Log: Wobbly Cart

Jul 01, 2009 12:23

Who: Nenita, P'draig
When: It is a spring morning, 11:39 of day 2, month 2, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Southeast Bowl, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy helps Nenny move a cart.

Southeast Bowl, Ista Weyr
Morning's white rays of sunlight peer over the eastern wall of the caldera, casting yellowed shadows still tinged by the deep blue of sleep. Despite the hard-packed ground and constant traffic, Ista's ever-present greenery still makes a valiant attempt to grow, bright color peeking out of crevasses and angles. High above and to the north the caldera's craggy walls stretch for the sky. Dragons tend to cluster around the entrance to the living cavern in the far southwest corner of the Istan bowl, or along the southern wall where other entrances lead to the infirmary and inner caverns. The bowl continues off to the northwest, stretching nearly half a mile past the queen's ledges and hatching caverns to the corrals at the tip of the bowl.

The sound of childish laughter rings out from one side of the bowl, P'draig can be seen there tickling a toddler, before setting Dylan back on his feet and letting him take the hand of one of the nannies. "See you later, buddy," the brownrider says fondly and watches the pair walk off towards the caverns for an early lunch. He lets out a quiet sigh, then turns to cross the Bowl, hefting the small bag that loops around his right shoulder so that it slaps lightly against his thigh and lets out a dull thunking noise, like there's pieces of wood in there.

Nenita is on a straight path from the direction of the living caverns to the other side of the bowl. She's pushing a cart completely laden down with food related-goods across the dirt and random patches of grass. The cook passes the sort of familiar looking nanny and smiles politely, waving her fingers at the little boy. P'draig has escaped her notice, and continues to do so as the wheel of her cart gets stuck in a little rut in the ground. Muttering under her breath, "Damn it." As she bends over to see what the dilemma is. She gives a rough push to see if she can dislodge the wheel (creating a loud clattering of objects) and then goes for the more intelligent plan. Lifting it up and out of the hole.

Nenny on the other hand, catches P'draig's eye almost right away once he's facing that way and Dylan wiggles chubby fingers pulled from his mouth at the cook in good-natured fashion. The brownrider crosses over to the cart-pushing cook with a slightly crooked grin. "Need a hand with that?" he offers, bending to inspect the wheel of the cart where it's stuck.

As focused as she is on her cart-pushing issue, she doesn't notice the brownrider's approach. So his sudden appearance by her side and in her space results in her nearly having a heart atttack right there in the middle of the bowl. Hand coming to her mouth she stills the squeak but doesn't have as much luck stopping herself from jumping or shoulders from tensing. Again, "Damn it!" This time with a startled tone instead of an irriated one. "Where did you come from?" She asks, regaining her composure and pushing the cart up by the handles. "If you wouldn't mind wiggling it up and out of there?"

That reaction lifts P'draig's brows and he points. "Right over there. Just stopped by to give Dylan a cuddle before he goes to get his lunch. I'm working on something for Palia today," he notes with a little smile, then reaches down to guide the wheel out of the rut and over to clear dirt. "Where're you going with all of this stuff?" he asks next, that perhaps being the logical thing. "And do you need help getting it there?" Paddy leans in a little then, a one-armed hug on offer.

"Oh, uh, the infirmary." Nenita answers as she brings the cart away from the rut, far away. "Delivery. I don't know that I so much need help..." She begins slowly, starting to push on towards her final destination. "But, I wouldn't mind some company." When his arm comes down, she stops to offer her own two-armed one in return. After the brief embrace, she returns to the pushing again. "What are you working on for your daughter?" She asks casually.

Lunchtime for the sick," P'draig says cheerily enough and nods. "Well if there's any more ruts, I can help left," he mimes lifting one handed and smiles as that hug is returned, goes so far as to turn his head and drop a kiss to the top of Nenita's hair. "And I'd be happy to keep you company. I'll see if I can make you laugh even," Paddy teases a little and pats the bag as they start walking infirmary-wards. "Another doll to go with one I made for her last turn. I guess you could say we're building up a collection. They're about this big," he holds his hands apart about two feet. "My mother likes to make doll clothes out of her scraps for dress-ups, so I thought Palia might like a partner for her first one. Have tea parties and so on. It's her turnday in just under 2 sevens so."

"That's a tall order! Are you sure you can fill it?" Nenita wonders, casting an amused glance at him. While one hand stays on the handle, the other reaches out to rest on top of a pile of sandwiches that threaten to dive off. "I really need to get a cart with better side things." Her eyes sweep over to the bag, looking it over quickly. "Oh that's lovely! I used to love dolls when I was a little girl. But hopefully no one will give me one for my turnday, that would be sort of awkward."

"Here, you push, I'll hold or you know, vice versa," P'draig offers, hovering his hand over hers. "And you know, might not be too hard to add a couple of rails," he eyes the cart for a moment then shifts his gaze back up to Nenny's face. "Yeah. I think she'll be really happy. She's turning six," Paddy says with some pride and his smile widens at the rest of what the cook says. "I'll make a note then, not to make you one. Though you know, nothing wrong with having one for show, right?" Beat. "When -- is your turn day, Nenny?"

There's just a big wide /grin/ for that first line. "I'll see what I can come up with, you know I'm always up for --" And there goes the cart a-rattling and her, reaching to keep things in place. "Here, you push, I'll hold or you know, vice versa," P'draig offers, hovering his hand over hers. "And you know, might not be too hard to add a couple of rails," he eyes the cart for a moment then shifts his gaze back up to Nenny's face. "Yeah. I think she'll be really happy. She's turning six," Paddy says with some pride and his smile widens at the rest of what the cook says. "I'll make a note then, not to make you one. Though you know, nothing wrong with having one for show, right?" Beat. "When -- is your turn day, Nenny?"

