Log: Dragon Hide and Seek

Nov 26, 2008 16:06

Who: Javeri, P'draig, Chadamalith, Jekzith, Y'mal and Hespreth (NPC), Tosolla and Tyalith (NPC), Neraset and Vaylith (NPC), other unnamed NPCs
When: It is a spring afternoon, 14:52 of day 23, month 4, turn 18 of Interval 10.
Where: Northwest Bowl, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy and Jekzith lead a mixed group of the Weyrlings, both the six-month old ones and the two-month old ones in a dragon-hide-and-seek exercise. Neraset is Neraset. Javeri worries about breaking her nose.

Northwest Bowl, Ista Weyr
The afternoon light reaches far across the bowl, dancing dust motes captured by its rays. Despite the frequent traffic the bowl receives, grass stubbornly continues sending up shoots to cover some of its hard-packed dirt. Well-worn tracks lead to commonly used areas: southeast to the rest of the bowl and the inner caverns, on further northwest to the sprawling plateau of Ista Weyr. Westward, by the corrals, the bowl wall is missing; the lava flow that once tore it down now long-cooled into the grassy plain visible from here.
The remaining walls, however, are well-used, riddled with the ledges of weyrs and lined along the bottom with entrances to ground weyrs for flights, visitors, and the injured--the infirmary's curtained doorway is equally close, for those particular cases. There's also the large tunnel with its metal doors to the weyrling barracks, back to the northeast.

Afternoon sun dapples the bowl and P'draig's got a mixed group of Weyrlings outside, hands propped on hips while he waits for them to gather from other parts of the bowl or from within the Barracks. Neraset is one of those flouncing out of the Barracks, looking quite put out and flicking likely imaginary specks of dust off of her work pants. Unlike most people hers seem to be new and cut from almost impossibly clean navy denim. "Okay everyone, listen up, older Weyrlings, you played this game when you were brand-spanking new, so I want you to pair up with one of the group of younger dragonets. You're going to play mentor for this one. It's pretty easy, really, you all probably played this as kids, only this time, you get to add dragons into the mix. Basic rules: one pair hides, the other pair finds and it's all based on what the dragons are sending to each other. Human partners who are doing the finding, come on up and get blindfolded."

Being outside is so much easier these days than being inside. Since Javeri's dealing with a dragon who would rather be outside anyway it's one less stress. Yay! So, an outside activity was leaped upon with much joy. The pair were already outside so it was just a matter of moving to the proper spot and although she tries it is impossible for Javeri not to roll her eyes at Neraset's flounce. The last month has done nothing to make the girl anything more than a continued annoyance. So much so that Javeri would rather find herself standing near the continually piggish K'mron. Although she escapes that horror by edging over to a partner at random from the older weyrling class. A nudge from her blue sends her up to be blindfolded. It would seem he'd rather hunt than hide which leaves her to go along with it.
Grinning as the line forms for blindfolds, P'draig bends to pluck the first up out of a basket at his feet, and works his way through the group of mixed weyrlings. "All right then. Hunters, stay put, hiders, go on and hide. You can go anywhere in the Bowl and along the plateau or the edges of the garden, but not down off the plateau itself. Older weyrlings, please help and guide your younger counterparts if they're getting stuck with the visualizations, okay?"
Neraset is huffing again about the knot in her blindfold too tight and her partner, a rather attractive brownrider from the older group is gritting his teeth at her 'tude. Y'mal and blue Hespreth seem to be the random pair that Javeri picked and Y'mal's a cheery sort. "Yessir!" he says blithely along with a chorus of others as the instructions are handed out. "Don't worry Javeri, f'you and Chadamalith get stuck, we got your back," he reassures as he heads off to hide down in the grass near the corrals.

"Thanks!" Javeri tells her partner with a grin before reaching up to adjust her blindfold to get a braid laying flat. Done without complaint or trying to draw attention to it. She does snort quietly when she catches a bit of Neraset's complaining. One foot tap, tap, taps on the ground while she waits for Y'mal to go find a hiding spot. It matches the pace of Chadamalith's tail going swish, swish, swish behind him as he waits as well. When his tail slows and stops, before it might be stepped on, Javeri's foot stops as well. "Excuse me, P'draig?" she asks with a grin and only slightly worried tone, " So I can prepare my nose for hitting the dirt just in case."

Waiting again with arms folded, P'draig nods as Jekzith passes along an 'all ready' from the hiding parties. "Heh, depends on the group," he answers Javeri with a chuckle. "For the most part though, most manage to stay upright, but you'll have to trust your dragons to guide you and point out obstacles on the way." So saying Jekzith echoes the spoken, "Ready? Go!" of his rider. Across the bowl, Hespreth reaches for Chadamalith's mind and gently nudges a clue in their direction: tall grass. << Also, Y'mal asks me to remind yours to step carefully as she goes, there are some stray rocks in the way. >>

There's a shudder and one hand rises to touch her nose as Javeri says, "I so do not need a broken nose." Then it's time to go so she forgets about that and chews on her lower lip as she gets the image from Chadamalith. << My thanks, Hespreth. I shall watch the rocks that have strayed. >> There's a pause while he confers with Javeri before the younger blue inquires << Do we know where they have strayed from? It is always best to find one's place. Perhaps we should return them when done here? >> Meanwhile Javeri tries to nudge him back to the task at hand. The pair eventually take a few steps forward, but then stop again as the blue swings his head back and forth as he looks around.

