Log: The Scaredies Go Between

Jan 13, 2009 01:29

Who: Javeri, P'draig, Chadamalith, Jekzith, B'orl (npc), Aiteth(npc), H'rig (npc), Mloneth (npc)
Where: The bowl and the Star Stones
When: Late morning on day 24 month 9
What: P'draig gets the scaredy cat group of weyrlings gathered into the bowl for their first go at Between. Chadamalith is overly detail-oriented but he and Javeri manage to make it through in one piece.

It's a foggy morning with the promise of mugginess later on, though it's relatively cool still right now, with the sun still low on the horizon. Morning warmups are over and the weyrlings are getting split off into groups. A tNeraset, Tosolla and M'ljen have gone down to the beach with B'ryce to do more flaming practice, B'orl is on his way over with a very nervous-looking Aiteth, and H'rig and Mloneth are here lining up, the bronze weyrling fastening up his jacket with fumbling fingers. P'draig's already kitted out and ready to go, Jekzith with straps on. Paddy's leaning against his brown's shoulder, waiting for the rest of the triad he's in charge of for the morning to join.

How one is late so soon after warmups is a mystery. Well, most likely it is not a mystery. But whatever the case it means Javeri is the last one to arrive. She's sweating already in her flying clothes even though her jacket is not closed up yet. Chadamalith has been waiting patiently where he should be which was at least indication that his rider was not off hiding in her weyr somewhere. When Javeri's slow steps finally get her to where P'draig is at she stops near her blue and just rests a hand against his side as she stares with much seriousness at her feet.

There's a distinct lack of surprise on P'draig's face for Javeri's lateness, though he does watch her all the way over. He waits a few more moments while B'orl hustles into place, licking his lips repeatedly as he does up the last fastening on his jacket, jams his cap on and salutes. That seems to be a signal for the brownrider to push away from Jekzith's shoulder, coming to stand with his weight balanced between his two feet just before the Weyrlings. "Okay, I'll dispense with the scary lecture about Between. You guys look like you're going to throw up anyway from nerves. So here's the deal. You know the Star Stones and the sky right above them really well by now. What you're going to do, is visualize them for me and Jekzith and I are going to check your visual. Then we're going to fly up there and wait for you. One at a time, you're going to jump to the sky just above the stones after taking off from the BOwl and getting enough height."

Pulling her hand away from Chadamalith to go ahead and button up her jacket Javeri pauses midway to listen to what P'draig is saying. The last couple buttons do take longer than the others and by the time she's got her cap tugged from her pocket her finger shake and she near drops it before it gets on and strapped in place. She looks at the other two and there's at least a feeling of camaraderie between the scared that helps her take a deep breath and manage a little nod. Lifting her head further she stares up overhead for a moment just to see what place might get her killed trying to get there. "Umm. Today? Right now?" Ok, it's a stupid question, but maybe there's a way to get out of it that she just hasn't found and if she asks one of the others might come up with it and they'll all be spared potential death. All of her nervousness only stands out more because Chadamalith is just sitting still and appearing unbothered by the world like always.

"Today," P'draig affirms in a steady voice and moves towards the weyrlings. "One at a time." He pauses by H'rig, puts a hand on the bronze weyrling's shoulder, looks him in the eye then murmurs something low-voiced that's beyond the hearing of the other two. B'orl is next and Javeri last. "Remember what I promised," is all he says to her, in as much of an undertone as the others. "All right, who's first?" he asks next as he steps away to re-join Jekzith.

There's a slight deflate when she cannot get out of it so easy. Javeri steals a glance at the other two weyrlings to see if they're going to try, but since they're not she just lets out the tiniest of sighs. The words she gets from P'draig draw out a somewhat wobbly smile and her hand rests on her blue once more. Another look is stolen towards the other two weyrlings to see if they're going to volunteer. No one seems to be stepping forward. She is certainly not going to step forward having no desire what so ever to do this. Sadly for her she's bonded to a dragon that doesn't share her concerns at all and Chadamalith's muzzle plants itself in the small of his rider's back as he nudges her forward while telling Jekzith << We are first >> in no uncertain terms.

