Log: Lounging

Jul 10, 2009 02:22

Who: P'draig, Suizen
When:It is a spring afternoon, 17:46 of day 26, month 2, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Beach, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy's actually ... chilling out and doing /nothing at all/ but drinking lemonade and people watching on an afternoon off. Sooz comes by to do likewise and the nature of weyrlingmastering and weyrling learning turn up in conversation.

Main Beach, Ista Weyr(#444RJ)
The coastline of black sand stretches out in either direction, tropical waters lapping ceaselessly against the subtle decline of the main beach that rests at the base of the plateau cliff. To the northeast, water from the upper pool cascades over the plateau's edge, its destination shrouded in the lush fronts of the jungle's edge and a hint of blue-tinged mist. The Sandbar, Ista's seaside tavern, stands to the south beside the long branching structure of the docks.
The dry spring season relieves Ista Island of its humidity, replacing it with light, buoyant air. At the height of mid-day, clouds interrupt the sky and a turbulent wind gusts violently, howling around the peaks of the Weyr.

Lounging on the beach. Paddy is just lounging on the beach today, having set up camp in a chair well up from the tideline. The umbrella that offered shade earlier has been closed up and he sits with head resting comfortably against the chair's back, watching the swimmers in the shallows as the sun starts to drop low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the dark sands. An empty glass stands near his hand and a pitcher lurks in the shade cast by his seat: looks like it was icy and cool a while ago but is now mostly gone and mostly melted.

Chores have been done for the morning, cleaning and straightening up during the midday. Now it's free-time, and it may be early in the cycle, but Sooz already remembers to take advantage of that when she can, and so she finds herself on the beach, lacking towels or baskets, or any of her usual accompaniments. Just her, the beach the swimmers, and.. someone seated off to the side.

Reaching down under his chair, P'draig fishes the pitcher out, movements lazy and then eyes the liquid inside. There's probably enough for two more glasses or thereabouts, but the brownrider is eyeing the contents dubiously. "Probably too watery ..." he murmurs and flicks another look out towards the water, gaze crossing Sooz as he does so, leading to a cheery wave.

The sight of the wave is caught, and direction is changed. Meandering her way towards the seated person, it's not until she gets closer that she figures out who it is. "Hey, Paddy, I mean, Brownrider P'draig, sir. Actually relaxing out here by yourself, for once?"

"Hey Sooz," P'draig says in friendly fashion and decides on pouring after all. "It's a little watery, but I've still got some lemonade here if you want some," he offers. "And shoot, you don't have to fuss with all that title stuff. Just Paddy's fine."

Suizen grins, and plops down. "You sure? Wouldn't wanna be told off for not actin' properly..." she teases, having got her one shot of acting like a proper candidate out of her system, then affects a shocked looks. "No little ones /or/ ale? Are you feelin'.. lemonade? That sounds lovely, actually. Was runnin' all over the Weyr this mornin', deliverin' messages."

"Why would you get told off? All of that title stuff isn't required," Paddy says with a shrug. "That's more of a weyrling thing." The brownrider grins and hands the glass over to her. "There you go then. Tell me if it's too watery. And yeah, I am actually getting to relax today. Palia's with her mother, Jaivery's with his mother, Dylan's with /his/ mother, Mic's got duties and so do most of the other people I'd have a mind to hang out with. So, imagine that, I'm doing /nothing/. Have a seat and put your feet up?" A nod to the empty chair beside him.

Suizen ponders the chair for a moment, head a'tilted, then she's up into the chair with only a bit of sand to show for her scramble. "Eh, habit? Fort was the last go-round, after all. An' after that minor little issue, well, I was bein' extra respectful an' all." The lemonade is taken a sip from, before she offers a grin, "Almost perfect?" Perhaps a little warm, a little watery, but still pretty nice.

"Oh because of the uh ... bowl incident?" P'draig asks sympathetically and tilts up the pitcher to drink straight from it. "You're right, actually not quite as tart as it was earlier," Paddy decides and grins over at Sooz. "How's it going so far, doing it yet again?"

"Also known as Jav gettin' me drunk..." Sooz confirms with a bit of a grin, before lifting a shoulder. "Well, so far, been waitin' for folks to trickle in. An' doin' chores. Yay, fixin' chairs an' fences..." No, really. Always what she wanted to do. There's a bit of a grin, before she adds, "I still say that havin' candidates do all this, is so that the usual folks can spend more time at the Sandbar..."

"Yes, just you know, trying to be politely discreet," P'draig says with a laugh and tilts the pitcher up again, wipes his mouth off with the back of his hand. "Seems like a decently sized group already, good choices for the dragonets." Paddy laughs again, shakes his head. "I liked doing the handyman stuff. A lot better than sewing anyway."

Suizen twitches at the mention of sewing. "Sewing, laundry, cookin'... all an evil, evil plot. Druther work on handyman stuff, truth told. An' why bother. Most folks know me here, an' I haven't hidden it. Now, if I'd been caught in that storeroom with someone... well, that'd be bein' a different matter all together."

