Log: Of Bars, Restaurants and Glitz

Dec 30, 2009 02:55

Who: Nenita, P'draig
When: Night, day 13, month 8, turn 21 of the 10th interval
Where: Tapestry Weyr, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy drops by to bring working-late Nenny a nightcap. Talk about the Weyr's two bars and the proposed restaurant and other things to bolster Ista's economy follows as well as a walk down to survey the future location of the restaurant.

Situated at the large desk, Nenita has out her paperwork and other things. It's late though and it appears as if she's drawing this activity to a close. Oddly (or perhaps not) a map of the island is leaning up against the wall, notations in sloppily hand writing appearing here and there across the picture of Ista. It's this that she looks at last after everything else is cleaned up. It gets a long moment of contemplation before she rolls it onto itself and slips the map within clean tube meant for storage. She slides it under her desk and out of sight.

Around then, the scuff of a foot sounds in the entryway and Jekzith reaches out to Safriath with a bright << Hi there! Is it okay if P'draig comes to visit? >> And once there's an okay given, Paddy himself will pass on through and fetch up in the entry between wallow and weyr, shoulder leaning against the coolness of stone, a clear bottle dangling from one hand, rich with amber colored liquid held inside. "Working late?" he queries quietly, brows lifting. He's dressed as usual for summer at Ista, shorts and shirt both dry, though the edges of his hair are damp, like he just went swimming or took a bath.

Nenita apparently, wasn't warned of the upcoming visit. So while she's placing that tube where it belongs she starts, shoulders tightening and relaxing quickly. After a quick swallow she twists in her chair to face the brownrider, eyes running quickly over his body to assess the damp hair but dry clothes. They land longer on the amber liquid in clear bottle before finally returning to his face. "Just finishing, actually. Projects. You know how I am." There's a self-mocking smile for the last part.

"Mm. Keeping everything in order," P'draig says with a mildly teasing tone and pushes away from the wall, holds up the bottle, gives it a little shake. "Kip mixed this up. It's not as fruity as you might like, but it's got a good kick and a smooth flavor. Want to give it a try? I just finished up at the Sandbar about a half hour ago," he explains, catching that look up towards his hair. "Took a bath first, though I think you might be one of few people who wouldn't object thoroughy to me smelling like a kitchen."

"Everything must have its place." Nenita comments as she shifts her chair around, leaning more comfortably back. "Mmm. Sure, why not? I don't think that a little night cap ever hurt anyone." She stifles a tiny yawn and stretches, reluctantly getting out of her seat. In bare feet, she pads along to one of the inset shelves and retrieves a pair of small glasses. "Wouldn't want to contaminate the original bottle by drinking straight from the mouth." Her smile is half-cocked as she heads over to the table and couch. "I wouldn't, but I do try to keep the smell of grease pretty low."

"My mother used to tell me that while eyeing my shared dorm room at the Reaches with twitching fingers," P'draig notes with some amusement and then smiles widely at that acceptance. Gray-blue eyes track her to the shelves then he crosses over to settle down on the couch, bottle set on the table, one hand still steadying it, the other unscrewing the cap. "If we finish the bottle, won't have to worry about contamination, but that could lead to less than clear heads," he quips teasingly and sets the cap down on the table, holds up a hand to take at least one glass from her.

Nenita settles onto the couch, curling her feet up underneath her and turning into a small nearly huddled form as she pushes the glasses down to him. "My foster mother still says that to me. She likes to visit here and straighten things up while I'm out." There's an amused grin for that, indulgent. "And it would lead to an empty garbage bottle on my table. Scandalous." She smirks and receives the glass whenever he's finished, "Indeed. I have meetings in the morning too, I take it the heads of various weyr departments wouldn't enjoy me showing up with a hangover."

"Shells, does it drive you a little crazy, her coming in here like that?" P'draig asks as he pours out the liquor into one glass then the other. "Utterly, if I left it behind," the brownrider says with a broad wink and sets the bottle down, lifts both glasses, one handed to her, keeping the other. "I have a really excellent hangover cure."

