Log: Points of Light

Jun 23, 2009 00:44

Who: Javeri, P'draig
When: Nighttime on day 3, month 1, turn 20
Where: The beach
What: Javeri's working on a problem when Paddy comes along. He distracts her and offers her a drink which she happily accepts. The general state of things as well as a present for Palia get discussed.

With full on night going on it's not that bright on the beach even with the sky clear of clouds. Except in a spot or two where people have lit a fire for some private party or other. Or the spot by Javeri. She doesn't have a fire going, but there's dozens of points of light coming from small clay pots lit with several different things from coals to glows tallow candles.

The sound of feet padding nearer might announce Paddy, though he doesn't realize that's Veri right away until some light reflected from within one pot casts her face into relief. The brownrider backsteps, hunkers down and looks out at the little sea of lights she's made. "Shells, you been busy."

A small pot gets tossed into a basket, probably how they were transported. Since it was tossed because it was broke in half there's no flinch from Javeri where it makes a crash noise. "Huh? Oh, yea, kinda." She grins at Paddy and gestures. "Glows for the ship, you know? I know we want glows for the ship, but I was thinking for the beach parties. It would be pretty to lay these out in patterns and stuff. But I'm not sure which work better and I may have the pots the wrong size."

"It does look pretty," P'draig agrees with a smile and picks up one of the pots, turns it this way and that, sending scatterings of broken light across the immediate space. "Are you thinking you want them to actually cast light, or just look nice?"

"Enough light to not be stepped on by some drunk fool," Javeri says as she plops down onto the sand and looks out at the scattered pots. "I made them real thin. I'm not sure they'll hold up to transport let alone some lug stepping on it and then screaming at me because he's a drunk idiot." With a smile she gestures to the light. "I bet it'd look prettier from the sky, but I was thinking having them all laid out to welcome people to whatever little island beach I use as a stopping point. I'd love to find one I could set up some permanent huts. But that'd require dealing with someone or other."

"Mm, there's a couple of little ones around Ista," P'draig says with a nod and looks out at the lightscape. "Kind of tough though if you can't transport them around, yeah?" Brows lifted. "And yeah, I've been thinking about building a little cothold down on the beach. Cooler you know."

Javeri smiles brightly and says, "Good. You do that! Find a nice beach you're willing to let me haul tourists to. Then I can not have to talk to anyone at the Hold or Weyr about it." Problem solved! Although she laughs at the end so maybe she's just joshing. "I'll figure out the transport part. I guess I'll have to wrap them carefully and individually and not trust them to anyone else so that if they do break I can only be pissed at myself. But enough about me. How are you doing?"

Laughing too, Paddy shakes his head. "No, no tourists. Just you know, ground level. Maybe put a bath in ..." He winks across at the bluerider and runs his finger along the curve of the pot he's holding then puts it down, scoots over to sit beside her. "Careful packing I guess. Lots of fleece." He leans to bump his shoulder companionably against hers. "I'm okay. Met some interesting people lately."

Laughing too, Paddy shakes his head. "No, no tourists. Just you know, ground level. Maybe put a bath in ..." He winks across at the bluerider and runs his finger along the curve of the pot he's holding then puts it down, scoots over to sit beside her. "Careful packing I guess. Lots of fleece." He leans to bump his shoulder companionably against hers. "I'm okay. Met some interesting people lately. And Mic's -- well there's this girl his into. It's interesting seeing him get into someone like that," he says with a little chuckle.

"Well, drat. I wonder if I can find some little island no one remembers and use that." Javeri frowns and lets out a sigh, but then grins again. "Yea, fleece. I'll have to go see what I can find in stores. Maybe there's some good packing stuff there." As for meeting people there's a quiet laugh. "Well, good to meet people. I've been so busy I feel like I'm losing touch with everyone, but there's always one more thing that has to get done. But good for Mic." Smiling then she glances at her pots, but doesn't seem inclined to move them or do anything else with them right now.

"Sure, contain things a little, let people have the run of things," Paddy teases a little and reaches over to brush back one of her braids gently. "I'm still here. Haven't lost touch with me," the brownrider says quietly and turns his head to kiss her cheek. "Have you gone by that new bar?" he asks casually.

"The Lucky Seven?" Javeri asks like there might be more than one new bar. "Nah. I was there when they were raising the walls and haven't been back. I haven't even been to the Sandbar in ages." Tipping her head to one side there's a grin before she nods once. "No, haven't lost touch with you. I'm just staring ahead at the new turn wondering what in Faranth's name I'm going to do. The Layabout goes out for her first three day cruise in a couple days. I've spent all day trying to check and recheck everything needed off my mental list."

"Mm. Yeah, I haven't gone either. Just hearing the odd thing now and then," P'draig says with a grin. "Mostly I come down here, you know, cook. Have a drink or two. Speaking of, I haven't bought you one in a while," the brownrider adds and slings an arm casually around the bluerider. "And do you mean you won't have enough to do, or too much?"