"That bad, huh?" P'draig says laughingly and tilts his head to the side curiously. "Think so? And you know, would getting caught like that b e likely?"

"I break and or stab m'self with broken stuff - it's how I got into pottery.." Sooz admits, before grinning. "Well, probably not. But y'know... gettin' caught would be more embaressin' than comin' out and sayin' it happened."

"I remember," Paddy says with a fond grin for the potter. "Just hought maybe it had gotten better from lots of practice," he says teasingly. "Mm. Getting caught can be embarrassing ... though it doesn't have to be."

Suizen kicks a bit of sand Paddy-way, before grining, "Naw. The fact I hate doin' dishes, or choppin' keeps my breakin' 'skill' well, and alive. An' dare I ask? Any tales you wantin' to share from your Candidacy?" she teases.

Laughing, Paddy nudges a little sand her way in turn. "There you go. Better hope you Impress this time then, to get out of the chopping and dish-doing." A wink follows as well as a laugh. "Well my first candidacy I did get my first kiss," Paddy says with a grin. "And a bit more. But we didn't get caught. Second candidacy I was head over heels in love with the junior weyrwoman still, the girl who impressed in the clutch I didn't impress at. But though we bent the rules a little, no, no embarrassing stories."

"Aaaah, darn. That's no fun..." Sooz teases, before grinning a bit, and slouching down into the chair, putting her feet out into the sand a bit more. "Well, it'd be bein' nice. Seems once Ista thought I was a good idea, Fort hadda go and try me out. And let me tellya - Fort is /cold/. Never again, if I can be helpin' it. I'm a Ista girl, an' there's no denyin' that one. Must have suuuuuun."

"Could have been some though. You know, my bare tushie hanging out the edge of a store room aisle," Paddy says with a wink. "Mostly things are only as embarrassing as you let them be. Own it and it doesn't feel as bad." Paddy laughs at her claims about Fort. "At least it's not as cold as Telgar," he points out. "You were unlucky enough to hit a winter cycle."

Suizen twitches, at the very thought. "No more cold. Nothing but sand, surf, sun and storms, thankyouverymuch..." before sticking her tongue out, "Bare tushies are normal 'round here, what with the number of us takin' advantage of moonlit nights. An' tellin' is all well an' good."

"And drippingly sweaty humidity," P'draig tacks on. "The good weather here, sadly, is almost gone," the brownrider says with a quiet sigh. But he only winds up laughing again. "Pretty normal," he says and turns on his side to give his own a little shake. "Skinny-dipping any time you want is definitely a plus."

Suizen snickers, "Just need to remember to leave all the clothes on the beach next time. Walkin' through the Weyr in only a blanket is /not/ what I usually plan most evenin'." There's a bit of an eye roll, before she grins. "But I think Javeri already shared that one with ya, right?"

"She did. Me though, I'm brazen enough to just walk home stark naked," P'draig says, unfazed and winks at the candidate again. "Sopping wet clothes /aren't/ much fun though, no."

"... I could see this happenin'.." Sooz admits, after a moment's thought, and then some. Then she wrinkles her nose, "Wouldn't have mind the soppin' wet shirt - an' no comment from the sand gallery... - but actually got a good wave, an' managed to tumble myway to loosin' the whole thing. At that point, why bother with pants, when I had a blanket?"

"Wet stuff ... clings," P'draig says with a little look of distaste. "And wait ... you lost the blanket?" Brows lift, mirth in blue-gray eyes."

"No, the shirt. The blanket made it all the way to the dorm, thankyeverymuch..."

"You'll have to forgive me, if I think that that's kind of enticing a thought, you in just a blanket," P'draig tells the potter with a little grin and drinks down the last of the lemonade from the pitcher, sets it aside. His arms stretch up along the chair's back, legs outward towards its foot. Elbows hook over the seat back and rest there comfortably while his gaze goes wandering outward towards the water. "I hope it pans out for you this time, Sooz. Standing. I really do."

"Well, it'll be nice. Not goin' to be holdin' my breath though. It's bein' an honor, of course, an' one I'm proud to be doin', but fact is, I just turned 22. Can't see the dragons sniffin' 'bout many more rounds. Will you an' Javeri still love me if I end up walkin' off alone?" she asks, with a fluttering of lashes.

"Doesn't stop me keeping my fingers crossed for you," P'draig says still sincerely and turns his head to smile at the potter, expression warm. "Always, Sooz," in spite of those fluttery lashes.

Suizen laughs, and shakes her head. After a moment, she scoots back up into the chair, "Well, that is good to hear, not that I was /really/ worried. You gonna have a go at herdin' all the babies again? Or takin' a break from the midnight feedings an' the like?"

"Some things just stay you know, in spite of changes or ... not-changes," P'draig says sincerely and reaches over to give Sooz' hand a little squeeze. "We'll see. Depends on the Weyrleaders," he answers that other question. "I think I've had a nice long break already."
Suizen returns the squeeze, rather tightly for a moment, before relaxing. "I dunno... that might mean I'll have to be doin' what you say. The horror, the horror... didn't you run herd on Veri when she went through? How did that go?"

