Log: Misunderstandings

Jun 16, 2009 00:45

Who: Nenita, P'draig
When: Night, 13/10/19
Where: Garden and Pool, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy and Nenny cross a wire or two, but still get along.

Garden and Pool, Ista Weyr(#456RJ)
From bowl to waterfall, the gardens of Ista stretch out across the plateau. Nearest the bowl are the practical plants--the herbs and crops and an orchard of fruit trees--but the closer to the stream one ventures, the more fanciful the foliage becomes. Lush dark leaves, flowers as big as a hand, jungle creepers hanging from old-growth trees--like most of Ista, the plant life grows rampant here, everything outsized and richly green. The streambanks in particular are impressively overgrown, until every rock is moss-covered and pockets of still water in pools on the banks teem with algae.
Only the waterfall itself seems to have escaped the onslaught of flora, cutting a channel through the rock and falling toward the pool below. The craggy cliffs leading downward post a number of places to sit and swing your feet, or to wade in the shallow puddles that collect in dips in rocks and around the edges of the water. For all the cliffs and their outcroppings, however, the best way down is still the steep, slick stairs switchbacking down the rock face.

It's late and the moons are up, but it's nice out. Ista's dryer season means warm but pleasant days and slightly cooler nights and P'draig is out in this one, sitting at the edge of a pool on a rock, looking up at the stars. The breeze ruffles his hair now and then and though Jekzith isn't immediately visible, now and again a shadow passes by overhead, perhaps betraying the brown's presence up above.

Down the wet cliff stairs, comes the descent of gentle, careful feet. Nenita comes this night with a light blanket tossed around her shoulders, evidence maybe that she was loitering somewhere out there for awhile. Her hair is damp and pulled back, something she plays with idly as she makes it to the garden below. The overhead shadow gets her attention and she looks up at the dark form curiously, missing P'draig across the pool.

The sound of footsteps nevertheless drops Paddy's attention from contemplation of the skies to the possibilities of who might be coming. Jekzith lets him in on it, gliding a little lower so he's visible, then sweeps up high again, blocking the moonslight briefly. P'draig just smiles and calls over: "Nenny? Want to come count stars with me?"

Nenita comes the rest of the way down, padding around the pool to where the brownrider is sitting. She pulls the blanket closely around her shoulders, evidentally not a fan of the even slightly cooler weather. At least at night. She turns her head up to the night sky, taking in all those stars. "I would, but I'm not entirely sure that I'm of much mind to count them all tonight."

"Bad night?" P'draig asks and shifts around a little anyway, a hand held out to the cook. "Cold?" he inqures too, eyeing the way she draws that blanket close. Paddy, being all from Reaches and so on, seems very comfortable in the cooler temperatures.

"No, not really." Nenita answers, accepting his hand while she lowers herself to the ground. Her skirt is arranged carefully around her as she folds her legs underneath. "I'm not a fan of the cooler season. I wouldn't last for a second north of here. I'd just turn into a block of ice." She brushes back a stray chunk of hair, looking out over the pool. Without much warning, "Do you know Ehrudith's rider?"

"This is my favorite season at Ista. No more heavy air I can't breathe," P'draig says with a chuckle and he scoots around so he can wrap both arms around the cook. "You learn to wear layers and spend a lot of time cuddling with people you like," he jokes a little then blinks at the abrupt question. "I know /of/ him. I don't really know him though. Why?"

"I think you breathe throughout the other three seasons, Paddy. Otherwise you'd be a little blue in the face." Nenita jokes, leaning her head into chest a little. She seems content on relaxing right there until he says that he /has/ heard of him. The short woman begins wiggling back to look at him. "Do you know what his name is?"

P'draig laughs again and gives Nenny a little squeeze as she leans back against him. "Good thing I have Mic to give me mouth-to-mouth?" he quips in return and turns his head to press a kiss lightly to her temple. "K'laus? K'ows? K'aus. That's it. K'aus."

"Is that what you spend most of your time during the majority of the year?" Nenita asks, nudging him playfully. Then, "K'aus. K'aus." The brunette is committing the short name to memory, something to use like a weapon at a later date. "Thank you, P'draig."

"Mmm, maybe not /most/ of it," P'draig says laughingly, "but a good percentage. You know, when I'm not on duty or taking care of my kids ... or teaching you to cook or ..." he grins down at Nenita and tucks the blanket around her a little more, though one hand slides down towards hers, fingers aiming to thread between fingers. "Sure. I've ... heard he has something of an appetite? That's about it. Why the questions about him?" Curious.

She pulls just enough away so that she can stretch her legs out and stretch them across his lap. Nenny intertwines her fingers with his and glances skywards. "Yeah, you could say that. I'm just asking because he's entered my..." She purses her lips and trails off, maybe figuring out what words to put out next. Eventually, "Field of awareness, recently. When I run into strange people I like to know what their names are."