Gray-blue eyes fix on Javeri for a moment, a touch of humor in the pull of his lips as he takes note of Chadamalith's urging. "All right, Javeri and Chadamalith," he says steadily, seeks to meet the weyrling's eyes again for a moment with a little nod and a mouthed: "You can do it." He's giving Jekzith a pat though and moving to mount up, swing onto the brown's back. "All right. Mount up and give us your visual," he commands, adopting his 'weyrlingmaster' voice. Jekzith prances a little in place, excited and touches minds with Chadamalith. << WHenever you're both ready! >>

Both ready at the same time may be pushing it quite a bit. But since she's been volunteered Javeri is -not- going to look a coward now. Especially not in front of two boys. That's not happening so she takes a deep breath after the mouthed words of encouragement and turns slightly to lay a light punch across Chadamalith's shoulder. Clearly he had to be retaliated again. Once that's done she clambers aboard Chadamalith with a little less grace than normal owing to her nerves. Once she's seated she closes her eyes, likely to help her visualize. A minute passes before the blue shares the visual given to him by his rider of the Star Stones. It's crystal clear with little tiny details picked out of the rock itself and the clouds in the sky and maybe he's embellished a bit because there's no way Javeri's got all that detail sorted in her head.

Waiting patiently, P'draig sits back in Jekzith's straps, focuses on what the brown shares. "Mm. A little too close in on the detail," he says aloud. "Try to focus on the space just above the stones, not the details of the stones themselves. If you're in too close like that, you could wind up jumping too close too. You want the view from just above them, the place you actually want to go," the brownrider specifies. "So, try again." Jekzith is still perkily encouraging. << It's a very /clear/ image, but you want to do it more like this. >> He flashes a clear, but not overly detailed image, his impression of the stones standing against the sky, but only what you'd see from about two dragonlengthhs up.

<< But the details are what makes a picture so fascinating. There's so many options. >> Chadamalith explains to the encouraging brown. << And are the details not important? After all if we can pick out the details and make slight changes might we not go to the same place, but not as someone else. >> His tone hurries up as he speaks like there's more to say and then he stops abruptly. On his back Javeri is thump thump thumping the palm of her hand between his shoulders which likely is accompanied by internal dialog. "Sorry," she mumbles just loud enough to be heard by P'draig. "It's... well." Him. Like that needs saying. Another minute passes and this time Chadamalith's visual is better. He's got the spot they want to go, but there's something very disappointed in his tone about sharing the whole lacking picture.

Jekzith takes in what Chadamalith has to say. << Sure they are, but not when you're trying to go places safely. >> Beat. << Do not show this to your rider, please. But ... it's important maybe for you to understand. If you look too closely at the rock instead of the sky, you could wind up like this: *Weyrling Rock* >> P'draig though is nodding about the way Javeri pulls Chadamalith back, encourages him to stay on target. With the visual given back corrected, Jekzith reflects it back to Chadamalith. << Here and only here, hold that picture in both of your heads. >> "OKay Javeri, Chadamalith's given us a good visual. I can see it and Jekzith sees it and we're holding it too. You've got it in your head, make sure you're both in accord and have it the same as you go up. We're going to head up now, we'll give you the signal." So saying, Jekzith takes off, wings up to the Stones and lands there, looking downward expectantly, still holding that image in his head. << Take off, get at least three lengths up off the Bowl floor, then jump to us with this image. >> Nerves. More nerves amongst the guys as B'orl whispers to H'rig.

Chadamalith was about to ask why he shouldn't share, but then he's seen why he should not share and he must not because Javeri's not running screaming across the bowl never to be seen again. << The sky has detail of its own >> he offers, but there's a leak of humor not shared at all by his nervous rider. Nerves indeed. When P'draig speaks Javeri starts out of whatever nightmare visions she's been keeping to herself. "Ok," she says because saying anymore through a parched throat is just not happening. Also her voice squeaks a little even on those two letters. Jekzith has plenty of time to fly up and get comfortable and even contemplate whatever it is he might wish to contemplate. Eventually a couple minutes have passed and the blue leaps into the air. Getting up high enough is easy and that's not even anything Javeri's got trouble with. When they reach a safe distance there's a pause for Chadamalith, at his rider's insistence, to check the visual with the brown once more and when he's done that. And then done it again because one cannot be too careful the pair wink out from where they were overhead and reappear over the Star Stones.

There's dual indrawn breaths down on the Bowl floor and maybe unheard a third up above. P'draig doesn't betray any nerves though, just seems to sit and watch and wait. Jekzith has a happy bugle to welcome the pair back out of Between though and Paddy's fist lifts to pump as he lets out a whoop. << Come down and land with us! >> Jekzith requests, before turning his attention down to the Bowl floor again. It's H'rig's turn and if the other weyrling looks whey-faced on his way up, well, it's a scaredy group.