Leaning lightly against him Javeri looks thoughtful and then nods. "It's true. You've not bought me a drink in ages. Woe is me." Her head shakes as she laughs. "Too much to do. I'm sure it will all sort out, you know? But until I get things all settled I won't know for sure how to set my schedule. I hate schedules, you know. They're so... busy. It's like being all grown up or something."

"Funny how that happens. The growing up thing," P'draig says with a laugh and leans over to kiss her shoulder. "So. If you think these lights will stay safe, may I buy you a drink?"

"But I'm not even 25 yet!" Javeri complains and then lets out a quiet hmph. "It's all Chadamalith's fault. I could still be a bum if it were not for him." Rolling her eyes she grins and then, once her shoulder's gotten its kiss, stands up and holds her hands out to help him up. "I think they'll be ok. Oh, I got a letter from my dad. All, I heard about your ship and blah, blah, blah. Like he didn't abandon me and now I should be just giving him stuff."

"You can be more or less grown up at any age," Paddy says and takes those two hands, grunts a little as he rises and nods for the lamps. "Okay. Because if you want help picking them up I can do that," the brownrider claims and aims to slide an arm comfortably around her waist. "He ... wants you to give him stuff?"

"Oh, nah. Just prototypes anyway. If they disappear that's fine." Javeri's not worried about her pots. Especially not if they slow down getting a drink right now. Her own arm loops around his waist after his does it first so she can walk close. "Sure. Like, it'd be real sweet if you gave me and my new wife a free trip. Or I'm trying to impress some craftmaster or other and maybe I could bring him down for a cruise."

"All right then," P'draig says about the pots as they amble away and then he's cocking a look downward at Veri. "You're kidding me?" Disbelief paints Paddy's face and he sighs, shakes his head. "Sorry, Veri. That sucks," he says bluntly and tightens his arm around her a little.

Javeri's quiet for a bit as they walk before sighing. "He's a jerk. I haven't even written him back. I suppose I should, but really. It's not a big deal. Just a minor annoyance. Any minor annoyances in your life?" It's not that she sounds hopeful about it, but maybe she just figures it shouldn't be her complaining all the time.

"Annoyances ... not really. It's winter so it's nice here. Not too hot," Paddy says with a chuckle. "Makes everything less annoying, you know," as they amble towards the bar. "Palia's turnday is coming right up though. Big girl turning 6. Can you believe it?"

"True enough. Winter has the best weather," Javeri agrees with a chuckle. "And we've still got spring to get through before worrying about summer. But, six? Really? Wow. You know I have no idea what to get her and I have to get her something after my ploy to get her to go on last time." The problem with a lie is it always comes back. "New shoes? Paints? Some nice fabric for a new dress?"

"Not quite so drippy out, you know?" P'draig says about Ista's winter weather. The bar's nearing and Paddy looks up at the sky for a moment. "Six. Yeah. Time's just gone flying right by. Actually, if you have time, could you make her another bead for her bracelet? Those just mean a lot to her coming from you."

"Oh, sure! I can do a bead. I'll work on something the next couple days." Javeri looks towards the bar and squints to try to see who it is coming out, but either she can't see or doesn't recognize them. "I can certainly find time to make Palia a bead. She's my best student. Well, my only one, but still. She spending the day here or with her mom? Or both?"

"Oh no, she'll be here," P'draig relates with a little lopsided smile. "Illya will be coming to take her for a seven though right after. The annual mother visit, you know." He ponders for a moment, takes a breath. "Only other thing I can think of is surfing stuff. Since she's so into it."

Feet kick the sand and barely miss coming right down on a piece of shell. Thankfully for Veri's night she doesn't slice her foot open. She doesn't even notice she even missed it. "Oh, well, then I shall make sure it's done before she goes. And she's real good at it too. Better than a lot of adults I've seen. I was thinking someday about arranging some competition or event or something. There's plenty enough people who surf that getting them all together might be fun. See what other people are doing and all. Not, you know, until I find someone else willing to do all the work though."

"Great, thanks Veri, she really likes those beads." P'draig's head ducks a little and he shoots an amused look towards the bluerider. "Maybe good balance is a trait in my family," he jokes. "And a competition, huh. Could be interesting."

"Oh, sure. I like making them. It's fun to know I'll do something that's for sure going to be appreciated." Javeri looks towards the beach and the water with a grin. "Well, like I said, someday. Maybe get some of the local businesses popping up to sponsor it or something. But that's talk for some other time I think. Oh, who's this girl that's got Mic's shorts twisted?"

"Well good if it's fun for you to do, too," P'draig says with a smile and slows a little as the bar looms. "I don't know that twisted is really the right way to put it," the brownrider says slowly. "Let's just say, she actually tired him out," Paddy continues with a laugh. "She's a baker over at Fort. Seems -- young," he says carefully then nods towards the bar. "How about that drink?"

"Fun is good, yes. And the drink sounds good." Javeri grins in silence for a moment and then says, "I started young. I think I want something new tonight. I need to broaden my horizons and expand my limits and all that other stuff I'm always being bugged to do."

"Well then, let's see what we can do about that," P'draig says with a charming smile and leads the way into the bar to find new and horizon-broadening at the bar. "Pushing the limits, always fun."

$palia, $illya, javeri, @ista

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