OOC: Schedule

Aug 21, 2008 00:34

Okay folks - I've got a little bit of a problem right now. Namely, I am overcommitted RP-wise. There's a bunch of things that I really want to RP with a number of people, but I'm not really managing my time particularly well right now.

I've got a lot of balls in the air at work and it means that a part of my brain that often also gets used to RP is taken up with problem-solving work stuffs. I've gotten spoiled because work was very slow for months. Well, now it's not and I have to devote that brain space back to work.

If I've been forgetful and harried the past few days, this is why: I had to work almost all day on Saturday on the type of thing that just fries my brain cells. I had to go to Delaware and back on Sunday to visit family and I spent two hours straight swimming with my kids. Monday was insane work prep for Tuesday and then driving back down to DE where I had no net access when I expected to. Then Tuesday I was up at 6:30 to go catch a 7:30 train to Washington, had a 3+ hour business meeting, took the train back to Philly in the afternoon, met my Mom at the train station, went to pick up my son, had dinner with my family and got home around 9pm.

Over the next 2-3 months, I will probably have a lot of weeks like this. If we win another contract, that's another project for me to manage and more travel time. A much as one meeting requiring a minimum of 3 hours train travel round trip a pop, per week. Might not be that often but it could be.

This means it's time for me to impose some strict hour limits for myself across alts.
Fort's Weyrlings on both games will get priority. Thursday nights: usually reserved for Weyrling RP through September 7th. Otherwise, you can expect to see me around 9ish pm ET maybe a little earlier, though I have other RL stuff to juggle in the early evening ET.

I will also be logging off no later than 1am ET, and aiming for earlier. I need my sleep because I need to be able to remember deadlines coming up for work and things are moving so fast right now, I don't always get to write them down right away and when I'm sleep deprived I literally cannot remember things 5 minutes after I hear/say them. And it's inconsistent. So sleep is a priority too.

What this means for folks waiting on me for scenes:

I'll be trying to knock each scene down in order of request but trying to stay flexible to who's available when too. This means that some scenes will wind up being backscenes.

I know that folks are used to me being able to handle a lot of multiple scenes all at once and keep everything going, but I'm just not going to be able to do that anymore for a while. And hopefully actually, work will /stay/ busy because it means paychecks! Yay.

At any rate, I'm sorry if I've been flakey the past few days. Hopefully back on track but with new limitations in place soon.


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