For the pair there's a bugle of triumph from the normally quiet Chadamalith. Not often does he bother expressing himself verbally, but he does so now. Winging down from the air he lands by Jekzith with no sign that he's upset. As for Javeri she's still rather pale under her tan and P'draig gets a weak grin before she leans forward to rest her forehead against her blue.

Leaning over in the straps, P'draig reaches to give Javeri's knee a quick, reassuring pat. "You got it," he tells her with a grin. "And don't let him push you around about all that nitty gritty stuff. Good job balancing him out," he continues, smiles again then turns his attention back to the other two. There's a hairy moment or two when B'orl doesn't turn up right away, but the blue pair do make it out of Between in one piece, if a little shaky. With all three weyrlings lined up on the Stones, P'draig looks between them. "Okay. So that was your first jump and you've gotten a feeling for what it's about. The groundrules are simple, but really important. Always check your visual, never get lazy about just thinking 'home' or 'Ista' or whatever, always, always, visualize and you should be fine. B'orl, you might want to check in with X'lar about Aiteth thinking Between is kind of cool. Malsaeth's got a thing for Between. But he can't linger too long. A second or two extra is fine and is useful for ... well, if you need to help a girl out after a flight. But otherwise, no lollygagging around in there because he can hold his breath a lot longer than you can."

"Thanks," gets mumbled before Javeri lifts her head and tries another smile even if it's still just as wobbly and unsure as the other one. "We'll work on it." When each of the others arrives she's got a welcome smile for them that shares her own lessened nerves at surviving at least their first foray into this. Bonding through fear! It's not the best way to do it, but it's certainly one way. "What's the line between too much detail and not enough though?" Javeri has to ask because, well, there's clearly a line. "What if what I think is too much detail is actually not enough? There's no way to know?" Just surviving the first time is not enough to allay fears about further horrible black death! Although she looks somewhat embarrassed to sound afraid.

"Sure," Paddy murmurs and grins again. Once the others have joined though, he's listening, nodding at the questions B'orl's about how long Between is answered with a 'no more than ten seconds' and then he's answering Javeri. "So, mostly, it's about not getting too close or too far. So if it's just abstract shapes of the stones with no sense of where they are, that's not enough. But all three stones, clearly stones, with the sky at the right time of day and a sense of it being /Ista/ that's enough. Right down to the veins in the rocks and which watchrider is on duty? THat's too much."

Listening to the questions B'orl has is good for Javeri because it means fewer questions she might have to ask later. Thankfully at least Chadamalith doesn't seem to want to hang out between at all. Either he's no interest in just blackness or he's being nice to his rider. "Enough is enough?" she asks with a weak grin. "Ok. I guess that makes sense." She opens her mouth like there may be another question, but then shakes her head. "Nevermind." Twisting his head around her blue gives her a look before turning his eyes to Jekzith. << How is the sky ever at the wrong time of day? Is it not always the time it should be? What if I do not wish to be at the time of day th sky shows? Does that mean I can be at another time of sky? >>

"Yeah, pretty much," P'draig tells her with a smile, looks over at the other two. H'rig's got a question about fixing points of reference and then it's back to Javeri, brows lifted for the abortive question. "Going once ... twice ...?" So it's up to Jekzith to answer Chadamalith. << If the times don't match ... there could be travel to another time and that is very dangerous. P'draig reminds about the one who rode Orlith. >> Paddy takes a breath and fixes Chadamalith with a close look. "No timing it," he says bluntly. "There's a reason that only goldriders and some bronzeriders used to learn the trick. Of course everyone knows about it since Lessa and it was all re-discovered about Moreta. So. Yes. If you visualize another time of day, you could slip between times, but it's not worth messing around with, trust me. Stick to places."

Now she's utterly embarrassed that Chadamalith asked anyway when she told him not to. Javeri just nods and does her best not to meet anyone's gaze. In case they think it was her asking and she had no part of it. << She makes me promise >> are the words, not really sulky, but definitely disappointed. The calm blue that usually makes up his mind is a bit fractured. << So I promise. >> Holding her breath she only lets it out once she knows he's promised. There's no other questions from her or her blue after that.

