Log: A Good Morning

Sep 14, 2008 14:10

Who: P'draig, Paige, Jekzith, Tiasheth
When: Morning, 9/14/17
Where: Guest Weyr, Fort Weyr
What: Morning after Tiasheth's Flight. Paddy and Paige, Jekzith and Tiasheth wake up together.

It's morning when Paige finally returns to consciousness; light spills into the weyr as Rukbat dawns, casting brightness onto the walls and floor. The glows have long since expired, but the sunrise more than makes up for their absence. Eyes still closed, mouth still turned upward, the slim rider nestles closer to P'draig, arms draped loosely about him and a leg comfortably looped over one of his. Content, utterly. Outside, Tiasheth sleeps on, having likely spent the night cuddled up to Jekzith in a similar manner.

P'draig has been awake for a little while, always wakeful with the dawn, Paddy and he's on Ista time now. His hand has been playing up and down Paige's back lightly, toying with her hair. Jekzith's been an attentive and happy partner since that ecstatic moment in the skies when rose-gold light expanded to enfold them all, going white bright hot with passion for a few heart-stopping minutes. The snuggling curls up the corners of Paddy's mouth and his arm tightens a little around the greenrider. "Morning, sweetheart," he tells her softly and turns his head to press a kiss to her forehead.

Paige's smile widens languidly, head tipping slightly upwards so she can better brush a kiss to his neck in answer. "Paddy, " she sighs, bright eyes finally blinking open. "S'really ya, " and her arms tighten about him too, holding him close. "I'm so glad 'twas ya and not - not someone else." Tiasheth's awakening is more gradual, filled with glimmering fireflies that wink in and out as she rouses. She's every bit as shy as her rider was, mindscape still colored in pinks and golds; a flushed remembrance. There's warmth, too, all of which blows Jekzith's way with the tiniest whisper of a breeze.

"Mmm, you and me, love," P'draig murmurs back, shifting his arm a little, turning towards her, smiling down at the slender greenrider. "I'm glad too. It's always nice to share that with someone you love," he says softly and lets out a soft sigh of his own. Jekzith returns winking fireflights with little sparks and a drift of green leaves on a river of golden light. He is awake as well, wing comfortably left to rest over Tiasheth. << Good morning! >> he greets her blithely.

"S'more'n nice, " Paige decides, her own smile warm for his. "I reckon they'd agree." And as she snuggles her head briefly to his shoulder, Tiasheth curves her neck similarly to Jekzith, nestled warmly beneath the brown's wing. << It is a very good morning, >> she agrees softly, alit with sunshine and lush foliage. And more shyly: << I am very glad that you were here at the right time. >>

"Can't disagree," P'draig says with a bright laugh and hugs her tight, aims another kiss downward. "How're you feeling, love?" he asks gently though while Jekzith's muzzle turns in like mirroring to brush lightly at Tiasheth's temple. << So am I! You flew so very well, it was fun and then so very wonderful being with /you/ and sharing with /them/. >>

Paige is still smiling through the kiss, hugging him as his arms tighten about her. "Wonderful, " she answers after a thoughtful moment; the leg that's still draped over his shifts experimentally. "Maybe a - a lil sore. Nothin' a hot bath won' take care of. And - and ya?" << You flew just as well, >> Tiasheth insists, touching her muzzle to his briefly. << And it was - it /was/ wonderful. >> Being, sharing. << Like you, dear Jekzith. >>

Concern creases P'draig's brow as he looks down into her face. "I -- wasn't too rough, was I?" THe brownrider's hand skims down her back again. Her question brings out another smile though. "Oh I'm good, really good," he says with a low chuckle and shifts his leg beneath hers in turn, body pressing close. << We flew /together/, >> Jekzith says with pleased emphasis. His head ducks over around, threading necks together and he lets out a very physical sigh of contentment. << And you, Tiasheth. >>

"I dun think y'were, " Paige reassures quickly, removing a hand from his back to run gentle fingers along his brow and cheek. "It couldn' have been better, really." She still flushes as he moves, too, but her comfort's growing; this much is obvious as she doesn't look away, smile at once pleased and a tad shy. "Y'always are, " she remarks almost sheepishly, amused. << We did, >> Tiasheth responds, equally pleased. She sighs, too, as necks twine, happy. She and her girl could hardly be happier.

"Okay, good. Sometimes ... it just gets a little wild," P'draig says slowly and tilts his head down to kiss her soundly, warmly, affectionately. Then he's laughing outright. "Bah, everyone has off times," he says with a shrug. "Do /try/ though," he points out with a wink at her. << And /this/, this togetherness is great, >> Jekzith tells Tiasheth sincerely, cuddling just that much closer. Paddy's hands rub their way down Paige's back gently. "So. More, or breakfast?"

"Off times, " Paige echoes after that warm kiss, shaking her head vaguely. "But yer ya, and tha's wha's most important t'me. Ya'd always be wonderful t'me. Like yer hugs and - and the way y'look at me. S'all every bit as good as all this." She stretches, this time, as his hands rub down her back. "I - I gotta admit I'm purty reluctant t'leave the furs behind fer breakfast. S'it selfish o'me t'jus' - wanna stay here with ya 'til m'tummy protests too much?" << It is beautiful, >> Tiasheth says just as earnestly, nestling closer. << I shall ask mine to remember it for me, always. >> She doesn't want to forget.

"Ah Paige," P'draig says softly and just -- holds tight, breath a little short and then there's a heartfelt "I love you." His kiss lands on her mouth this time. "I'll make a run out for something in a little bit, unless the staff get to it first," he says with some humor. "They come by often enough if ... it looks like a pair is lingering." He reaches down then to bring the covers up over them both. "Otherwise, I vote we stay put," he says in a deeper voice and captures her mouth again, apparently intent on starting all over again from the beginning. Jekzith only curves his wing that much more warmly around the sylvan green. << I'm sure she will. Just like my P'draig remembers for me. >> As the sun rises higher and higher in the sky there's nothing but happiness and time shared between pairs until hunger really does drive them forth for food.

post-flight, p'draig, tiasheth, paige, jekzith

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