Log: Clay and Babies

Nov 05, 2008 00:44

Who: P'draig, Suizen, T'mic
When: It is a spring night, 23:36 of day 13, month 2, turn 18 of Interval 10.
Where: West Cavern Workroom, Ista Weyr
What: Mic's a dad for the sixth time and he and Paddy are on the prowl to find Tosolla. They find Suizen and a clay fan instead and talk about baby names and firing methods.

West Cavern Workroom, Ista Weyr(#287RJ)
Though busy in their own right, the west cavern and workrooms tend to be quieter than the lively living caverns. A wide thoroughfare meanders through the room and is kept clear despite the worktables and benches of all shapes and sizes that keep the Weyrfolk occupied. Here is where much of the Weyr's work is completed, from pottery and weaving to strap-work and sorting almost everything imaginable. A companionable hubbub and murmur rises and falls with the passing of the hours. The easternmost section has been partitioned off as a quiet gathering area with chairs, sofas, and a notice board used for passing along messages both official and not. Other tunnels stretch off in all directions, though the most commonly used are to the cardinal points.

A few hours after supper and the workrooms are almost empty, save for a few dedicated (or lazy) people scattered here and there. Out of the living caverns come T'mic and P'draig, the shorter man laughing up into the brownrider's face. "She's /fine/," he grins and adds a hip bump. "Shells, Paddy, you'd think a woman'd never had a baby without you being there. She said you could go see her tomorrow, and anyway, she said she didn't want you to worry."

That hip bump is answered by P'draig reaching to pin T'mic against his side and give him a squeeze. "Yeah, I know. It's just /exciting/. You're a dad again! What'd you say she was naming the kid again?" and the brownrider fondly tousles Mic's hair.

Suizen should probably be in the candidate's barracks, or off doing chores. Thankfully, chores are over, and now is the time for private time, not that they get all that much of it. So, of course, Sooz has disappeared and gone hiding. In the workroom, at one of the tables well lit, where she's drawing a bit of sharpened wood through a bit of damp clay flattened out in a mostly flat disc. The sound of laughter, of course, has her looking up, but the sight of the riders don't send her scurrying away, instead just offering a bit of a wave with the stick-holding hand.

Mic rolls his eyes at it all, though he snakes an arm around the brownrider's waist and ducks his head for the tousling. "She hadn't decided. Tilara, Micara, Miami, something like that. I told her going'th 'T' would... oh, hey." He looks up in time to spot Suizen's stick gesture and ambles the pair over. "Evening, Suizen. Whatcha got there?"

"Tilara's pretty," P'draig points out and laughs. "Well I'll stop by with some presents. Bring Palia with me. She misses her still a little." There's Sooz waving a stick and Paddy waves back, ambling on with Mic. "Hey Sooz. Congratulate Mic on his sixth kid. Palia's old nanny at Fort just popped out another little girl for him to ... well never mind, because you don't fuss," he teases T'mic with a wink.

"Sixth? All girls, or is it a mixed bag?" Sooz asks cheerfully, before adding, "Just a bit of clay - playin' around for the most part - startin' to feel weird with no clay under the nails, y'know?" Well, if that's an issue, it's be solved for now - next inspection, on the other hand... "Tilara's nice - Miami, too."

T'mic says, "Four, ah, four girls," with a questioning look to P'draig, then nods as he returns to Suizen. "Yeah, four. We were just going to tell Solla - is she in the barracks? Or, d'you know where she is?" Where his oldest daughter might be is enough of a non-issue for him that he's willing to linger with the other Candidate, however, with every indication that he's perfectly happy to be here. A grin. "So just making a mess, hey?"

"Four girls, two boys," P'draig confirms for Mic and gives him a fond squeeze and nods agreement with the greenrider. "And I hear you. I miss flour on my clothes sometimes," he says with a laugh about the clay.

"She was when I went there after chores, but that was a while ago.." Sooz admits, before wrinkling her nose. "It's not a mess. It's... hm... a fan. Of sorts!" Or a sanddollar, if they have something similiar. A glance up is given, and a bit of a grin, "Aren't you supposed to be rememberin' those sorts of things?" she teases, before nodding at Paddy. "'xactly."

"Their mothers remember," the greenrider explains with an unabashed grin before untangling himself from Paddy and taking a half-step to the side. "Anyway, it's not like I see them every day, or even few times a seven, like Paddy does his two." The sand dollar-fan is given another nod. "A fan, hey? Looks like a fan you could hurt yourself with, if your fingers get sweaty and you drop it."

"I help him remember too," P'draig says with a grin for Suizen and leans over to take a peek at the clay. "Nice. Decorative?" he asks then shoots Mic another look, rubs at his chin.

Suizen nods, "If I end up firin' it - haven't decided if I like it yet." The memory comments get a grin and a shake of the head, "Well, that's good to be hearin' - and yah, decorative. Too thick to be good for a fan - that's what real fans are for. "

T'mic considers the proto-fan with a tilt of his head. "Could bury it in the Sands, maybe? --Assuming Lieryth doesn't mind, of course. How long... if you decide to, uh, fire it - how long until it's done?"