Lots of nodding and big rounded eyes from B'orl, H'rig looks like he might protest. He is after all, a bronzerider, right? But Paddy's giving him the /eye/ of /doom/. "No. Timing. It." He repeats, nods for Javeri and Chadamalith's twinned promises. << Thank you, Chadamalith. It's really best that way. And I know you will honor that promise. >> As long as he remembers at least. "All right," P'draig takes a breath. "So. We'll do a few more jumps. The next one will be outside of the Bowl. We'll all take off together and I'll give you Jekzith's view of the beach. We'll jump down to the airspace above the beach, jump back here, then back to the beach. Once we're down there, you're free for the rest of the morning until lunch."

Luckily for all involved Javeri can beat him over the head with his promise whenever she needs to. Likely she will need to quite frequently whenever he forgets and then remembers the whole concept. Looking between the other two she swallows loudly. It was certainly a different thing to do it one by one. Now they have to do it together? But she's not going to wimp out. Unless someone else does first in which case she'd be right there with them. But since no one else seems likely to do it she just nods her head and waits for the cue to go up once more. At least they get to see the beach.

So follows P'draig and Jekzith visualizing the beach clearly, waiting until each weyrling has checked in with it and they go. It's not the nicest day for the beach. THe sun's come up, it's muggy and hazy and even down by the water it's not all that pleasant, though it's probably better than in the Bowl. Still, up in the air is better still, after all the dragons can fly up to where it's clearer.

The beach is still a comfort location for Javeri so there's less nervousness going there than when they were just going up. It is also, to be fair, not the first time so those first time nerves have settle enough that the success of the next trip even allows her to grin about it. Chadamalith has a bit of trouble still with the details, but it just takes a little correction for him to get the idea despite whatever suggestions he makes to his rider once they've actually made the jump on how they might improve what they are doing.

"All right, back to the Stones," P'draig states once the trio have regrouped in formation on Jekzith's wing. The pair give the Stones image back to them, wait for the check-in and then go. Again it's a journey without mishap but Paddy waits between shifts, letting the group settle into the feeling of repeated jumps before having them do it again. This last time, he has Jekzith land on the beach. "So, there you go. First taste of Between. What do you think?" This as he's unclipping Jekzith's straps and unfastening his jacket, pulling off his cap to reveal sweat-damp curls flattened againt his head as it gets on towards uncomfortably warm.

Done is a good thing. Relief is etched on Javeri's face as they end back on the beach and she can not have to do that again. The first thing she does is get her jacket off. Poor Chadamalith has to deal with his straps until she's also gotten her cap off and made a vague attempt to get her braids where she wants them. "It was ok," she answers in a tone so casual it couldn't hardly be false at all. Her eyes steal towards her fellow weyrlings to see how they look, but she's not going to admit to any more fear than she already has in front of them. There are reputations to protect.

H'rig is still pale and he nods along with what Javeri says. "I think we'll get used to it, do better next time." He takes a shaky breath and gives his bronze a thump on the shoulder. B'orl looks a lot less sure. "I -- it's still scary, sir," he says and shoots a look over at the brownrider. P'draig nods a couple of times, peeling his jacket right on off and loosens a few buttons on his shirt, flaps the fabric to generate a breeze. "That's pretty normal, B'orl. We'll just keep practicing with what you've gotten used to until you feel confident enough to take the next step." The brownrider drops down off his brown now, turns to pull the straps off of Jekzith, stows his gear in the carisak that comes down with them. Next off are his pants, though he's got shorts beneath. "You're all officially free for the rest of the morning though. Welcome to come along with me for a drink," he invites with a smile.

Chadamalith's straps don't want to behave or maybe Javeri's still not just quite good at getting them off. At least for now. When they are off she shakes her head. "I think I'm going to go for a walk." It's not that unusual to turn down free drinks. Well, it might be, but she doesn't look like she's overly bothered. H'rig and B'orl get a wave from her with an encouraging smile before she thumps Chadamalith on his shoulder. It keeps him from following after her so she's alone as she heads off down the beach.

Sweeping a hand through his hair, P'draig nods as Javeri heads off down the beach. "See you later," he says lightly as he bends to pull off his boots and chuck them in that bag too. "Gentlemen?" he asks the other two and a moment later they're joining him in stripping down a layer and heading over to the bar for a pitcher of beers. If Paddy looks over his shoulder a few times as they walk to the bar, neither of younger men notices because they're swapping 'what it felt like' stories.

p'draig, chadamalith, #awlm, javeri, jekzith, aiteth, lierythxmikhuth, b'orl, h'rig, mloneth, @ista

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