Log: A Month In

Aug 04, 2009 08:47

Who: Nenita, P'draig,
When: Just after lunch, day 17, month 5, turn 20 of the 10th Interval
Where: Bowl, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy catches up with Nenita after lunch for a quiet chat, then sets up small group exercise for the afternoon.

The afternoon light reaches far across the bowl, dancing dust motes captured by its rays. Despite the frequent traffic the bowl receives, grass stubbornly continues sending up shoots to cover some of its hard-packed dirt. Well-worn tracks lead to commonly used areas: southeast to the rest of the bowl and the inner caverns, on further northwest to the sprawling plateau of Ista Weyr. Westward, by the corrals, the bowl wall is missing; the lava flow that once tore it down now long-cooled into the grassy plain visible from here.

The remaining walls, however, are well-used, riddled with the ledges of weyrs and lined along the bottom with entrances to ground weyrs for flights, visitors, and the injured--the infirmary's curtained doorway is equally close, for those particular cases. There's also the large tunnel with its metal doors to the weyrling barracks, back to the northeast.

Shortly after lunch would find Nenita returning to the barracks. She's crossing the bowl, following one of the more well-worn trails to her home of late. The distracted look on her face would probably mean that she's in communication with a certain someone, or just that she's thinking particularly hard right now. Closer and closer she gets, before she stops. It is spring and there are flowers here and there, and there, right there, is a tiny cluster of yellow ones right in one of the bowl's few grassy spots. She kneels down and picks one to tuck it behind her ear.

Several other weyrlings dot the Bowl a little bit beyond the Barracks, two sitting on a blanket enjoying a picnic lunch while their dragons nap and T'mic is a little farther away leading four weyrlings and their dragons in some stretching exercises, getting young wings used to movements that will become second nature in a few months. P'draig's also crossing the Bowl, coming back to the Barracks from the direction of the infirmary when he spots Nenny at her flower-picking and changes course slightly. "Yellow's a nice color on you," he compliments, manner laid-back. "How was lunch?" In his hands, a cluster of tea packets. It's been an on-going thing, the procurement of various remedies as there's a weyrling with an easily upset stomach in the group. Be it thicktail results, or chopping up meat, it'd be nice if this particular weyrling could stop throwing up every other day.

"Thank you, I normally prefer white. But the flowers don't exactly grow as per my specifications." Nenita smoothes out the rest of her hair, glancing to the packets in his hand. "Those are for what's-his-face aren't they? I'd really appreciate it if he'd stop vomiting all the time." As for lunch there's a smooth roll of her shoulder, "It was very nice. I've been taking it in the kitchen lately, so that I can at least get a glance at some of my friends. Even if they're too busy to really talk to me."

"Sometimes nature is just so unaccomodating," P'draig teases a little and then makes a face, nods about the packets. "Yeah, they are. He got my spare boots this time," the Weyrlingmaster claims with a faint wrinkling of his nose. "Had to go change and everything." Paddy's head tilts a little to the side though, taking in Nenny's words. "Huh. Too busy to talk to you? No one's come by to visit, meet Safriath?" Brows up.

"That's disgusting." Nenita comments, glancing down at his feet as if she expects to see puke on them. With a wrinkled nose she looks back up at him. "Yeah? I figured you'd know that. Kitchen. Lunch time. It's busy. They're not exactly able to sit down and chat for a long time with me while I'm there." As for people coming by to meet Safriath there's that same easy roll of her shoulder as before. "A couple have come by." The lift of his 'brows is met with one of her own. "Something wrong?"

"Yeah it is. First three months or so of weyrlinghood are pretty gross," P'draig answers readily. "I've gotten used ot it, mostly over the turns, though this guy really takes the cake for providing constant disgustingness," the Weyrlingmaster continues and eyes the packets in his hand with faint bemusement. "At least peppermint seems to work on his stomach. I've never had a weyrling before who couldn't handle ginger candies for it." A little helpless shrug and then he nods. "Oh, you meant kitchen friends specifically. Yeah, that makes sense. But still, everyone has some downtime somewhere during the day." Paddy shakes his head. "Not wrong, no, just would be a little surprised if no one was coming around."

"Yeah, that's all. Sometimes they get a chance to sit with me. I don't expect them to come running to visit me when they have downtime. I'm sure they have other things to do." Nenita shrugs her shoulders. "And it's more that I like to be able to see what life used to be like. It keeps the old me from becoming too seperate from the new me, with Safriath." She watches the headshake, eyebrows dropping. Smiling, "I guess you don't have to be a little surprised then."

Smile widening: "No, I don't," P'draig answers and there might be a touch of relief in his tone. "And for what it's worth, I understand that pretty well. That wanting to stay in touch with who you were. I mean, heck, I still cook. I think it's important. Just because you impressed, just because you impressed a /queen/ you're still you, still Nenny, even if things are changing too because you're a rider now."

That touch of relief he expresses, is regarded curiously while she plays with the flower. "Well, I'm glad that you understand. I wouldn't want to get in trouble for taking lunch in the kitchen or something." Though from her tone it would seem that she doesn't think that's entirely likely. She's smiling too still, even as her feet begin to move towards the barracks.