"Sort of thing you can hang on your wall," P'draig concludes and then blinks at T'mic. "Bury in the -- oh to fire it? Is it /hot/ enough?" His brows twitch Suizen's way for confirmation.

Suizen blinks. "Fire it in the Sands? Never thought to be tryin' that... usually, I put them in the kiln - sort of an oven, I guess you could be callin' it. Think Lieryth would mind? It would be interestin' to try it out, an' such - at the worse, I'd just be takin' a sandy clay lump out to the beach to get washed 'way."

Mic gives a shrug. "Well, they're hot?" That's logic enough for him, seems like. "You'd have to ask Fayre if she'd mind. She might, might not. Can't always tell with golds. But she likes things hot, does Lieryth, so if you pitch it like that...." Another glance Paddy-way.

"Yeah, but not ... that hot," P'draig says dubiously and looks over at Suizen, brows raised then back at T'mic. "Sure, don't see why not. Just don't really think it'll work. I mean, don't those ovens have to be hotter than a baking oven?"

Suizen tilts her head, "Well, could do it for the rest of the time on the Sands - Probably isn't hot enough, but the length might offput that. Dunno. An' if it doesn't work - cause they are, like you said - well, only thing lost is gonna be some free time."

T'mic only says, "Oh," and offers another shrug before turning a bright smile on Suizen. "Exactly. If you ask, and she says no, then she says no and you can do whatever you usually do with clay." Paddy's words have him looking curiously up at the brownrider. "You cook clay in a baking oven? I never knew that."

"No, you fire in a kiln," P'draig says with a laugh and it gets hotter than the kind of oven you bake bread in usually. "Anyway, can't hurt to see how it turns out, right?"

"Kiln goes really really hot - would burn bakin' in no time, probably to ash," Sooz explains, before shrugging a bit. "Exactly! But in the meantime... you're waitin' for word on the birth? Or what she's gonna name the wee one?"

Mic says, "Oh," again and collects another piece of information to squirrel away. Though knowing him it's probably 'to forget in a day or two'. "Dragon fire?" The suggestion's shrugged away as soon as he makes it. "Nah, Miara popped already - few hours ago. Supper, back at Fort. And she'll name her what she wants, though like I was telling Paddy, starting with 'T' is sort of traditional."

"Yep," P'draig agrees about the kiln and then he points at Mic. "Now that'd be a quick way to fire something," he says with a laugh. "Sooz, should I go stoke Jekzith up?" he winks at the potter and then he's nodding along with Mic. "Yeah, we were just doing the uh congratulatory male walking thing," he quips with a humorous look Mic's way. "Mm. Start of the father's name, mother's in the middle. Of course, couldn't really work anything nice for Jaivery that started with P, so."

"Pery?" Sooz offers, before grinning and shaking her head, "I suppose Sonah had it easy. Didn't have a clue to Da's name, and didn't have any real urge to find out, so she could name me what she wanted."

T'mic snorts obligingly at the brownrider. "That, but mostly we were looking for Solla." He aims an elbow that's designed to miss at the vast expanses of mid-section before turning his grin back on Suizen. "Like me, I think. Dunno who my father is. But Tolemic, that could've come from any few men back at Southern. Least mine know who their Da is," he adds to P'draig like a man airing an argument so well-worn and smooth-edged that it scarcely qualifies as one anymore.

"Jenivrys and Padraig, you do the math," P'draig says with a laugh. "Ahh is that your mother's name?" Paddy mimics folding a little under that elbow. He doesn't start up that age-old saw himself. "That they do," he says easy-going, good-natured.

Suizen uhms... "Peni?" Someome, it would seem, is fond of short names. Of course, given the number of times she's introduced herself as Sooz... "Well, if you'd like, I can go see if she's with the other Candidates? I should probably be cleanin' up anyway. Who knows what evil certain riders will spring on us tomorrow, anyway."

"Jaivery," Mic supplies helpfully, and it doesn't sound much at all like Peni, does it? "Nah, s'all right. Didn't mean to take you from your, uh, whatever. We'll just go poke our heads in and see if she's there."

Suizen lifts a shoulder, and wipes off the stick, putting it and the 'fan' in a bit of cloth. "No real bother, you know. It's gonna take me a bit to get all cleaned up anyway."
"He's a boy, Jaiv is," P'draig says with a chuckle. "But yeah, need any help with anything? Or are we hustling on along, Mic?" Paddy looks back over at T'mic questioningly.

T'mic isn't hustling; he greets this idea with a shrug. "I'll go on ahead and find her, then come back and meet you here?" It's a good enough plan that he considers it accepted already. "G'night, Suizen, remember what I said about Lieryth and hot things, yeah?" A last nod and he ambles off toward the barracks, whistling off-tune.

Suizen offers a lazy salute, then things bundled up, makes her way away, no doubt to clean up. "Have a good evenin', and congratulations!"

"See you Suizen," P'draig says with a laugh, scratching a little clay off the table, then ambles after Mic, whistling much more on-key than the greenrider.

suizen, p'draig, t'mic, lierythxmikhuth, @ista

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