"It did at first. But she really just comes in and will tidy up, I don't think she's rummaging through my belongings. At least not that I can notice. It keeps me on my toes." Nenita winks back and sips carefully from the glass. "Mmm, I think that I'd rather not know, actually. The hangover is part of the punishment. If there was no backlash for drinking large amounts of booze we'd all be doing it all the time."

"Mm. Makes sure you keep the really scandalous things out of sight," Paddy teases further then looks down into his glass for a moment, smile turning wry. "And some of us have," he murmurs, then tilts his glass in toast. "Here's to not being completely foolish with liquor," he says and takes a mouthful of the stuff. It has a slight burn on the way down, but it is in fact smooth and has a sweet, citrusy finish to it. Don't ask me what's in this, Kip wouldn't say and it's blended well enough I can't quite separate out the components. But it sure does come together well, I think."

"Scandalous things and just things that I prefer to keep private." Nenita confides over the rim of her glass. "Mm. You're right, not as smoothy as I usually enjoy. But it's not bad. I wouldn't drinking it as an alternative to my usuals." There's a wry grin for the recipe hoarding. "I guess a man has to keep a few secrets to himself. Especially since he has competition with the Lucky Seven being not too far away."

"Everyone needs a little bit of that," P'draig agrees about privacy, listens to her commentary about the drink. "Duly noted. I'll see what else I can come up with to tempt your palate," the brownrider promises and takes another mouthful himself. "I'm thinking it's more that he wanted to surprise on this one. His regular clientele and the Seven's don't necessarily overlap. Not that there isn't some, but June's place is focused a little differently than the Sandbar."

Nenita's eyebrow lifts curiously while she works on her drink. "You can't say that he hasn't been a little bit more on his toes since the Seven opened. After all, focus or not, he went from being the only game in town to... one of two games in town. I'm sure he saw at least a little loss in the profits since then." The goldrider swirls the drink around in the glass, considering P'draig over the top of it. "But I haven't exactly examined the books."

"Different games," P'draig replies with a little shake of his head. "If anything it's probably polarized both places even more in slightly different directions, is how I see it. "As for the profits, couldn't really say, but Kip's not really complaining. Given where the Sandbar is, most of the sailors and fishermen who're still looking to get some serious drinking done aren't going to go wandering around up into the jungle farther away from boats they need to get back to. What might set him back a bit more though, is opening up that restaurant," Paddy notes with some amusement. "Since me and some of the other cooks have kind of upped the food level a notch at the 'Bar."

"Hmmm. I don't know. See that would make sense if we had a large amount of people constantly coming to the weyr. But we really just sort of have all the same people coming in. Same sailors. Same traders. Same holders. Same old people who've seen the same old Sandbar. Not that it's a dump, especially after that renovation a few turns ago. But you know what I mean." Nenita taps her finger idly on the side of the glass. "We need an attraction or something. And not just pretty girls in skimpy bathing suits." She shakes her head at mention of the restaurant, like she's coming back to herself. "Right. Yeah, that's true. How're the floor plans coming along for that, anyway?"

"Actually, June said that she put the place up by the road to make sure that she got more than just the usual suspects coming in," P'draig answers. "Though I don't really know if that worked out for her, considering they're still in business, I assume it did." He shrugs lightly. "I've only gone in there twice myself, seeing as I'm not a very good gambler and would rather play cards with my wingmates or friends for the fun of it and I'm not inclined to ... pay for the other services the Seven offers." His voice remains light enough as he makes that statement. "Thinking about the boat for the attraction again?" Paddy queries, then he bobs a nod. "Found a Smith and we're working on revisions. Should be ready to break ground in a week or so. It's pretty exciting. And I wrote to the Masterbaker and I'm waiting to hear back about the exams."