"We're keeping an eye out too, Javeri," P'draig reassures, "just go nice and slow so you don't careening into anything and you should get away with this without a scratch." The weyrlingmaster's assistant tucks his hands into his pockets then and does in fact watch closely as the hunting pairs steer out into the Bowl to find their partners. << You're welcome, Chadamalith. We will be glad when you find us successfully, >> the slightly older blue claims though he's shimmying down further in the grass, out of sight. << It seems that the rocks tumbled down the Bowl wall, probably from a low ledge. >> Because this happens of course, with dragons coming and going and knocking bits of stone free from time to time. As Javeri and Chadamalith continue, Hespreth prompts: << Forward at least three paces. The ground is clear there. >>

<< Well, then I cannot return them to their proper place yet. >> Since he cannot get to a ledge Chadamalith must let the stray rocks continue their new existence as strays without his interference. Javeri lifts a hand to nibble at a fingernail as she moves forward a few paces with her boots scuffing along rather than lifting to take actual steps. Gliding in the dirt is not as exact as steps so she stops just shy of those at least three paces they were given as direction. << It is not always easiest to find what you seek. >> Chadamalith sounds thoughtful and withdraws some from the other blue to mull this over.

Jekzith warbles a warning to Neraset and Vaylith as the pair are wandering far off course and about to bump into large rock. Neraset just flips her hair and keeps on going. Right into the rock, though Vaylith has stopped and likely warned her. "OW!" she exclaims loudly and whirls around in the direction she thinks Paddy is, though she's way, way off. "Sir! I can't do this! It's just not possible!" P'draig just watches her for a long moment, then clears his throat. "You're already turned back in the right direction, keep going Neraset and /listen/ to Vaylith." And now she's pouting prettily and doing the chest-heaving thing. "Oh /won't/ you come help me and point me the right way?" Paddy though, is staying put. "Like I said, Neraset, just keep walking." More pouting. Hespreth meanwhile is listning to Chadamalith. << We can though and we will later if you help us collect them, >> he offers and then he too is pondering the younger blue's thought. << No, though with the right guide it makes it easier. >>

It's a shame she misses the rock hitting because Javeri would have enjoyed that too much. Even a nice girl knows that sometimes someone needs to learn a lesson the hard way. Since she can hear the words she just shakes her head while waiting for Chadamalith to return to the problem at hand rather than wandering off mentally to somewhere else. When the blue stirs he doesn't move, but instead asks of Hespreth << But if one truly needs it will it not come without being sought? If I were to wait here then eventually what I seek, if it is what I need, will come to me. >> And while he reasons his way through this Javeri is left standing there while the other weyrlings move around in search of those that hide from them. Maybe running into a rock would have been better. At least she'd be moving!

Neraset? Pouting some more, arms folded across chest. Eventually though, Vaylith is the one that steps in and gives her rider a nudge. /This way/. Now. And they're off again, with Neraset muttering under her breath about stupid weyrlingmasters and stupid brownriders. Paddy? Unflappable it seems. Hespreth considers Chadamalith's response. << Eventually. Maybe. But that's not really the point of /this/ particular game. And we'd really like it if you and yours were amongst the first to find! >> Because of course there's usually incentives for doing something first, only Paddy didn't mention what at the head of the exercise.

Being first may not interest Chadamalith, but the words passed on to Javeri to encourage her. << She is not yet convinced that inaction brings its own kind of action so we shall continue to seek you and yours. >> Chadamalith rises from his thoughtful seat and begins to move again making sure to allow for Javeri's slower gait. She stumbles slightly over a small rock, but doesn't fall on her face. It does slow her down more though as she feels with her toes as she moves. Eventually she settles into more of a cautious pace instead of a more afraid of falling and breaking her neck pace. They move forward towards their goal until they must stop again to get their bearings. Javeri makes a small gesture with her hand as she confers with her blue and then the two are off again, hopefully still in the right direction.

<< In this case, I think that Jekzith's would not be pleased by inaction, >> Hespreth points out with an echo of Y'mal's jocular laughter ringing in his mental tone. << So I think it's a good idea to go on, >> he encourages further. P'draig meanwhile is covering his mouth to avoid laughing because Neraset is very deliberately swishing her hips and trying to attract attention and in danger of falling over again. Vaylith gets irked this time though and swings her head in front of the blonde. No. She's not going further until Neraset /behaves/. Hespreth meantime provides another hint. << Five more paces forward, Y'mal says and then angle to the right and you will almost be to us. >>

<< Jekzith's must learn that what pleases one does not please another. That you cannot determine the course for another person who will walk their own way. >> Chadamalith, for all he would be happy to sit around all day and discuss the merits of any thought that occurs to him is goaded on once more by Javeri to share what is being told to him so she can move again. When she is told where to go she chews on her fingernail again as she counts her paces and then stops. There's conferring between dragon and rider once more before she starts to turn to her left and then stops. Oh, her other left. Or her right as the case may be. Once she's facing the right way she takes another tentative step or two forward.

