Back in February we rescued two female Rex cats, a 5yo Cornish named Tango and a 5.5yo Devon named Jini. They were raised together and had been part of a house of 11 cats. Divorce and loss of house ensued and they were thrown on the mercy of the public. After 3 months a (relatively) local organisation called Rex Rescue advertised them on their fb page. As we were looking for Rexes in particular we adopted them and they have settled in quite well.
As I mentioned in my previous pos, our problem has just arrived at the house. She is a 10yo Cornish Rex named Sheba who we got from Rex Rescue on Tuesday. She is a little toey with other cats and I was wondering if any of you had any tips for integrating another cat into a household. Our previous boys (passed from old age two years ago) were acquired as kittens so we've never really done the 'adult cats don't like each other' thing before.
Do you, my flist, have any words of wisdom ('cause your words tend to have that quality) to help the blended household? I'd really appreciate any insights anyone might have.
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