P'draig keeps his hand lightly over hers after that squeeze releases. "Run herd ..." Paddy laughs and nods. "Mm. Got to know her through weyrlinghood," the brownrider answers. "I've been training weyrlings for over eleven turns Sooz. For the most part, I'm pretty good at separating out my weyrlingmaster mode from personal mode, even if at the end there, how I felt about Veri was making it a bit harder than usual."

Suizen grins. "What, no extra punishments, nor not enough excerises? Go an' ruin all my expectations..." she teases, before nodding. "Bet both of you were bein' glad when that batch was done. If only just to be tyin' one on in the Sandbar. Huh. Do dragons get hungover too?"

"Nope, that's not my style. When it's needed, sure, discipline, but my view on weyrlingmasters isn't that we're there to 'whip you into shape' we're there to help new weyrlings to bond properly with their new friends, make sure they get the training they need to /do things right/ and get a job done. You can't do that if your weyrlings don't trust you. There's a time to be firm and a time to be supportive." Paddy grins, scratches at the end of his nose. "Well ... it was more .. holding out until we could screw each other's brains out to be honest. Restrictions on drinking don't carry all the way through. And no, they don't, not usually. Though the headache can be felt as shared pain."

"... that's not fair... if I'm gonna have voices in m'head, we should share the resulting results. Or...er... somethin'. An'... yah, that sounds about right. Was actually surprised when I saw Veri at all, the first month or so after graduation... Figured she was shakin' off all the restrictions as soon as possible."

"In the end, it depends on the weyrling and the dragon. Different people, different dragons, slightly different effects or you know, lack of them. Jekzith and I were really really close as weyrlings. So were Mic and Aath. It's a lot harder in some ways, easier in others. You pick up on more, but you also can't escape as much." Paddy laughs some more at that last statement. "Yeah. It's like that for a lot of weyrlings I think."

Suizen hehs, "Rather similiar to after Standin'. Just... not as extreme. You can escape? I thought once you got snagged by one of the dragons, there was no more alone time. All.. paired, an' stuff."

"Again, depends on the dragon. Ask Veri sometime how close she and Chadamalith were. Which is you know ... not very," Paddy says gently. "I don't want to get into it too much because it gets into her personal business, but the long and short of it is, that most weyrling training is actually about being flexible to the moment and flexiblt to the nature and personalities of the people you're training."

Suizen wrinkles her nose. "I guess that makes sense. Sorta like tryin' to make a vase outta Ista Hold red clay, an' then the same one from that stuff from Keroon, which is like tryin' to mold dirt. Gotta approach it from different angles. Cause throwin' the results at the wall probably wouldn't be good."'

"Yeah, or trying to cook long-grain rice the same way you cook short-grain," P'draig adds on an analogy from the kitchen with a grin. "And exactly, it's really something you have to kind of, personalize. You have to get to know the kids you're training, even if some of them aren't technically kids. It's an interesting line to walk, you're part mentor, part big brother, part parent, part drill sargeant all rolled into one."

Suizen chuckles, and shakes her head, "Better you than me. Tryin' to teach someone to throw a pot is enough to make me throw it, in truth. So. 'sides weyrlingwrangler, what's your favorite duty?"

"Heh. Yeah, I guess you just ... have to have an affinity for it or not. Never really thought it's what I'd wind up doing when I was younger, happened kind of by accident. BUt I do love it. It's ... it's like family see. I love my kids. And every group of weyrlings ... it's similar to watching my kids grow up, seeing weyrlings grow into being riders." Paddy smiles and tilts his head up to the slowly rusting sky as sunset creeps onward. "Transport. Helping people get from place to place."

Suizen tilts her head, then nods. "I can see that bein' the ca..." she pauses in mid-word, and yawns, "...se. I guess I ran around more than I thought I did...."

"Want me to walk you home, or give you a ride up on Jekzith?" P'draig offers gallantly. "Need to keep your energy up, get plenty of sleep," he says with a quietly chuckle and reaches to take the glass back, get the pitcher and then holds a hand out to Sooz to help her up.
Suizen takes the hand up, then offers a bit of a crooked smile. "Company wouldn't be amise. Walkin's fine, if Jekzith wants to stay where he is... You plannin' on comin' back, or can I help with the chairs an' umbrella?"

"He doesn't mind coming down. He has to come down for me eventually anyway," P'draig says with a laugh. "He's not far even," and he points some ways down the beach where a brown lump sunbathes. "Nope, not coming back," he shakes his head. "And these are just you know ... here. They're not mine."

Suizen ahs, and leaves them where she found them, then (minus a couple of occupants). "In that case, good rider, it would be bein' a pleasure to have both yer company on the way home. An' my feet are especially thankin' ye," she drawls.

"You are absolutely welcome," P'draig says cheerily and offers his arm for the walk over to the Sandbar first to drop off the glassware and then there's Jekzith outside to take them up to the Weyr and Paddy ambles on over to the barracks with Sooz to drop her off with a little wave as he heads back out to meet his brown and presumably other business after that.

$javeri, suizen, $weyrlingmaster, $t'mic, lierythxriuth1, !search-summer2009, @ista

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