Log: Booze And Boy Talk At The Bar

May 17, 2010 23:23

Who: Josian, P'draig
When: It is an autumn night, 21:03 of day 10, month 10, turn 22 of Interval 10.
Where: The Sandbar, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy's having some whiskey, Josian's having some beer. They talk about stuff, including barf and crap and also, Nenita. These things should not necessarily be associated.

The Sandbar, Ista Weyr(#447RJ)

Standing on stilts over the water's edge with a broad ramp leading up from the beach, the thatch-roofed building sits well above the highest tide line. The walls of the structure are nothing but timber frames, open to the cooling sea breezes but equipped with hinged panels of woven grass that can be lowered during inclement weather. Within, supporting pillars are draped in cast-off nets and shells and myriad tables provide seating with spectacular panoramic views of the ocean, beach, and the bustling activity of the docks to the west. A finely polished, sparkling slab of obsidian serves as the bar and it's smooth surface is etched with decorative carvings of shipfish and flowers and other emblems of the tropical location. Shelves behind the bar are lined with bottles and glasses of various shapes and sizes and hanging in prominent view are slates listing the menu, beverages both alcoholic and not as well as a handful of greasy appetizers provided by the kitchen to the rear of the bar.

>---< Local Weather for ISW >------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp: 79 F Today's Lo/Hi: 76 F / 86 F
Belior: waxing gibbous Timor: waning gibbous
Weather: Shower
The day begins hazy but the sun burns that away as afternoon approaches.
However just past lunch a long shower soaks all of Ista, doing little to
take away the oppressive humidity that clings to everything. As the day
drags on the ocean winds cool the area down, making it more bearable.
>--------------------------------------< 21:03 D10 M10 T22, autumn night >---<

It's turned into a nice evening, a cooling breeze washing through the walls of the Sandbar. P'draig perches at the bar itself amongst the growing crowd of evening bar-goers, a half-glass of whiskey in front of him, currently laughing at something someone down the bar a few stools has just said.

Josian saunters into the bar from the beach. His hair is still damp from a recent swim as he pauses near the door, scanning the bar. If there's a quick look of disappointment on not seeing someone, it's covered quickly with a smile towards P'draig, heading up to the bar and the familiar face there. "Great evening, isn't it? I love this weather today!" He'll claim a stool with a bright smile on his face.

Looking up from his glass, P'draig sends a nod Josian's way. "Cooled off a lot," he agrees with a grin. "Ought to get more really nice days now that we're out of summer," the brownrider remarks lightly. "What're you drinking tonight?" he inquires conversationally, gestures to a stool in invitation.

"What drinking? Me? Oh wait. This is a bar, huh?" Josian jokes before he turns to give his answer to the bartender as well. "A beer, please." He pauses for a second before nodding. "I guess lots of people would call me crazy, but I did enjoy the heat of the summer. Probably in part because it still has novelty."

"Mmmhm," P'draig chuckles and picks up his glass again, has a couple of swallows. "Next time, try the dark ale, it's got a nice robust flavor," he suggests to the healer. "And ... you are totally crazy," Paddy teases a bit. "I'm always glad to see the backside of the really hot weather, but then, I work in a kitchen often."

"Dark ale. I'll have to remember that." But for tonight Josian's happy to flash a grin as he beer arrives. "Well, I am. But I don't really think that's the biggest reason that I am." He states dryly. "Yeah. Kitchen in the heat? That would be something rather likely to set you to your boiling point."

"Not that Kip's beer is bad, because it isn't," P'draig notes with a quick grin for the barkeep who makes a quiet snorting sound and goes to serve another customer. "So ... there's a bigger reason for you being crazy? Really?" Paddy asks this with amused interest and leans his elbow on the bar and his cheek in his hand. "Boiling and beyond. Though I seem to finally be getting a little bit used to the heat, five turns into transferring."

"So in another five turns you'll probably be wearing a winter coat in the middle of summer thinking it's cool!" Josian decides pausing for a sip of his beer. "I do think the beer is good stuff. It's brought me back here to have it more than once." The healer pauses for a moment before he just grins broadly. "Well, people tend to think I'm crazy because I have a rather different viewpoint on life? Or on when you should be serious and all."