She smiles indulgently when he begins to offer before they're interrupted by the rattling. "Hold, please." Nenita requests, removing her hand, but not before she flips it to tickle the underside of his palm. "Six is a nice age. It's the beginning of a few good turns before they become teenagers. And then well..." There's a grin as she rolls her shoulders helplessly. "I'm not a parent but I've seen some of the kids running around." There's a glance towards him for his question and then her eyes are back on the path again. "A few sevens. It's pretty soon."

"Hold it is," P'draig says gaily and for that tickle, his fingers close around her hand briefly to squeeze, before dropping to the pile of sandwich goods atop the cart. He's got long legs so keeping up while the cart gets back into mostion shouldn't be too hard. "Seems like it, yeah," P'draig says with a quick nod of his head. "She's so able, you know? Independent but still needs parents and full of interesting things to say about the world. It's a lot of fun, honestly, being her dad." There's his goofy daddy smile again, before gray-blue eyes flick back Nenita's way. "Any requests? I like spoiling the people I care about the most a little on special days."

While he has long legs, she has little ones. And it may be surprising that she's covering ground so quickly. Like a little pony that's been set to trot. "I'm sure that you make a good one." Nenita says, voice warm as the compliment is delivered. "Oh no, I don't have any requests. I actually prefer no presents, most of the time." She uses one hand to start gesturing. "See, I have a cot and a trunk. And then that's it. There's no place to store random extra things."

"I try," P'draig says sincerely about his parenting skills. "Love my kids," is earnest too as they continue onward and the entrance to the infirmary looms. "Well see, when I offer, the presents usually are edible," Paddy says with a laugh. "So. It's more ... what do you want for dinner and what kind of dessert? Because if you don't want cake, I always like having a chance to come up with something creative. And knowing you, it might even be fun if we made it together."

She laughs, tilting her chin up a little. "Really. Well." Nenita casts another indulgent smile his way, one that catchs her eyes a little bit. "I'm sure that I can think of certain edible things that would make a good birthday present." One shoulder is then lifted up, "And maybe some things that aren't neccessarily for /eating/ but they don't come home with me." When they get closer to that looming entrance she slows her steps a little, not quite so hurried. She goes then from looking P'draig to checking the sun in the sky. "Yes, of course it would be fun."

That makes P'draig laugh aloud and he grins down at the cook. "Some of those things, you don't have to wait for your turnday for. But, let me know when it is and I can make sure we've got some kitchen space at the 'Bar if you'd like." He looks up at the infirmary cavern entrance and back over at her. "Busy day ahead after this?"

She brings the cart closer to infirmary entrance, pausing there as they continue talking. "And I don't plan on waiting." Nenita informs him with a little wink as she brings her focus back onto him. "I think... I think that might be nice. And after lunch is over I'm off for the day. Thankfully. It's been relatively busy so far."

"Good," P'draig answers, eyes twinkling. "Because waiting isn't all that much fun," the brownrider notes. "And see? Told you I'd get you to laugh. I'll look forward to cooking with you again then. It's nice you know, having a good partner in the kitchen." There's a faint touch of renewed humor on his face, could be there's a double entendre there, even if largely unintentional. "Mm. Busy times at Ista right now, so many people coming in for some of the things going on," Paddy offers over more thoughtfully then his smile is back. "Well, if you've a mind to 'not wait' a little, I'll be down at the beach working on this," a pat to his bag. "I've got my lunch to go in there too and would gladly share."

"Yeah, they are. There's a lot of new people, new things." Nenita's smile turns down a little, her expression thoughtful. There's something there until she brushes it off, waving her hand cheerfully. "I got to see Javeri's ship the other day. Explored the galley. I'm very excited about it. We should be starting soon." A man exits the infirmary and she pulls the cart away, getting out of his path. "Well. I'll be done with the lunch shift in another hour or so. I'll swing by and see if you're in need of a good distraction."

"Yeah. I haven't ... gone over to the Lucky Seven yet," P'draig says slowly, carefully and lifts his hand off the cart, sweeps it through hair that's gotten steadily longer since the last batch of weyrlings all got tapped. "Did you? Great. I got a tour a little while back, it looks /nice/. Probably even better now," the brownrider says cheerily. "I hope you'll have a lot of fun cooking there. I know Veri's pretty keen to get things going." Paddy nods at her last, smile warm and his hand shifts, reaching for her chin to tilt upward because he means to give her a real kiss this time. "I'll be waiting," he murmurs after, smiling again.

"I haven't either except to see the walls go up. I don't know how I feel about it." Nenita presses her lips together, the smile eeking away even more. "It seems disloyal somehow. Even if it's technically weyr owned." She tilts her head in the direction of the infirmary. "I better get in there and deliver these or the healers are likely to kill me." When she finds her chin being tilted up, she grins into his kissing returning it cheerfully. "I'll find the time." The smile is back again in bloom and she grins over her shoulder as she begins to push her cart inside.

"I'm not too sure about it either. Veri says it's nice. There's gambling. I just feel you know, a really strong connection with the good old Sandbar," Paddy says with a laugh as Nenita draws away. "I'll see you down at the beach, Nenny," Paddy promises, "don't want any healers killing you!" he adds as he takes a half step back, but watches her vanish into the infirmary with a silly grin on his face.

nenita, @ista

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