Nenita makes another one of those noises, the type that occur in the back of her throat. The sort that seem to indicate that maybe despite information given she's not buying it. But at least she drops the subject rather than beating the horse, right? "I've been in a few times. I find the crowd to be a little more interesting. Though I have admit that I don't like the idea of the other services they're offering. However, I'm bound to honor the agreements past adminstrators seem to have forged." She rolls her eyes and downs the rest of the glass. "I have been. But I wish we had something else. Like an event or game or something. A little glitzy and attraction-y, if you know what I mean?" She leans back on the couch, not moving to get a refill. "Excellent. I hope you hear back from the bakers soon. Where exactly are you looking to plant this thing?"

"I -- don't really either," P'draig admits, about the Seven's secondary? primary? line of business, letting the other end of that subject coast right on by. "Though June had some ... reasonable logic about it," he murmurs thoughtfully and looks down into his glass, swirls the remaining liquor and then downs it all in a go, does reach for the bottle to refill his, then tilts the container questioningly her way. "Hm. Maybe a cook-off? Show off Istan cuisine? With a competition angle. Or maybe something that uses all the great beaches. Swimming, surfing, sailing ..." his brows knit thoughtfully. "Combine with rider aerials?" He draws a breath, tilts his head out towards the dark night beyond. "Off the main beach, but down a ways from the 'Bar. There's that little grove there. We'll need to take one or two trees out and then the place can sit there in the shade but with a really gorgeous view of the beach. Set back enough to be private when not open for business, but also close enough to still be part of the Weyr so there's no question about that with any nearby holds. The details of the plot are in all that paperwork, with the map. Unless you'd like to go have a look instead? Vet it in person?" His smile flashes bright and wide. "It's a nice night."

The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. Tonight, clouds interrupt the dark, star-strewn sky and a nice, light breeze carries the scent of sea air.

"I know the weyr isn't the world's most moral place in regards to that sort of thing but... I don't know, it just seems unnatural. Somehow." Nenita rolls her eyes for a second time before shaking her head on the offer of a refill. "I've thought of those things too. It doesn't seem enough or right, to attract anyone new. I don't really know. Maybe I need to construct some sort of idea team." There's a dry laugh as she uncurls and begins to sit up. "Oh, right. The paperwork. I really must be falling behind these days and here I thought I was getting caught up with it all. I should vet the location in person." She smiles, naturally and not tightly now.

"Depends on the morals," P'draig answers quietly. "I don't really think of the Weyr way as immoral," he notes with a little shrug. "But, no, it still doesn't quite sit right with me either." The Seven and its sisters. His expression takes on a rueful quality as she dismisses suggestions. "Mm. Glitz ... isn't really my thing. Other than really good food presented beautifully," Paddy claims with a chuckle and nods. "That's a pretty good idea actually, bringing together different ideas. Bound to come up with something that way," he agrees and leans forward to cap the bottle of liquor. Once that's done, he settles again to finish off his second glass of the liquor. "Take a look when you have a second, though I'm about to add the floorplans to the stuff to review." He winks, takes the last pull from his glass and sets it down, rises and picks the bottle up with most of its contents intact, holds a hand out to the Weyrwoman. "Well then, shall we?"

She lazily stretches her arms over her head and slips up off of the couch. "I suppose I can't satisfy everyone all the time." Nenita comments, shooting him a smile over her shoulder. Her sandals are around someplace and she finds them quick enough, slipping her feet into them before hurrying back over to sneak her fingers into his hand. "I think I'll just wait until you have the floorplans in. Then I'll look at everything all at once. And yes, I think we shall. Go that is."

"Not everyone, but maybe some," P'draig answers, gaze lingering on that stretch. He smiles as her fingers slip into his and they close around hers warmly. "All right, sounds like a very organized plan," Paddy teases a little. A moment later, they're heading out into the warmth of a dense tropical night for the walk down to the beach and from there to the quiet of that little cluster of trees. There, Paddy explains how he's seeing that building situated, how that pretty view will look from the porch when it's done. Anything else that might transpire by moonlight isn't getting told outside of the shadow of stalwart palm trees.

$restaurant, $june, nenita, #riptide

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