P'draig's head ducks and he shakes his head. "Doubt it. Besides, that'd take away half the fun of living somewhere that you can walk around half naked most of the time," he points out, then listens, hands cradling his glass. "How different?"

Josian considers that for a moment with a laugh. "True! It's great not to /need/ the winter coat. I much prefer shorts and sandals. My toes love their wiggle room." Josian pauses for a moment, sipping at his beer before he answers that with a shrug. "I guess I just don't see a reason in my life not to be silly and crack myself up unless there's a real /reason/ not to be silly. If that makes any sense at all whatsoever."

"Exactly. It's the up side of all the heat. Plenty of reasons to lie in a hammock and sway in just shorts," P'draig agrees, lifts his glass up and knocks back the rest of its contents, taps the bar with his knuckles when he's done and nods as Kip looks his way. There'll be more whiskey shortly. "I don't see what's wrong with being silly, nope."

Josian eyes that whiskey for a moment, twisting a bit back and forth on his barstool before he grins. "Maybe that's why I come talk to you. Because you see the value in the non-seriousness." Josian notes brightly before he nods. "Or to dive right into the water for a nice swim any time of day."

"I'm told I'm easy to talk to," P'draig notes with a little quirk to the corner of his mouth and he nods thanks as Kip tops up his glass. "That too, just about. So long as I don't have a kid to wrangle or other things to take care of. Speaking of, been for a dip yet today?"

Josian reaches up to ruffle his still damp hair. "Been for one. Might duck under on my way back later." Because Josian is all about swimming in the dark, it seems. "You are easy to talk to. Nice and friendly and definitely not on the meaniehead list."

"Ahh so that's from a swim, not a bath," P'draig tips his glass slightly indicating the healer's damp hair. "The .. meaniehead list. How'd that get started?" the brownrider asks with a laugh and has another sip from his glass.

"Swimming totally beats bathing." Josian states with a joking tone before he pauses to get into a mock dramatic one. "Well, first? This guy was a total and complete meaniehead. Then I cried. Then I started a list. I think I was, uh, twelve?"

"Swimming is more fun, but I have to admit that a soak at the end of the day is a wonderful thing when you've been sweaing in the kitchen hardcore." P'draig listens, brows lifting and then he busts out laughing. "Habits acquired young," he jokes. "But seriously, is anyone around here on a 'too mean to talk to' list?"

Josian grins. "I do bathe. Especially if I've ended up with some kind of bodily fluid on me at work." Josian states with a grin. "All the best ones start at 12, right?" And then he pauses for a moment before he states, the mock seriousness back. "Well, there's one horribly mean lady. Name of Nenny. She won't even let me talk about explosions or blood or anything!" He can't hold it together for long before he's breaking out laughing again.

"Probably a good idea that, never know what's in those fluids," P'draig tries for a little healer-oriented fluid. "What's the worst incident you've had in the infirmary actually?" he asks, but breaks off as Josian goes a-laughing about Nenita. "Horribly mean," Paddy says lightly, joining in on the joke a little, but he only smiles a bit and lifts his glass to down a healthy swallow of whiskey.

"Well, sometimes it's worse when you do know. Like, puke right after someone's eaten so there are identifiable chunks." And all the people eating snacks nearby are probably so glad to be there now. "Worst? Huh. It's hard to categorize it that way. Body fluid wise? There was this illness that went around Lemos for a bit that, well, activated both ends of the specrum." That whiskey gets a look again before Jos shrugs. "Or maybe not horribly mean. Maybe just gives silliness as well as she takes it."

"I don't really want to imagine that," P'draig claims. "Though you'd be amazed at what young dragons produce in their first few months in the barracks," he says with a little grimace. "And oof - that sounds awful." Up goes Paddy's glass again and he grins at Josian over the rim, nodding. "She's good at that, yeah."

"I can imagine little dragons can come up with some doozies." Josian states, not seeming at all bothered by this line of conversation. "I'll try not to give you all kinds of horridly graphic details then. I'm sure whatever your imagination conjures up is bad enough." He'll return that grin with a nod of his own. "She is. And it makes her smile and relax some when she seems stressed out. Which can't be bad."

