Log: Visualization Practice - Image Passing

Jul 22, 2008 09:37

Who: A'riste, D'kai, Jendel, Nerine, Paige, Valioth, Mikhuth, Keseth, Zerith, Tiasheth. NPCs: D'bor and Ossierth, G'ben and Vrusith, Neala and Twilith, J'vran and Namuth
When: First month of Weyrlinghood
Where: Bowl Outside the Barracks, Fort Weyr
What: Half the Weyrlings get visualization practice while the other half clean up the Barracks. Tomorrow they get to switch! But for today, this group has an image to pass along correctly down a chain of dragons.

Thanks to nc_paige for the clean log.

A good portion of the weyrling class gets herded out into the bowl for an exercise in visualization and successfully passing images on to one another.

Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl(#890RCJLh)
The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700 meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.
Obvious exits:
Weyrlingmaster's Office Infirmary Feeding Grounds Living Cavern Lake Shore

Small-boned and slender, Paige stands somewhere just above five feet, give or take a few inches. Fair-skinned and dark-haired, she could be called somewhat pretty; wavy, umber locks have been cropped to the nape of her neck, side-swept bangs framing a petite face with large, blue-grey eyes, a pert nose and a small, quirky mouth. Despite her small stature, her hands and feet are callused from time spent outdoors; her limbs, though hardly muscular, speak instead of a wiry sort of hardiness - an innate strength born of a mountain heritage.
Being a weyrling requires clothing durable enough to withstand blood, oil and a plethora of other such delights, and Paige's plain shirt and trousers do the job. Both seem a little large on her; a thick belt, in fact, is necessary to give her dark pants a better fit. Her boots are plain but serviceable, if worn and scuffed.
Paige appears to be hardly more than twenty and wears the simple, green-stranded shoulderknot of a weyrling at Fort Weyr.

Winter's hold is vanishing from Fort, leaving the weather in a somewhat blustery, but not unbearable state. Early spring is wet and a little windy, but the sky is dry right now if overcast with the clouds scudding by and often revealing beams of sunlight that catch on puddles from earlier rain. P'draig and one assistant are corraling about half the Weyrlings in the Bowl while the other half have been set to cleaning up the Barracks. It's a fairly common trade-off and the groups swap off throughout the day in this first month or two of Weyrlinghood. Jekzith's passed along a command to form up in a loose semi-circle around the Weyrlingmasters and P'draig's calling for attention. "All right everyone, listen up, we're going to play a little game called "Pass the Image" - this is for helping with visualization, something that needs to be practiced all the time. After we do this session today, feel free to play again amongst yourselves, it can be a fun way to close out the evening and improves your visual skills." Pause. "So, I'm going to pass Jekzith an image of something, a common, every day object for example, and he'll then pass it to the first dragonet in the circle here. That dragonet passes it to the next and the next until we get to the end and the last dragonet will give the image to his or her Weyrling to repeat out loud and we'll see if the image makes it out all the way intact. That's the object of the game by the way, and we can actually play this with teams and see who comes out cleanest with a reward for the winning team. For today though - this is just practice. Any questions?"

Nerine has arrived.

Paige and Tiasheth find themselves settling into the loose semicircle with G'ben on the left and Neala on the right. Fortunately, the duo is separated for the afternoon, with Saryan cleaning the barracks - hopefully a move that foreshadows less disturbances for the exercise. None of them seem to have any questions, but the two surrounding Paige cast a not-so-happy glance at one another.

"At least we we're not cleani-" D'kai's standing next to D'bor, and bends his head down towards the brownrider to whisper low, but then cuts off as P'draig begins to speak. The other boy snorts in curt response, nods, but too dutifully directs his attention towards the front, putting a hand on Ossierth's head. Mikhuth, tight against his rider, leans his spare body against Deke's, eyes whirling a slow, attending blue, and D'kai shakes his head: no questions here.

A'riste looks on in silence. Valioth sits near him, and looks from him to P'draig, but seems neither interested nor disinterested: both of them seem to, as they often do, be in a little bubble of their own making. Sometimes, it's even separately: the bonding between them has gone in fits and starts, and even now there is sometimes uncertanity and discomfort. Today is no worse than any other: both of them listen and wait for further instructions.

Zerith at least seemed eager and intent upon today's set of exercises, content she sits between Nerine at the right and her electric blue clutch mate Namuth. J'vran seems a little nervous, but that could just be his mischievous little mind working. Hard to tell really with that pair, still Nerine was more than ready for the exercise to begin, Unfortunately Neela is plopped between she and page and Nerine had grown a proper distaste for the rider, but Twilith was decent enough according to Zerith.

Jendel has arrived.

When everyone's settled, P'draig nods and turns to D'kai and Mikhuth who're on the near end of the circle. "Okay, D'kai, Jekzith's going to send an image to Mikhuth, you may confer together about it to make sure he's clear before he passes it on, but don't say what it is out loud. Mikhuth'll pass it to Ossierth, Ossierth to Vrusith, Vrusith to Tiasheth, Tiasheth to Twilith, Twilith to Zerith, Zerith to Namuth and last but not least, Namuth to Valioth and A'riste'll tell us what the image was. Got it?"

