jun 20, 2010 18:40

Who: Avrion, Palia
When: day 21, month 13, turn 22 of Interval 10.
Where: Main Beach, Ista Weyr.
What: Palia is bored with her classes. She and Avrion come to an arrangement.

Surf's up down at the beach just before lunch time. Wasn't Palia supposed to be in harper lessons this morning? Yet here she is riding the waves instead, just cruising in on one in fact with rather an intent look of concentration on her face as she navigates the end of a wave. Hopping off at the end of the ride, she stands with her board propped up in the shallows and looks out at the curling lines of waves that continuously form and roll in to shore. Other people are out surfing and swimming too, notably a lot of other youths, though most are older than the girl, definitely out of lessons.

Here's someone else who isn't in harper lessons, though it's sufficiently late that he might just have escaped. Avrion's dressed for the beach in shorts and a tunic that can only have come from the third-hand pile in the stores. He looks longingly at the water as he walks along the beach, but doesn't seem to be planning a swim. In fact, his course if continued will bring him right up to the door of the Beach House. He doesn't continue, though; instead he stops, his eyes fixed on one small surfer, and he changes direction. "Palia?"

Jumping a little guiltily as that voice sounds out, Palia turns and slants a look over her shoulder at the harper, adopting a very visibly 'devil-may-care' stance. "Oh, hi Avrion. Looking for lunch?" she asks as she notes the direction he's coming from and digs her board a little more firmly into the sand so she can wring out the dripping hem of her tank top.

"Looking for your father, actually. I've got a message for him." Avrion comes to a halt at the water's edge, a few feet from the young girl. He hesitates for a moment or two, then, mustering his harper diplomacy - such as it is - enquires, "Is the surfing good this morning? We missed you in class."

"Oh, well he's in there, chopping and getting ready for lunch. We're opening soon!" Palia gives him her best salesman smile as she leaves off wringing out her top. That question earns a casual gesture toward the ocean. "Do you /see/ those waves? Couldn't miss those. Besides, class is boring. I already know the stuff we're doing right now. When're we going to do some /interesting/ things?"

"You know it all, do you?" Avrion smiles a little too brightly. "So do you know the song about poisonous plants, that we learned this morning? We had pictures of them, too." He gives a quick glance at the waves in question, but goes on, "The one with a verse about sticklebush spines?" He drops his voice and says in a half-whispered tone of mock horror, "They can work their way right into your innards!"

"Not /all/ of it," Palia elaborates with a definite shake of her head. "Just what we're doing /now/," she explains further and rolls her eyes a little. "Yeah, I've known that one since I was six. You want proof?" Brows arch challengingly and she makes big eyes at the harper, then snorts softly. "No see, what you really don't want to bump into, is those big pitcher plants in the jungle, because if you fall in, you won't be coming out."
[Ista Weyr] Bailey flops and greets about.

Avrion's eyes narrow a little at the description of the plant; his expression has a distinct hint of 'pull the other one,' but he just says lightly, "Well, we'll have to find something a bit more challenging for you, then, won't we? "I'm sure the Weyrharper will be able to think of something. What do you like doing? Apart from surfing, that is."

"Seriously," Palia tells the harper solemnly. "If you get lost out there? Don't fall into anything that looks like a pitcher." And her chin lifts, challenging his offer though is actually pounced on. "Math. I want to do bigger math and learn how to do books and stuff. And more old history."

"Maths? You want to learn how to keep accounts?" Avrion sounds surprised, but then nods. "That's useful to know. Your father must need to keep accounts for the restaurant, yes? They taught us a bit about it at the Harper Hall, 'cos if harpers arbitrate disputes, the problem's quite often about buying and selling, and we need to know what the people are talking about. And there are hundreds and hundreds of history ballads, of course."

"Yes," Palia says definitely, head bobbing. "I want to learn how to do the books for the restaurant," she extends a finger and points that way. "So I can help Papa out and he doesn't have to tear his hair out about it because he's just not that good with numbers and I'm like my auntie Milani and I /am/ good with numbers." Plucky. Another little nod follows. "I know. My Uncle Remi taught me a couple, I know parts to them. But I want to know /more/ about all the things that happened a long time ago."

Avrion looks thoughtful at that. "We will be doing more history ballads - remember, we did that new one about the Long Interval, and how people forgot about Thread? We've got some more to do, as well." His head tilts a little, and he moistens his lips before explaining, "But sometimes, the ballads tell you a story, but to get all the details, you have to go beyond the ballad. 'Cos, you know, if it told you every little thing, it would take all night to sing. But there are books. And sometimes there are old records - you can look at what people actually said at the time."

"Sure but what about more of what happened because of that? Not just the singy parts, but all the stories behind it?" Palia asks with a breat of frustration puffed out. "And that's what I mean, which books? Can you tell me which ones?" And she makes big eyes up at the harper. "There's so many in the library."