"Heh, no you won't get in trouble for taking lunch in the kitchen. You're all free to eat wherever," the Weyrlingmaster notes with a little wave around, a nod for the picnicking duo over there. "The key's just being able to get back quick if Safriath gets upset or needs you," he notes and joins Nenita in walking back towards the barracks. "How are you both today?"

"It hasn't been a problem yet. We've worked out a routine where she normally ends up asleep whenever I go to eat something. Once I end up back in general vicinity she's up again." Nenita shrugs her shoulders, allowing her feet to carry her steadily back towards the barracks. "We're both doing fine. What about yourself? Are we driving you crazy yet?"

"Sounds good, nice that it's worked out that way. Jekzith -- well he just liked to be everywhere I was and didn't much like being left out in the Bowl when I went to eat. So often enough I'd go get my food and sit with him so he could ask me questions about what was going into my mouth," P'draig explains with a grin. "Oh I'm good so far. Other than Pukes-a-log," he notes with a snort. "T'mic is making me sleep more this cycle. He actually dosed me with /fellis/ the first night to keep me from staying up with you guys." More head-shaking. "I still can't believe he did that. So no going crazy yet, but I've got my eye on all of you!" Mock threatening. "Because sometimes, it's the ones you thought it least likely of who wind up being the troublemakers." There, he winks over at the goldriding weyrling as they reach the entrance to the barracks. "So I'm going to brew this stuff up for our friend in there, but then I think that all of you who were at lunch, I'll pull you out for an hour's worth of exercise. Think Safriath's ready to stretch her wings today?"

"So you're not going crazy because T'mic is keeping you drugged?" Nenita asks, shooting a look at him as they approach the door. The mention of him keeping an eye on everyone brings about an uplift of one 'brow. "Is it really possible for you to see everything we all do all of the time? There's fifteen of us, three of you." Clearly outnumbered. "I guess there's that. But then I guess that just makes the watching all that much more difficult." As for stretching wings out, she nods her head. "I suppose. Why not."

Laughing, P'draig shakes his head. "No, that was just the first night. I told Mic if he did that again, he'd be sleeping on the couch for the rest of the turn," the Weyrlingmaster jokes. "Mostly, I'm being a good boy and going off-duty when he shoves me out the door. There's not so many of you that the four of us can't handle it, which is why we're on two and two, day shift and night shift. It's a lot less nuts dealing with fifteen weyrlings than twice that many," Paddy points out. "And no you can't watch every single person all the time, but see, baby dragons tend to chatter and grownup dragons listen." A nod of his head follows. "Okay great, if Safriath's up, come on out in about ten minutes. I'm going to go dose our vomiter. I think there'll be three of you for this section, because -- yeah, Mic has four out."

Nenita glances over her shoulder to catch a look at the weyrlings who are already outside and not eating lunch. "Sure." She responds before pushing the door open and stepping inside. "Baby dragons can't chatter if things are going on while their asleep. They wouldn't know." She comments casually, casting a looking to P'draig before she sets to head off in Safriath's couch. "Unless you told them. And maybe some babies talk less than others."

"Heh, yeah, just saying, it's one of those things that goes into a whole picture for a Weyrlingmaster, what the dragonets are telling Jekzit or Aath," P'draig explains. "And you kind of get a hang for keeping an eye out on body language," he adds on thoughtfully. "Anyway, give me a minute, see you out there," he concludes with a quick-flashed smile and ducks inside as well to brew up those teas and tend to Squeamish over there, lying on a cot and looking peaked still.

Ten minutes or so later, Nenita is outside with Safriath. The gold is happy to be stretching her wings out in the sun, enjoying the gradually growing heat of the day. She pushes her head into the weyrling's chest, causing her to stumble back. Laughing the brunette puts her hands on either side of her jaw, pressing fondly. And this is where she waits until P'draig shows up outside.

It's a mixed bag with the other weyrlings, one of the /dragonets/ doesn't look too thrilled about coming up while his rider is eager and the other pair just look a little sleepy, like they just woke up from a post-lunch nap. "All right, first things first, hey Nenny, come on over. So, weyrlings, give me a half-lap around the Bowl to get warmed up, dragons you can go along with if you want, but be careful not to trip. Then we'll get into the stretching."

When the rest of the weyrlings arrive outside of the barracks, Nenita and her dragon come over. The direction to run a half-lap around the bowl is given something of a distasteful look but she doesn't say anything. Meanwhile Safriath is regarding the distance with wide eyes before turning to look at P'draig curiously.

Jekzith's come down from hanging out on the Star Stones chatting up the watchrider's green and lets out a bright warble. He's excited at least, but when isn't he? Bright bubbles float around to all of the little dragons who've been corraled for exercise. "Just the half-lap for today, we're building up slowly for endurance," the Weyrlingmaster continues. << This far! >> Jekzith explains, visualizing it. << I'll be flying above you! If you'd like I can show you what you look like from above. >> And Paddy shoots his brown an amused look. "Come on, I'm going with you /this/ time," the brownrider encourages though there's some grumbling from the sleepy weyrling.

And then that half-lap begins with Nenita running it. Though by her expression she's certainly looking unhappy with. There's likely some non-verbal complaints to Safriath the entire time. Who for her part doesn't seem nearly as annoyed with the situation and will spend the rest of the time doing her exercises dutifully.

#weyrlingmaster, weyrlings, nenita, lierythxriuth1

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