<< Jekzith's is one of our teachers and so we have to follow his directions for now. >> Hespreth, happy to help educate his younger counterpart. P'draig continues to observe and this time it's Tosolla and Tyalith who are the target of his remarks. "Solla! Stop flirting and pay attention to where your partner is going. Because Tosolla's partner is about to crash into another pair given that she and the other hider are hanging out behind an outcropping of the Bowl wall, and yes, she is in fact doing the fluttery-lashes thing though she's not quite as 'look at my chest' in her flirtations as Neraset, nor does she flounce. She does however roll her eyes briefly before concentrating on giving directions. Hespreth has further encouragement for Chadamalith: << Let yours know to slide one step over and then walk /straight ahead/ to us. You should be able to see us now, even hidden where we are. >>

Thank goodness she's not a flirter! This saves Javeri from being talked to in front of everyone about it. Well, to be fair there's just not any sailors about. Her head tips over first one way and then the other before she stops chewing on her nail and does what Chadamalith shares with her. << I see where you are, yes. >> The blue bounds forward now to reach where the somewhat older blue and his rider are at. This leaves Javeri to creep forward on her own since her dragon is not remembering to share with her what might be in her way to make her fall and get some not so lovely bruises on her.

Tosolla's partner gets straightened out though it's a close call and a moment later that pair reach the wall and there's some cheering over there for managing to find each other. << Great! >> Hespreth is very pleased to hear Chadamalith's confirmation as he bounds forth and the slightly older blue lifts his head, extends his muzzle to the pinstriped fellow. "Hey don't forget about Javeri," Y'mal reminds with a chuckle and it's he who calls out to her. "Just keep walking straight! It's just grass in a step or two!" Paddy looks over towards them in the grass and rubs a hand over his chin thoughtfully only to get distracted by Neraset standing in the middle of the Bowl still, pouting and now /she's/ refusing to move though Vaylith is trying to push her. "Neraset! Blindfold off, two laps!" P'draig calls over, apparently having hit his limit where the spoiled weyrling is concerned. Neraset just gapes at him for a moment then, with a face like thunder, hops to it. Of course, being Neraset, she makes much of slowing down every time she passes one of the cute boys in the class to let them get an ogle of her chest as she bounces by. Vaylith meanwhile, takes matters into her own paws, marches over to the brown they were supposed to find, touches noses and then sits down, tail curled around herself primly while she watches her lifemate be a fool.

"Drat. Not first," Javeri says as she finishes the walk without assistance from Chadamalith whose work is apparently done just as she hits the grass. When she catches up to where the two blues are she takes off her blindfold and gives the younger an almost baleful look. "Sorry," she tells Y'mal with a grin. "He gets these ideas in his head and won't do anything until he's worked them through. I suppose I should be thankful he didn't want to dissect the appearance of some cloud or something. Still, you had a nice place to wait it out I guess." Then she notices Neraset and shakes her head. "She is so annoying," is muttered more to herself than anyone else. Chadamalith meanwhile is done working with Hespreth and turns away to leave the trio in the grass. All this teamwork has gotten on his nerves.

Pair after pair meet up and P'draig ambles out into the Bowl. "All right, everybody in but Neraset, you keep on running until you're done," he reminds her. "Tosolla, you and your partner came in first, Javeri, you and Y'mal in second, so that means all four of you get an hour off this evening, congratulations and good work," he says to the two pairs with a smile. "We'll run this again either in mixed pairs, or just dragon and rider, it's a good building exercise for visualizing and for strengthening your ability to communicate. All right then, anyone with chores, hop to it, anyone with harper lessons, hop to that, dismissed!"

Pair after pair meet up and P'draig ambles out into the Bowl. "All right, everybody in but Neraset, you keep on running until you're done," he reminds her. Y'mal just beams at Javeri. "Yeah, but /second/ Javeri, we did /good/." And he holds out a hand to hi-5. Hespreth doesn't seem put out by Chadamalith's abandonment, stretching out comfortably in the grass. "Tosolla, you and your partner came in first, Javeri, you and Y'mal in second, so that means all four of you get an hour off this evening, congratulations and good work," he says to the two pairs with a smile. "We'll run this again either in mixed pairs, or just dragon and rider, it's a good building exercise for visualizing and for strengthening your ability to communicate. All right then, anyone with chores, hop to it, anyone with harper lessons, hop to that, dismissed!"

tyalith, p'draig, chadamalith, weyrlings, #awlm, javeri, neraset, tosolla, jekzith, vaylith, lierythxmikhuth, y'mal, @ista, hespreth

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