"Hm. So ... if you met him, he wouldn't tell you his name?" P'draig's brows quirk upward as fingers lace together loosely, tighten briefly. "That does sound strange. Huh. Well, I'll keep an eye out I guess, see if I can get a take on the guy one way or another." Beat. "He's not ... bothering you, is he?"

"Actually, I never asked him for it. Everytime I was caught up in something else and his name just wasn't important until afterwards." Nenita explains, which probably makes the situation sound like something it isn't. "And he never asked me for mine." A fact that does seem to strike her as odd, her eyebrows furrowing down. "Oh no, you don't have to do that. I think I've got a relative bead on type of a person he is." She squeezes his hand, wiggling her legs. "At first he was. But now I'm not so sure, he's just... odd."

Sometimes, Paddy is thick though. "Busy Nenny," he teases her fondly and cuddles a little closer. "Okay, just you know, say the word if you need any help," the brownrider offers, good-naturedly. "Leg-rub?" he proposes, eyeing hers, wiggling across his lap and drops his free hand to rest on her calf lightly.

Busy... what? Nenita stares at him blankly for several moments, like she's not entirely sure what he means. And then, "Oh no! No, no, no. That's not it at all. I'm not- He's just. He's annoying and weird. He doesn't blink enough! If you're going to look out for him, notice /that/." Despite the good-natured offer of a leg rub she's shaking her head still. "No, and wait a second. You think I sleep with creepy riders? Just anyone?"

Blink, blink. "No ... I thought you literally meant that you were caught up in things. Other things than Creepy K'aus. You know. Busy. With things that meant you forgot to ask him for his name." P'draig blinks some more. Thick, see? Didn't pick up on that other meaning. "I have no idea who you sleep with, other than me," he says more quietly, sincerely. "And I don't think it's any of my business either. I don't really think about it at all. I'm just happy when /we/ hook up."

"Busy. With things." Nenita is looking at him cautiously, as if she's not sure that she believes him that he believes her that she's not fooling around with the other brownrider. Finally she starts shaking her head, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come across like that." And then his last part, prompts something of a smile from her. "I'm actually only sleeping with you." She admits before hastily adding on, "Don't get any funny ideas either. I am a busy woman, just like you said." Still, touch of a smile there!

"Cooking things. Or personal things. Not --" P'draig stops, starts laughing helplessly and tugs his hand free but it's only to wrap his arms around her and squeeze again. "Nenny, don't worry. I'm the last person in the world who'd get funny ideas," Paddy says gently. "Mic's weyrmate, remember? Half the time I'm not sure if I'm going to come home to an empty weyr, just Mic, or ... well ... a party, in our bed. So really, if anyone sitting here could get the 'just anyone' tossed at him, it's me. Though really that's more Mic's speed than mine." There's a wry little grin to go with that, then the brownrider drops a kiss to the side of her neck fondly.

A look passes over Nenita's face and she puts a hand out to his cheek, patting him there fondly. "Just becase you're T'mic's weyrmate now doesn't mean that things are going to stay static forever. So even though you regularly find parties in your bed and that's okay, that doesn't mean you'll feel that way the rest of your life." She withdraws her hand from his face, "A girl just has to make sure she puts her real none-intentions out there. In case something should randomly change on the spur of a moment."

That statement makes P'draig's brows lift though. "Nenita ... it's kind of part of the deal, being okay with it," the brownrider says gently. "It's part of loving Mic. Loving him jut the way he is. And don't get me wrong, I'm not just /okay/ with it, often enough, I like it and join in. So, you know, if that's just too much to deal with --" he breaks off and chuckles lowly. "Mm, better to keep it clear and I appreciate that, but I'm not worried and I'm not getting any ideas and I trust that you'll tell me if things change or you want them to change."

Nenita watches the expression changes on his face and she begins to shake her head, laughing softly to herself. "That's not exactly what I was getting at in the first part, at all. But that's okay, P'draig." She squeezes his knee before wiggling her legs off of him and getting to her feet. "I think the chill in the ear is getting to be just a little too much for me tonight."

"See, sometimes, you have to beat me over the head with things too," P'draig says with another laugh and waits until she's standing before pushing up to his feet too. "Walk you home?" he offers, holding his arm out for her.

Yes, I think that I'm beginning to see that." Nenita answers, bumping her shoulder into him in a companionable fashion. Regardless of whatever odd misunderstandings they've had over the span of their time out here, she'll walk back with just the same amount of friendliness she's always had.

"Good, glad we're still all clear," P'draig says with a smile and walks her back across the Bowl, chatting lightly about other things including this really great fish dish he made the other night. There's a sweet kiss goodnight on the other side of things, offered with all the same warmth as usual and a quiet: "Sweet dreams, Nenny."

$t'mic, nenita, $k'aus, @ista, jekzith

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