"There are," Avrion smiles. "And some of them are very old, and some of them are very hard to read." He adds confidentially, leaning forward a little, "And some are rather falling to bits, but don't tell the records-keepers I said so. But I should think we could find you something interesting, as long as you promise to be very careful with them. Why don't I take a look see what I can find for you? Have you read all the books we keep in the classroom?"

"Most of the stuff in the library doesn't look that bad," Palia counters, shooting Avrion a hairy-eyeballed kind of look for a moment, but she nods energetically. "I'd /really/ like that. I'm a good reader too! You know that." As has been pretty evident from lessons. Her head bobs again though about the books in the classroom. "Cover to cover and a bunch that Papa's brought for me and that Uncle Remi gave me and Auntie Milani sends me some of her adventure stories when she's done with them." She's brightening up pretty well now, abandoning the diffident attitude about missing class from earlier.

"You are," Avrion agrees. He sounds quite confident as he proposes, "Well, then, how about this for a deal. You don't miss class, and I'll find you some books and ask the Weyrharper if we can find a way to do a bit more maths." Smiling as if sharing a secret, he adds, "And, I happen to know we've got a new history ballad to do in the next few days, too - and I can guarantee you won't know it, 'cos it's only just come from the Harper Hall and I've got to copy it out and learn it by the day after tomorrow."

Dimples form in Palia's cheeks as she smiles brightly at the harper. "Okay, it's a deal," she says and holds out her hand. "Though you know, we don't get waves like those every day right?" Her head tilts toward the ocean. "Do you know how to surf?" is asked next, gray eyes regarding the harper thoughtfully. "Because you know, I could teach you how if you'll teach me how to play more than a drum too."

Avrion shakes his head slowly. He clasps Palia's hand for a moment to seal the bargain, echoing, "Deal," then gives those the waves a good long look. "I only learned to swim a few months ago, when I came here," he says, considering. He turns back towards Palia. "What would you like to play? A pipe?"

"Do you practice every day? Because you know, like the Journeyman says, practice makes perfect," Palia intones brightly with a little lift of one finger. "Pipe would be good. Or the gitar? I like how fast your fingers go when you play gitar, you know?" and she mimics plucking strings.

Avrion chuckles at that. "I practise for a couple of hours every day - that's why my fingers go so fast. But I think mine are a bit longer than yours, too." He holds a well-manicured hand out in front of him, palm forward and fingers outspread. "Let's see? You need to be able to stretch quite a way, unless we had a small gitar made for you."

"Well then I guess you've you know, got the whole idea of practice down pat," Palia says with a laugh and holds up one small hand, stretches her fingers out as far as they can go, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth. Sadly, she's not going to be bridging big chords any time soon.

"Maybe you should start with a pipe," Avrion suggests, after an appraising look at the small hand. "That's a good thing to start with anyway, and you'll be able to play tunes on it much sooner than you would with a gitar. And then when your hands are big enough for a gitar, you'll already be able to read music and know some of the other things you need to know."

There's a moment of disappointment on Palia's face then she nods, folding up her hand and pulling it back towards herself. "Okay. Just ... the gitar sounds so nice too," the girl claims and curls her toes in the sand. "So do you want to learn to surf, or are you too worried about drowning?" she asks next, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Avrion grins. "It does look rather fun. But don't you think we ought to ask your father about all this first? He might not want you teaching me. We'll need to see about a pipe for you, too," he continues, frowning a little. "Maybe we have one in the harper room that you could have. Or I can make you one - but that'll take a few days. Unless someone at home has one that you can use?"

"Why would Papa have a problem with it?" Palia looks baffled by this idea. "I mean, it's not dangerous or anything." But she shrugs, if he thinks it's necessary ... she puffs out another breath, considers. "I can ask Uncle Remi. He might have one from when he was younger," the girl says after a moment. "He's a Master now and everything."

"Uncle Remi?" Avrion's eyebrows rise a little. "I don't know a Master Remi. Where's he based?" He glances towards the Beach House. "Look, I need to tell your father which nights I'm going to be free, and fix up when I'm going to come down and play in the restaurant. I should do that before the place is full of customers. I'll mention it then."

"Giremi," Palia elaborates on the name. "He's at Telgar Weyr. He's my Papa's brother." She looks up at the sun, nods. "I should go get changed, we're open for lunch today and I'm hostessing!" A little bounce follows and then she reaches for her board, plucks it out of the sand. "I can walk with you if you like?"

"Giremi," Avrion repeats, as if fixing the name in his memory. "All right," he agrees with a smile, and turns to start walking slowly towards the Beach House, looking just a little bemused.

Beam. Now see, there's a pleased Palia and she walks along with the harper, chattering about other things, like the menu at the restaurant and her sister starting to run and other little kid minutiae until they reach the porch, where she stows her board properly in its holder, waves with a cheery: "Bye! See you!" and patters off to take a shower and get changed for service.

palia, $surfing, avrion, $classes, @ista weyr

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