Hatching on TooMUSH, Saturday, July 19th, 2pm ET

Jul 16, 2008 15:05

Crossposted to the Fort LJ

Hear ye, hear ye, Fort's upcoming Hatching will be held on TooMUSH on Saturday, July 19th, 2pm ET in the StoryLine rooms off the Fort Weyr refugee room: #369.

Those wishing to /watch/ the Hatching should take the "Story 2" exit.

Candidates, your CCs will organize you and direct you to the "Story" exit to go onto the Sands. If you Impress, one of the WLM-team will page you with an exit to take to exit the Sands to continue post-Impression RP.

Any Candidates who will not be able to make this date and time, please contact M'yr, T'aren and P'draig ASAP.

AWLMs, please contact P'draig if you will not be able to make the Hatching as well.

Any questions, comments or concerns should be addressed to the Weyrleaders.


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