"A hell of a lot of doody doozies," P'draig confirms. "Thicktail, my friend, is no fun to deal with, so yeah, I can imagine quite a lot." He winks over at the healer and sinks more of his drink. Half-empty for the record, but there's nary a sign of inebriation on the brownrider. "Not bad at all," Paddy agrees and extends his glass towards the healer. "Here's to Nenita and keeping her smiling and relaxed."

"Constipation is no fun in humans. I can imagine the mess and level of sheer not-funness it would be in dragons." Josian states before he raises his glass of beer, still more than half full, to clange against P'draig's. "Here's to it!"

"If it happens to any of the upcoming weyrlings and I happen to be helping with them again, I'd be happy to provide a demonstration. It's bound to happen to at least two of them, just based on past experience," P'draig says with a lopsided turn to his mouth. But. Clinking glasses bring back a genuine smile and he nods. "To Nenny," he repeats and lifts his glass, empties it in two swallows. Set down empty, he doesn't wave Kip off when he swings by with the bottle to fill that glass up again.

"Oh? And what did I do to get the honor of that demonstration? Got to be something crappy!" And Josian won't even back off from the pun. He takes a drink from his glass after they touch, but it's probably clear by now that he's not really here for serious drinking, not having even finished off a beer yet. The refill of the whiskey gets eyed but he doesn't say anything.

"Ha!" P'draig laughs outright and lifts up his newly filled glass again. "And here's to your sense of humor," he says teasingly and as another mouthful of liquor. When his glass is set down again he looks across at Josian for a bit. "You keep eyeing my glass like it's going to get up and bite me. For the record, it'll take a whole bottle or more to get me tipsy."

Josian lifts his glass in toast to that. "Here's to my sense of humor. May it ever get me in trouble." Josian states before he takes a drink again. Paddy's latter comments get a raise of the eyebrows. "Really? Because I think two or three of those little glasses would have me on the /floor./"

"As long as you like the trouble," Paddy quips and he nods about his tolerance, lifts his glass and angles it toward the light. "I actually like the stuff. But I usually do /not/ have a whole bottle anymore." Which implies there was a time when he did. Or more. But Paddy's no going into the details. "Yeah, Mic too. He thinks it's totally unfair that he's tipy after relatively little and I'm still stone cold sober. For a while he was trying to get Kip to mix up something that was strong enough to make me literally dance on the tables."

"Trouble was supposed to be my name!" Josian states. "But then it didn't have the right letters." There's a mock sigh for that before he grins over. "And I'm guessing by the trying that it didn't work. Some good things about getting tipsy with very little though. Cuts down on the alcohol budget."

"Ahhhh well, too bad for your folks," P'draig jokes and puts his glass back down, shifts position slightly so both his elbows rest atop the bar. "I let him win a couple of times, just so he could crow over seeing me shake my moneymaker on a table," Paddy admits with a little wink sideways. "You know. It's the little things to keep the people you love happy."

"And I'm sure you were justly rewarded for your sacrifice when you got home." Josian teases over with a laugh. "Such a horrible one as it was, I'm sure." Josian swivels around on his barstool a few times. Back and forth. Back and forth. "And too bad for everyone else who missed out on the warning!"

P'draig observes the back and forths with humor in his expression and finishes off his drink. "Justly indeed," the brownrider claims and pushes his glass away, sets down a little stack of marks to pay for it and provide tip. "I think it's probably more fun to sneak up on people with your brand of trouble Josian." Paddy slides off his stool, stretches then holds a hand out to the healer. "Good talking with you. Hope you have a good rest of the evening. I ... am being summoned." By whom, he doesn't say, but communication via Jekzith is implied.

Josian gives P'draig a bright smile, taking his hand. "Tell Jekzith good evening for me." Josian states at that summoning. "And have a good rest of yours. I'll head off and practice my sneak attacks soon." But for now, he'll just play with the barstool a bit more, like he's five, and finish his beer.

P'draig shakes hands briefly and even gives Josian's shoulder a brief friendly clap on his way out. "Will do. Have fun with that," is sincere and then the brownrider is off and out into the darkness.

p'draig, $weyrings, $nenita, josian, #riptide, @ista weyr

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