"Got it," D'kai says, a little distractedly, as he tips his head toward Mikhuth. Mickey, for his part, recieves the image with no outward sign, though he angles his muzzle upward to meet his rider's gaze. There's a long moment of silence between the two, except for an occasional half-laugh and a, "No, it's- right. Yeah. Better." until finally the pair nod, almost in unison, and the bronze turns his gaze toward the brown next to him, who lazily turns to accept the image. D'bor and Ossierth, too, spend a moment conferring indolently, and finally the redhead inclines his head and off it goes to Vrusith!

Dragon> To Vrusith, Ossierth projects, << Through a faint haze of smoke, as though from a banked campfire, a bubble floats, with traces of Jekzith's mindtouch dancing across the delicate surface. Inside, hazed a titch by Ossierth's own lethargic mind, an image of a great flat plane of ice can be seen, and smudged forms upon it sliding back and forth. Against the glittering ice, several sharpened shoes slide gracefully, bearing their wearers to and fro >>

G'ben frowns a little once the visual is passed along, giving Vrusith a look that suggests she could make it a tad more exciting. After a few moments, Paige's brows knit together, pale eyes meeting Tiasheth's with a hint of confusion. If they confer about it, the exchange is silent. Neala and Twilith barely hold the image for more than a minute - or maybe the blueriding weyrling is just rolling her eyes at Vrusith's. Hard to tell, really.

Dragon> To Zerith, Twilith passes along the image in a quick blur that gradually sharpens; there's a haze of smoke, alit with silver sparkles, followed by a bubble that carries a trace of Jekzith's mindtouch dancing across a delicate surface. Inside, hazy and yet, inexplicably shiny, an image of a great, flat plane of ice can be seen, complete with smudged forms sliding back and forth across the surface. Against the glittering ice, several sharpened shoes slide gracefully, bearing their wearers to and fro while cutting graceful patterns into the sheet.

As the image makes its steady progress around, one Weyrling is done with cleaning duty and turns up: Jendel with Keseth. P'draig nds towards them and gestures them to the end of the line and the assistant with him steps over to quietly bring her up to speed and A'riste as well, since she and Keseth now form the last and the 'telling' pair.

Nerine nods as Zerith receives the image, a bright smile resting over her lips. At the lightly whirling blue and green of her dragon's eyes. She nods as Zerith passes the image to Namuth scratching her green affectionately. Namuth seems confused by the image, his weyrling just shrugs and the two continue the train.

A'riste tilts his head to the side as Valioth shares the image. "I'll show you later," he whispers to the puzzled bronze, who mimicks his movement. "I don't think you could put them on, though."

Jendel, by now, is tapping her foot a little as she watches the reactions by each Weyrling as the image shared to each of them. Both she and Keseth look rather impatiently towards the nearby bronze pair as they await the image from Valioth. Finally, there's a snort from Keseth, who looks up at Jendel, who gives the brown a smirk. "Yeh, until y'fall over on yer butt. Or yer face." Keseth reels back a little, and then snorts indignantly, as if Jendel's words were blasphemy! "Now, yer sure that's th'image?" She asks the brown, only to receive a rather annoyed rumble in return - how dare she imply he was wrong! "Well," and Jendel faces the rest of the circle, "looks like we've an image of ice skaters."

P'draig grins as Jendel announces the results - mind sharing what you got with Jekzith, Keseth?" the brownrider asks. "But that's mostly right. The focus in the image was skates, so good job for a first time around," Paddy congratulates the group, chuckling a little at Jendel's remarks. "Okay, for the next 'round' of the game, split up into pairs, one Weyrling picks the image, shares it with their dragon, the dragon passes to the other dragon and see if you can get it through to the other Weyrling intact."

There's a relieved look from Paige and a nudge to the slim girl's side from Tiasheth as the image makes it around successfully, and the two turn to pair up with Neala and Twilith, perhaps to forestall the blueriding pair from having to do the exercises with G'ben and Vrusith; considering the unkind looks that they're still shooting at one another, it's probably for the best that the two girls step slightly off to the side, leaving G'ben to move over to D'bor with a muttered suggestion about 'giving this a go.'

A'riste quite automatically turns to D'kai, but then hesitates, looking from Mikhuth to Valioth. "Um," he says intelligently. Valioth, too, looks over- and then suddenly begins to preen his wing.

P'draig looks between D'kai and A'riste with a loft of eyebrows, one hand lifting to rub at his jaw. Something about their manner seems to amuse, but the Weyrlingmaster says nothing, just moves along to check in with D'bor as the Weyrling has a question and the others pair off to repeat the exercise in partnerships.

mikhuth, weyrlings, tiasheth, keseth, d'kai, nerine, jendel, pickup rp, a'riste, zerith, valioth, paige, ciath2

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